Author's Notes: I don't know when Kakuzu and Hidan "die" so this is probably random. Please note; I did not watch most of the Naruto series so expect some errors but anyway, enjoy. I probably skipped Hidan and Kakuzu's death here, so forgive me, I couldn't think of a good way to have Klaxon fight Team 10 and Kakashi. Also, if I have Sasuke vs. Itachi and Pain vs. Naruto battles switched chronologically, you can blame yourselves for not HELPING ME. I'm kidding, no one is to blame for the mistakes but helping me out would be helpful.

Chapter 7: Sasuke vs. Itachi and Klaxon (Siren), Part 1

Itachi was sitting in a stone chair waiting for his younger brother as Klaxon took out two skulls and started juggling them.

"Where'd you get Hidan's skull?" asked Itachi emotionlessly.



Hidan was fighting Team 10 and the so called "Copy Cat Ninja" with Kakuzu and both were badly injured. The Nara f** was a pain to dodge due to him using the shadow possession technique when suddenly he felt a pain rip through his spine and he dropped his scythe as his muscles went numb.

"WHAT THE F** HAPPENED?!" yelled Hidan before he felt two blades pierce his chest and then he felt his skull get ripped out of his head and he fell forward as flames engulfed his body and the immortal Jashinist was dead.

"[D] Nobody lives forever." said the figure holding Hidan's skull before he disappeared into the tree tops.


"...I found it." said Klaxon before he continued juggling it.

"Before Sasuke shows up, mind telling me why you killed him?"

"H-how'd you know I did?"

"You have wrist-blades hidden in your metal arm."


"Slag! Knew I should of thought of a better place for them."

" betrayed the Akatsuki?"

"No...not yet...besides you're the only one who knows this...and I know your secret as well."

Itachi's eyes widened for a second before he regained himself and turned towards his current partner.

"Have you told anyone?"

"No, and I don't plan to...and I don't plan to tell you my other plans yet." said Klaxon with a smirk behind his mask, "Oh, and call me Siren in this form, okay?"


"Sasuke is coming...better act natural...I plan to make quite the entrance. Ta-ta." said Siren before he disappeared via black mist and Itachi looked straight ahead where his younger brother was coming from. Sasuke entered the room calmly and glared at his older brother.

"Itachi." said Sasuke, malice dripping in his voice.

"Sasuke." said Itachi showing no emotion on his face, or in his voice.

"Do you know why I've come here?"

"To kill me. But...I see you haven't obtained the Mangekyou Sharigan like I told you. Couldn't bring yourself to kill your best friend?" taunted Itachi.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes before he drew his sword and leapt at Itachi who seemed to do the same but Itachi wound up being impaled and pinned to the floor.

"Now then, before I slice your chest and head in half you better tell me what I want to know." said Sasuke glaring at his brother who lifted up a hand and pointed towards another Itachi. Sasuke sighed before the one he pinned turned into a flock of crows and Sasuke removed his blade from the ground and looked at Itachi.

"Genjutsu? Just like that night..." said Sasuke glaring at his brother. Sasuke turned around after hearing footsteps approaching and from the very way he came walked in Siren...carrying a plate with a tea kettle and two cups on it.

"Itachi-sempai! I brought you the tea you ordered!" said Siren childishly before he noticed Sasuke, "Oh, hello. Itachi, you never told me you were expecting company."

"You WORK with this...disgracer?!" said Sasuke glaring at both.

"What do you mean by 'disgracer'? He hasn't done anything to disgrace our...or what was once...our clan." said Itachi calmly.

"He uses his weird eye to mimic our clan's doujutsu!" snapped Sasuke seething with anger.

"Siren, is this true?" said Itachi turning towards Siren.

"Y-yes...b-but I never meant to be disrespectful, I just like the Sharigan soooo much...I couldn't resist..." said Siren lowering his head.

"I don't really see the harm in him doing what he does so I don't really mind." said Itachi which seemed to enrage Sasuke as he turned around and charged at Siren, sword ready to decapitate the kid.


Sasuke was sent flying into the wall as Siren caught the thrown plate and cups and replaced the tea kettle onto the plate and walked up to Itachi before Siren poured him some tea and took a seat next to him and poured himself some tea.

(Side note: The tea kettle is made of iron)

"How'd you move so fast? Even my Sharigan didn't pick up your speed." said Sasuke getting up and wiping the blood from his lips.

"I gained the speed from dad...who is no longer with the living...*sniff*" said Siren his voice cracking with sorrow.

"Who was he?" said Itachi raising an eyebrow taking a sip of tea.

"Sasuke knows, he put one of his claws through his shoulder...but I'll tell you anyway. His name was Skyler, but his nickname was 'The Vanquisher'."

Itachi spit out the tea he was drinking in surprise and turned his head towards Siren wide-eyed.

"HE was your father?!"

"Why so surprised?" asked Sasuke glaring at them both.

"Ever hear of the Cloud Nin Massacre?" said Itachi regaining his composure.

"Yeah, something about over a thousand Cloud Nin were found headless or skinned and flayed...HE DID THAT?!"

"Yep. Hehehehehe! I'm not like him in ways but with certain things I am." said Siren.

"But how come you're...?" said Itachi confused.

"Insane? Go ahead, say it I don't mind I'm over it. But to answer that, I was chased out of the city when I was fifteen and was stuck on an island for THREE years." said Siren, "I also gained a metal skeleton during the first year of my stay on that island...*shudders*...let's not talk about that."

"You're about as cowardly as your father was." muttered Sasuke under his breath.


The cup in Siren's hand was crushed after hearing that and he glared at the young avenger before he took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"You are very lucky." said Siren his voice not childish when he said that, "Excuse me Itachi, I need a new cup."

Siren got up and walked down the hallway and his liquid metal tail blade gave Sasuke the middle finger as he walked by.

"He's right Sasuke, he could of easily killed you by you saying that and I wouldn't have stopped him. In your quest for power to be able to kill me you have become very disrespectful." said Itachi narrowing his eyes at him.

"Hmph! Let's finish this." said Sasuke before a blade erupted from Itachi's stomach.

Time Skip, full fledge fight (Sorry for this, I couldn't remember the dialogue completely)

Shuriken were flying everywhere as Siren walked back in and walked straight through the volley of shuriken and sat down and poured himself some tea before he lifted up his mask to drink it. He watched as the shuriken battle didn't really go anywhere for either. He sighed.

"BOOOOOORRRRRIIIIINNNNGGGG!" said Siren before a shuriken phased through him after it went off course. Sasuke then threw a windmill shuriken at Itachi and another one went below it causing Itachi to jump between them but Sasuke pulled back his hand which had ninja wire attached to it which was connected to the windmill shrunken and they blew apart, pieces flew everywhere one impaled Itachi in the leg barely missing an important artery.

Siren looked down and found a piece impaling him in the chest.

"AAAAH!" screamed Siren before he moved away from it, "*Sighs in relief*"

Siren then gets up and makes hand signs.

"Hidden Jutsu: Frilled-neck Dragon!"

A massive frill erupts from Siren's neck and he spits out a huge glob of red poison at Sasuke after he lifted up his mask to reveal his mouth. Sasuke dodged the poison glob before he had to dodge claw swings from Siren but got grabbed by the tail and thrown into a wall. Itachi removed the piece of the shuriken stuck in his leg and got up unsteadily before he had a coughing fit and Siren went over to him.

"You okay Itachi?" asked Siren with worry.

"Yeah...*coughing fit*...just a bad cough..." said Itachi before he pulled out his own blade.


Sorry if this seemed rushed but I wanted to lengthen the fight between Sasuke and Itachi. Please read, review, follow, and/or favorite.