A/N Because someone asked nicely, and I had a free afternoon...

Hold the front page! My life is a lie! No more doggy door, my bed is gone, and my pink fence has been repainted white! White?! Master and mistress well, they are all mushy over them, me I get the odd pat and good girl, after all I went through too... 7 massive fur balls with sharp claws and the suction power of mistress Gail's Hoover, all attached to me milking me dry. Okay so they're not too bad but if someone wants to touch them I growl, you know, not to scare them, (unless it's a demon child or a postal office worker, or the delivery man that tried to shove a package through my doggy door...) more of a warning... I'm a bit possessive, a bit like master used to be with his sticks, I still can't believe he threw those bad boys away, hours, maybe even years of fun I coulda had... OUCH!

Hey you, little bud, four nipples back on the left, you just bit me, I will remove you if you do it again!

Sorry momma, I have to jump to reach, I'm sorry, you're so big...

Little bud the top one here is free, lumpy is just leaving...

Lumpy is the fattest one, so I kinda, maybe not so, gently, pick him up and deposit him at the back, as his suction power outranks the rest ten to one, and little bud scootches forward latches on and I can barely feel him. Master calls little bud a runt, but he's the nicest and sweetest of all the balls of fluff, the rest of the boys are mean to him and the girls try to momma him but he's mine, he stays by me and I look after him. I'm never letting him go, but master keeps saying something about them being almost ready...

But back to my horrible birth story (I know you want to hear it) so, like I told you last time Mistress Ana came into my room and sterilised things, I don't exactly know what that means but it smelled really bad in there like, well, I don't even know! When I got back in there were sheets on the floor and a pile of soft stuff in the corner...I wanted my bed and I could faintly smell it behind the big door so I lay there scratched and cried till the mistresses gave in. Result! I'd already kinda broken it, it wasn't my fault I'd gained a few extra pounds and well... Anyway, I climbed in and had a snooze only to be woken by the feeling that my bum was exploding, oh and my stomach. I was regretting eating the bag of trash that I'd come across earlier! Mistress Gail cleaned me up and announced, over my shoulder, that it'd be any hour now. I'm not exactly sure what was going on other that I felt like I was going to pass out from the pain or die, whatever just to make it stop! After what felt like a week, something squeezed out my bum, then another, then another and a few more after that, they made funny noises and somehow I just knew what to do? I had seven beautiful little babies to look after, it would've been nice if someone had thought to tell me I was having babies and not a gigantic poo (which is what I actually thought it was!) at some point my bed got covered in gloopy stuff, I think the mistresses spilt stuff, so it went in the bin.

Oh mistress Ana had her own little bud too with much more drama and panicking if you ask me. Something about broken water then they all ran out the door, I did try to get a look but have you ever tried walking with seven of your offspring hanging from your nipples? Didn't think so! It's kinda difficult, anyway, master was back within a day for bags and seats and cloths? It was weird to see him wondering about looking red...

So anyway, mistress Ana was home later with the "baby" and that's where it gets a bit funny, they called him bear or something like that, and all they do all day is sit and stare at him, or hug him, or other weird "human" stuff I don't get, like when bear burps mistress is so pleased, but when master does it mistress gets soooooo mad, something about manners? Don't even get me started on gas, as I seem to get the blame for everyone's!

Anyway it was just a little update from casa del me. See you later

Ana out ❤️