Author's note: This is a very short chapter but I decided this scene deserved one all to itself. Next chapter will be out this weekend! Happy reading!

Harry, Ron, and Hermione wandered outside again, not sure of where it was safe inside the castle. Their wet shoes made little noises in the dewy grass. The sun was rising now, casting long shadows over the lawn. "Six flags are down now…total." Hermione observed, squinting up at the four poles at the Quidditch pitch. "So four went down in the last couple hours. Two Gryffindor, two Ravenclaw."

They entered the Quidditch pitch, a structure which looked worn down. The elevated seats' colors were faded and inside, the grass was wild with weeds from neglect. The three poles on either end of the field looked slightly rusted. "Colin died," Harry said quietly to Hermione, "Ron and I saw."

Hermione stared at Harry for a moment, her brown eyes full of worry. Then she sighed, "I think Davies is dead too," Hermione nodded slowly, "He was losing a lot of blood when I last saw him. Not sure who did it though." She frowned and sat down in the tall grass.

All three sat with the invisibility cloak over them, using it as a blanket. The air was cool, clean, and crisp. Bugs lazily hummed and buzzed by. They began dozing off when they heard someone enter the pitch. "Potter!" a drawling voice called out.

They bolted to their feet, holding their wands at the ready. Harry quickly put the shining, silvery invisibility cloak back inside his robes. Malfoy approached them, his light hair bright in the sun. "Where are your little friends, Malfoy?" Harry asked, knowing his 'friends' were in no way little.

"Around…" Malfoy answered vaguely. His cold, pale eyes shifted from Harry to Hermione. He sauntered up to her, mere inches from her, until he was almost craning his neck to keep eye contact. "You're still here, I see," he said maliciously, smirking, "That's a surprise." Hermione glared at him but stood as still as a statue, frozen to the spot. "Lucky that Weasley girl was there last time… She does know her hexes…" He cocked his head to the left and frowned; his neck was hurt. "I don't think her brother would be much of a help." He added nastily, casting a sideways glance at Ron whose ears turned pink. He reached up a finger and brushed it against Hermione's cheek, near her lip, where her injury from the first morning was barely visible. Hermione clenched her jaw. "I'll make sure to leave more of a mark next time." He made a twisted grin and circled behind her, glancing at Harry and Ron occasionally. They had their wands raised and anger on their faces.

Malfoy looked slightly amused. "Why so stiff, Granger?" he asked behind her, leaning in to whisper in her ear. Hermione didn't move a muscle. "Still sore?" He whispered cynically. He put a hand to her back and she winced.

Suddenly, Malfoy was blasted backward as Harry fired a spell. "Don't touch her," Harry warned, "This is between you and me."

Malfoy stood up, eyes flashing dangerously, "Alright, Potter, have it your way." he spat, "A wizard's duel it is!" He pulled his wand out of his sleeve, aiming it at Harry's chest.

Everything was still as the grave. All the bugs became mute and hardly anyone dared to breathe. The two young wizards faced each other, keeping their distance. Dirt and disgust coated their intense expressions. Suddenly, Harry shouted a spell at Malfoy; he blocked it. Harry casted another curse his way, but he blocked it again. Purple light jet toward Harry but he dodged it. When Harry barely let his guard down, he got hit with a stream of light and flew backward.

Harry felt much winded, hardly able to breathe. He struggled to stand back up and felt very shaky. He trembled as he fixed his glasses that were knocked askew. "Is it worth it, Potter?" Malfoy shouted, "Ending up like your parents all for some stupid Mudblood?"

Ron lunged at him, "HOW DARE YOU?!" he yelled, curses flying out of his wand. Malfoy squirmed and grimaced with every spell that hit him. "APOLOGIZE TO HER!" Ron's face was red with rage. Ron hit him with another spell; Draco groaned and stumbled back a bit. He shot a spell at Ron who gasped and clutched his side, staggering to his knees. Malfoy wiped some blood with the back of his hand and aimed his wand with certain finality at Ron. Hermione sniffled, tears in her terrified eyes, a short distance away as she saw the scene unfold. Malfoy shifted his gaze to her, distracted for only a second.

But a second too long. Harry sent a curse at the boy. Malfoy fell hard on the ground where he stood. He looked up at Ron and Harry with a look of pure loathing, propping himself up on his elbows. His chest heaved, trying to catch his breath, blood rolled down his face from a scrape near his eyebrow. Harry and Ron stood over him, ready to finish him off.

A scream echoed from a region not too far away.

"C'mon, Ron!" Harry called when the screaming continued. He moved away from Malfoy. "It could be someone from Gryffindor!" Harry desperately explained to Ron whose face was set in stone.

Ron didn't move. "Ron," Hermione's voice quivered slightly, "Let's go." Ron still didn't move. "Ron!" She and Harry made their way swiftly to the end of the pitch, both stopped to wait, beckoning with urgency.

Ron watched Draco look at Hermione and back up at him, a cynical smile playing with his lips. "Your girlfriend's calling you, Weasley."

Ron kicked Malfoy in the stomach and walked away after Harry and Hermione.