AN/ I can't apologize enough for the tremendous delay. I took a break from all things Glee after Cory's passing and then another 5-year break after the Season finale. But I remember there were still so many things I had planned for this story and I want to fulfill that. I hope you're still interested in this so please let me know in the reviews if I should continue it! Enjoy this overdue chapter.


He saved the photo on his phone and set it as his home and lock screen background, It was THAT cute, and then decided to send it to Kurt.


I think this is beautiful, just as much as you are, baby! Goodnight 3

Then he checked the other text he got, and this one got him frowning but knew quite well, things weren't going to be easy. He wasn't afraid, though, he had more reasons not to be now, so… bring it on


Hola fairy-amigo! Don't think you can get away with punching me and acting all Batman on me. Monday after school, you are going to pay. Oh, and tell your fairy-boyfriend to watch his back


The text from El Oso had been unexpected because how could he have gotten Blaine's number? but he didn't have time to figure that out cuz now he had apparently gotten himself into a fight?. It's nothing Blaine hadn't seen or been a part of, though he wasn't proud of that time he had to throw some punches away thanks to his friends back in San Juan. Oh well, he was new to this school, and apparently these jocks had made themselves respected by everyone by being total jerks, and Blaine was not going to have it. If there was one thing he had picked up from his years living in Puerto Rico was that NO ONE messes with the Latinos.

He wasn't going to say a word to Kurt, though. He would be better off not knowing what was about to happen. It's like Fight Club. He did have to tell someone and he knew exactly who.

"Charlie? can you come up to my room with me? I gotta show you something" Blaine told his brother and stood up without waiting for a response knowing Charlie would follow. They got to his room and Blaine shut the door close behind him. "I need you to help me with something"

Charlie looked at his brother from the bookshelf he was roaming "I thought you wanted to show me something- OH sneaky! what's up?" He settled down on his brother's bed.

"So you know I go to this public high school right? and well, it's very different than school in San Juan" Blaine began explaining "but there is one thing that is absolutely frustrating, there are some jocks that think it's OKAY to push people around or embarrass them publicly and just do AWFUL, AWFUL things just to be 'popular'" Charlie looked interested so Blaine continued "There is this guy named Karofsky, who I actually named El Oso cuz he looks like the Yogi bear, anyways, he and a couple of his compadres decided to spray paint Kurt's car with really mean and stupid words just because he is gay"

At this, Charlie rose "QUE MIERDA? Are you serious? Did the school do something?"

"No, but I did," Blaine said and Charlie rose an eyebrow questioning "I punched the guy obviously"

"BLAINE WHAT THE FUCK?" Charlie seemed pissed and then "did he cry?"

Blaine smiled at his brother's immaturity "No but he did fall to the ground. It was pretty epic." they fist-bumped and continued "Anyways, the thing is, this guy got my number from God knows where or who, and he sent me THIS" Blaine showed the message to Charlie who read it once, twice and then looked up at Blaine.

"So we've got a fight huh? is that what you want my help with?" Charlie gave the phone back to his brother and cracked his knuckles.

"Sort of… I need your help training this weekend. WITHOUT anyone knowing, not even mom or dad" He said while walking towards his closet and picking some workout clothes to put in a bag "the guys are not here and I don't have my trainer here either. You're the closest thing" He looked up expecting an answer.

"Ay pues of course! You know I'm the best and I wouldn't say no to my bro. Especially since I want you to really punch the crap out of those idiotas" Charlie jumped off the bed and started throwing mock punches into the air with some exaggerated breathing and facial expressions. He's so gotten that from Cooper Blaine thought. "Where though? I've just been here for a day, I don't know ni mierda about this place"

"Oh don't worry, I saw a boxing gym not too far from here." Blaine grabbed his bag and put it by his desk to grab it early in the morning. "We have to start tomorrow, let's say 8 am?"

"uuuggggghhh Blaineeee that's so early" Charlie whined "FINE but you buy me brunch"

"Of course Charlie" Blaine smiled

"Oh but what about mom and dad? they will get suspicious, and what if you come back from that encounter with bruises? Mom will FREAK out" Charlie said, surprisingly very reasonably.

"I'll deal with that when and IF that happens. I intend on me doing all the bruising you know?" Blaine winked and mock punched his brother on the side. "Now go to bed and unpack cuz tomorrow we have a big day and weekend"

" Ugh I hate unpacking. You got it Tigre, rawwr." and with that Charlie was out before Blaine could run after him for being… Charlie.

Blaine got into pajamas and stared at his ceiling mirror, yes he had a mirror over his bed… it could come in handy one day; his phone buzzed and he went to sleep with a smile after reading the message.


Kurt went to his room and couldn't shake off the smile on his face from the entire day he just had and how it had ended. He couldn't believe he now had a boyfriend and everything was working out so nicely. He felt his phone buzzed and saw it was a message from Blaine with a photo attachment. He opened it and smiled.


I think this is beautiful, just as much as you are, baby! Goodnight 3

He was sure that Blaine's little brother had taken that photo and it was adorable. Speaking of Charlie, he couldn't believe he had been so forward and flirty and… attractive? Kurt had to ask Blaine to show him a more recent picture of his older brother and his parents because those Anderson were something else.

Oh, the text! He got out of his thoughts and sent a reply to Blaine. Was he going to see him during the weekend? Kurt wasn't very sure how relationships worked so he just decided to take it day by day. He should definitely tell Mercedes though, she would kill him if she found out from someone else. He made a mental note to Facetime her tomorrow.

He smiled as he saw the text he had sent and went to sleep.


It is a nice picture! Thank you for making me so happy today! Goodnight :)


The next morning Blaine woke up to the sound of his alarm and before he did anything else he went to Charlie's room and woke him up. This took a couple of tries since his brother is such a late sleeper, but fortunately got him out of the bed and changed. He did the same and picked up his gym bag. On his way downstairs, he saw his dad was already up and reading the newspaper in the backyard and his mom was already working her way around the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning Ma" He said kissing his mom on the cheek. It was early but he didn't really bother asking. His parents were early birds even during the weekend. Why? well, that goes beyond him.

"Morning mijo, where are you going with that bag?" Of course, she would notice "Are you going to the gym already?"

"Oh yeah, I'm going with Charlie actually, I decided a week without training is already too long, I already feel weak" Blaine joked trying to make it seem very normal. And then Charlie came down the stairs.

"BUENAS MAÑANAS PEOPLE! morning mom smells delicious! Ready for kicking some ass Tigre?" Charlie said all this in one breath while kissing his mother and grabbing a couple of red bulls from the fridge.

"What is up with this?" Lyann asked signaling to his clearly hyper youngest child and looking at Blaine questioningly.

"Oh you know, just Charlie being himself. Definitely no need for red bull Charlie Brown, you are all hyped up already. Surprisingly" Blaine gabbed one can of red bull and put it inside his gym bag along with his water bottle.

"Morning boys! where are you going so early? it's Saturday you know?" Tom came inside to the kitchen and put his paper down on the coffee table and looked at his boys.

"They are going to the gym. Why don't you go with them? You said you wanted to check it out right?" Blaine's mom suggested as she plated some avocado toast for her husband seeing that her children won't be having any breakfast.

"NO!" The brothers screamed in unison to the surprise of everyone but Blaine was the one to clarify "I mean, maybe another day dad? I just feel like I haven't seen Charlie in so long and we need some bonding time you know, he's going to be gone to private school on Monday." Good one Anderson, pat on the back.

His dad smiled and replied "That's so nice of you campeón, I know you're going to miss your baby bro. Don't worry I'll hit the gym starting Monday, I still need some rest days" And with that, he sat down on the kitchen island to eat his breakfast.

"Let's go, Blaine! I'm getting hungry and that avo toast looks deliciosaaaa" Charlie said while staring too close to his dad's plate. He was swatted away though.

Blaine said his goodbyes and promises to be back for lunch. They got into Blaine's car and off to the gym.


Kurt woke up to zero notifications. Had it all been a dream? No, it all seemed too real. Maybe Blaine hadn't woken up yet. Mercedes! That's right, he had to facetime Mercedes and catch her up on everything that had happened during the first week of school. She was going to PASS. OUT. Kurt dialed her, it was already 9 she must be up.

"Kuuuurtt! hello omg I've missed you so much! It's so good to see your face! I'm so excited to see you Monday boo! Please tell me you're calling me to tell me all the gossip I've missed" Mercedes said all this right before Kurt could even say hello.

"Hey Mercedes, I'm good thank you! And yes I've missed you too! and also, yes I'm here to tell you the weekly news of WMHS! Are you ready?" Kurt replied sassily.

"You bet your round ass I am! Spill! I'm having breakfast so it's fine" Mercedes said as she pushed a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

"Okay so first the bad news cuz they lead to the good ones! Obviously Karofsky had to make my first day of school bad by shoving me against lockers as usual, and in the middle of the week he sprays painted my car with insults, but that's okay" he put his hand up sensing Mercedes' agitation and anger building up "My dad fixed it and - ready? this is the good part- Karofsky was stopped by a new kid, a transfer from Latin America, he stood up for me and punched the jerk in the face!" Kurt couldn't contain his excitement because it seemed like he was narrating an episode of a tv show or something.

Mercedes had her mouthful of cereal and was covering her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't spill it all over her computer. "SHAY WAAH?"

"Yes, and that's not even the best part. This kid, his name is Blaine Anderson, is in my Environmental Science class, and he just recently joined the Glee club! He sings beautifully and-"

"Please tell me he is hot" Mercedes cut him off.

"Oh girl, he is sex on a stick and sings like a dream! AND - ready for this one? don't put anything in your mouth cuz you'll spill it right out- HE'S GAY" Kurt almost screamed this one




"Oh yeah, very gay, very out and proud to. Apparently Latin America is not that bad for gay kids huh?" Kurt said with a confused look because now that he thinks about it, he thought Latin America was more conservative than the states… oh well, he shrugged and continued.

"Can't wait to meet him omg and does he speak Spanish? does he have an accent?" Mercedes sounded like a little girl asking so many questions but could you blame her? she had seen those soap operas from Mexico and she got tingly whenever the lead actor would speak in Spanish.

"He does! It sounds so sexy! and he has a slight accent omg he's so cute!" Should Kurt tell her the biggest news already? he is dying!

"He sounds dreamy! I'll check him out on ig ASAP! Blaine Anderson right?" She immediately typed away on her phone and almost as fast, her face changed completely! "WOAH! Kurt he BOXES? He IS dreamy"

"He does?" Kurt was surprised but he did throw quite a punch at Karofsky so he must have had some sort of physical training. Wow, now Kurt was more than curious as to what Mercedes was seeing because only imagining Blaine all sweaty and hitting a bag was all sorts of sexy and is getting hot here?

"No silly, but I can see why you'd think that! check his story on Instagram boy, he is HAWT. Have you tapped that already?" Mercedes said and of course, Kurt had said that out loud. He remained quite looking at his phone instead of answering his friend "Kurt? it was a joke- wait, what else should I know about this Blaine guy?" Now she was looking at him with a mix of curiosity and already knowing the answer but not quite? Kurt just had to tell her already.

"Well… we are...kindatogethermaybeboyfriends" He said at once and immediately stuffed his mouth with a piece of toast his dad had brought up for him and set on his table.

"WHAT? Kurt, you're lying. It's been ONE WEEK! You've known this guy for ONE WEEK and you're already TOGETHER? Are you serious? Have I not taught you better? I mean, I know it's been difficult for you and with all the bullying and lack of acceptance in the school, but… this seems rushed Kurt. I don't know how I feel about this" She looked at Kurt for a few seconds and then looked back at her phone "Okay he is cute I'll give you that, but it's too soon Kurt. Be careful and take your time… you barely know this guy"

He knew Mercedes had a point and was right, she's always right. "I won't lie to you Mercedes, I did think about it being rushed but… you have to meet him and you'll see. He is so genuine and he cares about me. These past 4 days he's done more for me than anyone ever in these past 3 years. Not talking about you girl, you do enough" Kurt said sensing a protest coming "And I really like him, yeah maybe it was fast but it feels right"

"Look, I won't protest, because you seem happy, but just listen to my advice. Don't go so fast, don't get your hopes up either. My nana always said 'What easy comes, easy goes' I don't want you hurting if this doesn't work out. I love you" And she genuinely did. She was worried and that's okay. But Kurt knew things with Blaine were going to be okay and she would change her mind once she met him.

"I know, I know, that's why I love you! you'll meet him and things will be great! Besides we will have a marvelous voice in Glee now so I'm sure the days of Solo-Rachel and Solo-Finn are over!" Kurt whooped and Mercedes said and 'Amen'.

With that, they ended their call with the promise to see each other at school on Monday.


"WOOF that was great Tigre, you are a machine! If I were that dude at your school I'd be calling my health insurance right now and ask if they cover broken faces" Charlie said after putting his gloves away. Despite being only 16 Charlie had taken after his brothers and started boxing as well as surfing, so his body was shaping nicely. He is proud and isn't afraid to be showing it around especially around the beach. Sad that Lima doesn't have any beaches nearby to do so.

"Thanks little bro, it was a good workout huh? you're in SHAPE, man! You're gonna swipe all the ladies up in that Academy" Blaine said nudging Charlie on the arm. He was sad to have his partner in crime away most days but they will still be close. "Now let's shower and go or else mom is gonna be pissed! She's making Mofongo"

"AY DIOS lets go now" He was stopped by a strong hand that belonged to his brother "fine, shower, then mofongo"

Blaine laughed and got a glimpse at himself in the mirror. Dang! he looked good! He missed boxing and was glad he still got it. Now he was determined to shut that mofo once and for all.


"Holaaaa señorita Anderson, you look spectacular as always and I'm sure your kitchen is smelling deliciosooo from that amazing food you're always preparing! I miss it so much" Said the voice coming from the computer set on the kitchen island at the Anderson's

"Vamos, Rafael, come on! Your mom cooks deliciously so don't come at me with that lie" Lyann laughed at the boy's dramatic antics. "To what do I owe this unexpected call?" She asked. She had been making mofongo for lunch while listening to her favorite playlist on Spotify when a facetime call came through.

"Well, I'm here with the guys and we thought Blainey might be around! We haven't had time to connect and catch up- LIKE ACTUALLY catch up- on his first week at American high school. Is he around?" Now it was Mario on the camera. Lyann always wondered how these three kids had become such good friends with her son. They seemed to be all rich kids that didn't care much about school but to her surprise, they were always at the top of their class along with Blaine. She had learned a lot by living in San Juan, especially to not judge a book by its cover.

"Oh no cariño, he went to the gym with Charlie early this morning, as a matter of fact-" Lyann looked at the clock on the wall "-They should already be here" and as clockwork, she heard Blaine's car pull up in the garage. "Nevermind, they just got here, hold on a second."

Charlie was the first to come inside and went straight to the living room where his dad was watching some movie "Dad, can I have a car like Blaine's? please?"

Tom looked at his son and laughed while shaking his head "I'll think about it muchacho" Charlie had to take that as a maybe because God knows his parents don't trust him too much.

"Blaine the guys are on the computer!" Lyann called out to her son "And lunch will be ready soon- oh you're already showered, perfecto!"

"The guys are on the computer? you mean on Facetime?" Blaine said while coming inside the house through the garage door that connected to the kitchen, and left his gym bag by the laundry room. I'll take care of that after lunch. He approached the kitchen island and saw his friends all over the screen!

"CHICOOOOO Helloo! omg look at him, he's already a different person!" Said Rafael, very dramatically as usual. "Do you even speak Spanish anymore?"

"Guys! omg what are you doing on my mom's computer? hiii" Blaine got comfortable on the kitchen stool and grabbed the computer closer to him to see his friends. They haven't had time to facetime in the past two days because the guys had had to attend soccer camp. But here they are now. "AND si si hablo español, so stop being so dramatic geez! How was soccer camp? I haven't seen you guys post on ig at all! tell me everything I missed" And he did miss soccer camp, it was two days full of soccer training, soccer matches, soccer viewing parties, boys, boys, boys. He loved it.

"Chico, it was so boring without you, coach Mendoza kept asking us about you and why is his star Center Forward in another country blah blah blah" Mario replied trying to look sad but a smirk appeared "IT WAS SO FUN Blaine, we can't lie! you know how it is but you were well missed, we lost 2 of our 5 matches because they used a replacement for your usual position and he didn't get us as you do"

Blaine smiled sadly "Aw you guys, I'm glad you had fun. Send my regards to coach Mendoza, my coach here does not compare"

"YOU MADE THE TEAM?" The three boricuas screamed in unison. "Well of course you did, you're Blaine Anderson for God's sake!" it was Jose that commented and continued "do they even know what football really is?"

"Well they haven't published the list yet but I think I did pretty good on the tryouts. And YES they know about football or soccer, that's what they call it here. It is not as popular as their American football but it's a sport nonetheless" Blaine responded

"I'm sure you made it. Now tell us about your americano piece of a-"

"DON'T even say it Rafa. My parents are here" Blaine was quick to interrupt "He is not a piece of- ass" He whispered that last word "He is very special and I care about him, in fact, I already asked him to be my boyfriend" Blaine finished with a big grin.

"QUE?!" Mario responded "Wow, you work fast Anderson, teach us your ways because Mr worldwide right here" he signaled to Rafael "has been trying to get Linda to even give him the time of day for weeks and is nowhere near achieving that" Rafael smacked Mario on the arm feeling offended

"Guys, guys, chill! I'm sure there are other girls worth your time and effort Rafa, don't give up" Blaine raised a fist in brotherhood which his friends bumped through the screen

"Anyways, your boyfriend. Tells us all about it and why haven't you posted on ig about him?" Jose asked, always the most level headed. That's saying something, cuz Blaine was the level-headed of the four.

"His name is Kurt and he's very handsome, has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. They remind me of the beaches in San Juan and his skin is like porcelain and-"

"Okay okay, but how did you meet? and how is it that you're an item already? it's been 4 days" Mario asked

"Well, we met in school he was pushed into the locker by some jerk cabeza de pollo of a football player- when I say 'FOOTBALL' from now on I mean the American kind- and I kinda stood up for him because you know how it is, back in PR we don't treat people like that and I got pissed so I helped him and I liked him from the start. Then I saw him at my Environmental Science class and sat with him. He seemed shy at first but I think that's because that school is so weird and guys are not nice to new kids or gay kids"

To this, the three guys on the screen made surprised and confused faces but let Blaine continue

"Yeah, weird I know, anyway, we sat together at lunch cuz that's what you do when you meet someone, and I met other people and they told me about Glee and well you already know that story" Blaine took a sip of his water and continued seeing that his friends were still interested "Long story short, It was an attraction at first sight, like in those telenovelas that your mom loves so much Mario, and I asked him to come over and I made him Ceviche and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. And THAT's how Blaine Anderson, Latin heartthrob, soccer superstar, has a NOVIO" Blaine whooped and shimmied for his friends who clapped and mocked awe.

"Chico you're loco! I mean, I think it's kinda fast but you do you" Mario said

"Yeah, I don't know if I would've advised tapping that so quickly but we've always known you to be a hopeless romantic so if any of us was going to have a love of telenovela, it was bound to be you Chico" That was Jose's response and he seemed to have matured in like, a matter of minutes

"I'm going to cry, hold me Mario, Blaine is going to get married before me and I did not approve that" Rafael being the drama king had to come up with such comments, but Blaine only laughed and smiled. He missed them.

"Thanks, guys! You'll meet him soon! Let's have another facetime sesh next week and I'll make sure he's here for that! You're all still coming, right? before summer?" Blaine asked hopeful, summer was just too far away.

"DAMN RIGHT! we already spoke to our viejos and we may be coming up there for your holiday- that one where people eat turkey and go crazy shopping" Mario as trying to remember the name of the holiday. Thanksgiving is not very much celebrated in Latin America.

"Thanksgiving" Blaine suggested

"Yeah, that one! we managed to find a week off on the school's agenda and we think that will work" Jose clarified

"YES! That's not too long of a wait! omg, can't wait! you're all staying here in my place" Blaine was excited! His family didn't care much for thanksgiving since they had gotten used to not celebrating it in Puerto Rico so it was going to work out just fine.

"Mijo, lunch is ready," Lyann told her son from the other side of the kitchen island, pointing at his plate so he could pick it up and bring to the table

"Oh guys, I have to go. Lunchtime. Mofongo time" Blaine licked his lips. He loved his mom's mofongo! She had picked up the Latin recipes so easily and made an amazing rendition of them, thank the lord.

"Okay chico, we miss you"

"Yeah miss you mucho! keep up updated on the group chat and on ig"

"Te amo Blainey days, muuuuaaah"

"Love you too guys, chao" and with that Blaine ended the Facetime call and was on his way to eat lunch. Not without thinking about what his friends had said about his relationship moving on too fast. Did I make a good decision? He'll think about it later, now he was starving and was pumped up on adrenaline and endorphins.

Shit, the laundry. He quickly poured the contents of his gym bag into the washing machine and made his way into the kitchen.


Monday came way too quickly for Blaine's liking. Charlie had gone early to his new school in Westerville, but not without having wished his brother good luck on his secret endeavors of the day, AKA his fight with El Oso. Blaine was nervous but not because of the fight per se, but because he didn't want Kurt to find out.

He parked his car at his usual spot and made his way to the main entrance and saw Kurt, cute as ever, at his locker putting his books away "Hola cariño" he whispered at a volume only Kurt could hear

Kurt felt all his neck hairs rise and a rush of god-knows-what run down his spine. He knew Spanish was sexy but it was even sexier when spoken directly at him in such a low voice. "Hey" he breathed out and turned to face Blaine, who looked incredible, wearing tight black jeans with a striped henley and a jacket on top, and he was very close woah- lips on his lips

"What's wrong?" Blaine pulled away since he felt Kurt froze to the kiss.

"You kissed me… at school… in front of everyone" Kurt was shocked

"Well, yeah. You're my boyfriend. Am I not supposed to kiss you?" Now Blaine was confused

"Umm… yeah but I didn't think you'd kiss me in public" He looked in all direction making sure people hadn't seen the scene

Blaine was looking so confused and maybe hurt. "I don't get it. You don't want me to kiss you in public?" Now Blaine was stepping down and putting more distance between them.

But before Kurt could answer, Mercedes was right there extending her hand in between the two boys "Hello, I'm Mercedes Jones, Kurt's bestest friend and I'm guessing you're Blaine Anderson, McKinley's new IT boy from Puerto Rico. Just so you know, if you hurt Kurt, you'll answer to ME. TO ME you hear?" Mercedes shook Blaine's hand and saw all the good things the boy was and all the hot things she imagined. But she also noticed the confused look on the boy's face before she appeared.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mercedes. I'm sure we will get to know each other more throughout my days here in Mckinley. And don't worry, I don't intend on hurting Kurt. Now if you excuse me I have to get to my AP English class. Have a nice day, see you at lunch" and with that Blaine was gone. He was confused as to what had happened with Kurt and why he wouldn't let him kiss him. They were boyfriends. Weren't boyfriends supposed to kiss each other whenever they wanted to?

In the meantime, Kurt was left with Mercedes looking at a retrieving Blaine "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave Mr. Anderson" Kurt said barely above a whisper while fixing his eyes on the Latin boys back and… lower and then shook his head and looked at Mercedes. "So, what do you think?"

"I think he's FIIIINE and he seems like such a gentleman. I like him. But he seemed confused, what happened before I got here?" Mercedes turned to look at Kurt for an answer

Kurt let out a sigh "He kissed me... and I froze. He took it as a sign of me not wanting to be kissed and I told him I didn't think he'd kiss me in public, which I'm sure made him think I didn't want people seeing us together" That sounds so much worse out loud than it did in my head

"Oh boy, you gonna have to talk to yo man before you have no man. You better start believing good things can happen to you too and accept God's gift of a hot boyfriend that is not in the closet and is very proud of who he is" Mercedes lectured him and linked her arm with his "Now let's go to class

She's right but it's all too new to. Maybe it was all too fast and I am doomed

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please don't forget to leave me a review! That way I'll know if you guys want me to continue this story! It's so dear to my heart as a Latina and I have so many wonderful ideas for the development of it and the characters! Would you like an Instagram page for this Fic? Would you like one-shots on the characters? Let me know please REVIEWS make me happy!

If I receive good feedback and you want more from this, I'll have a new chapter next week!