Ever have that feeling of utterly and truthfully alone? That feeling where no matter who talks to you, or where you go, even though there could be hundreds of people there with you, you are alone and that there is no one there to make you smile. That feeling where even though you are talking to people and they make you smile, it is all fake and plastered. That feeling where every real emotion that you are supposed to have doesn't even exist the way that it is supposed to, it just doesn't.
Well I never felt that before, truly, until that day. The day I was left alone. The day where the one person that I truly loved and cared about slipped right out of my fingers and left me to cry. That was the day where I found out that love really does break your heart. That day was the worst day of my eternal existence. This was a day that was looking bright then the clouds came back and I was left alone.
I was out on the edge screaming his name like a fool at the top of my lungs. Then I closed my eyes and let the tears fall, as he never came back. In that moment I knew I was alone, with no one to hear me. He was a shadow the only thing that I had.
A shadow is like something that should always be with you. You never loose it. But I had lost the one shadow that meant more to me than anything in the world. I was alone and the only thing left was the forever-looping echo of his voice….
"This is for the best Jack… Trust me…"
Eight Years Later…
Look! Look! It is the second part to Trust (which is found through this link s/9143345/1/Trust )
Anyway short little prologue of the story, the story captures a little bit of the theme from the song Echo by Jason Walker, which you can listen to at this link watch?v=RiwKZUYMvaE
Hope you enjoy. Also please watch this story and don't get upset, the story is going to seem a little depressing. But I PROMISE this time it will end happy! I swear!