I'm back! Oh wait... err.. well whatever! Dechirures-senpai! I've finished it! KaixMisaki oneshot! I'm not that good yet so in reviews please go easy on me. I'm still a beginner. *bows* Jya ikimasho yo, minna!

*Disclaimer: I do not own Cardfight! Vanguard or any of the characters in this story. Only the plot is orignally mine.

"Really Interesting"

"Misaki, don't be too late out? You kno-" Shin tried to warn Misaki of the things that might happen to her if she stayed till dark.

"I get it already, Shin-san!" Misaki said as she almost shouted at her uncle, seriously, what did he think will happen to her in 10 minutes? She was just gonna go to the grocery to get some stuff.

"M-Misaki!" Was Shin's yell in grief as his niece ran before he could say more.

Misaki had finally made it to the grocery, she grabbed a basket and checked out her list. Wait a minute, she didn't need a list... This wasn't even a list.

"Shin-san... gave me the laundry ticket again." Misaki sighed, she knew she had a perfect memory but her uncle was too much. She sighed in relief as she remembered all the things in the list. She went to the poultry department, then to the vegetable department where she crossed paths with someone.

"K-Kai!" Misaki blurted out, shocked to see the AL4 member before her. It wasn't that long since they've seen each other, I mean, not since they had the match with Hitsue.

"Tokura..?" Kai was shocked to see Misaki there as well, not shocked to see her there but to see him there. Of all times.

"Y...You.. do grocery shopping?" Misaki asked as she looked at his basket. When they did go to training camp as Team Q4 he had cooking skills but..

Kai shut his eyes tightly and nodded, Misaki's eyes widened as she covered her mouth, trying to hold back a laugh but she couldn't help the giggle coming out.

"Are you laughing at me, Tokura?" Kai asked as he nearly glared at her to which Misaki reacted immediately.

"Ah.. I.. I didn't mean it like that." Misaki said as she looked the other way.

"It's not like you to be like that, Tokura." Kai said as he placed his hands in his pocket, the basket hanging from his arms. He turned to leave and Misaki sighed in relief. It was hard to have a normal conversation with him, though she wonders why her chest makes loud noises when she's with him.

'This is weird...' Misaki thought as she made her way to the counter, it was in one of those romance novels Akari made her read that when people react like that, they are... Impossible.

"Tokura?" Misaki paused as she heard those words, turning to where the sound came from.

"Toshiki... Kai.. Why are you here?" Misaki asked the brown haired teen as he stood in front of the store.

"I just happened to finish my grocery shopping." Misaki almost laughed at this again, this time Kai glaring and shutting his eyes closed.

"Ah... sorry, I better get going, Shin-san is-" She bit her tongue. Was she feeling nervous? This isn't like her at all.

"I don't specially care." Kai said as he turned around and started walking. Misaki felt a bit hurt here, but she decided not to care.

"Well, later, then..." Misaki said as she turned around started to walk to the direction of the apartment. Shin would have to make dinner, too. Misaki noticed that she and Kai was going to the same direction, she swore he saw her turn around but...

"Kai..." Misaki asked as the teen stopped, not looking at her.

"Do you live in that direction?" Misaki asked and Kai started to continue walking.

"Mind your own business." Kai said as he started walking, now that Misaki tries to glance at him carefully, he was ugh... she lost her words. Why is she thinking about him like this? It's just so crazy!

Misaki fought her thoughts, she suddenly wanted to blurt something out, she didn't even realize where she was walking anymore. She just kept walking straight, her thoughts and her personality is fighting like hell. She didn't want anything else to bother her anymore.

"Tokura..." Kai mentioned, Misaki's face suddenly heated, his voice was smooth, she looked up, a hint of red on her cheeks, the moonlight shining on her face.

"W-what is it?" Misaki blushed as she blurted this. She didn't even know now, she wasn't like this before, won't it be... suspicious?

"I..." Misaki blushed harder as he started, her eyes focusing on the way of his lips, she mentally slapped herself. She looked to his face as the moonlight shone on it. It seemed like the whole world stopped for a minute. Misaki thought time stopped that moment, being unable to move from her place.

"I think you missed Card Capital by a few blocks." Misaki was brought to reality by this. A part of her face darkened as her eyes widened and she scanned where she was. He was right, she was standing in front of a building, turning around to where she saw she crossed the road safely without thinking straight.

"A-ah..." Misaki was speechless this was probably the only thing she could say. Kai turned around.

"Your uncle's gonna be worried if you don't go back." Kai said and Misaki's eyes widened, she turned around to him.

"Um.. Kai, I-" Misaki lost her words, well, she couldn't normally talk in this situation. Kai's lips were pressed towards hers, his arms around her waist pulling her closer. She had dropped her groceries, she didn't know how to react. In fights, she knew how to act and reads her opponents next action, but Misaki is new to this. She isn't sure about these things. Kai had finally let go, he removed her arms from her waist and released his lips from hers. He took a step back and looked at Misaki.

"Good night, Tokura." Kai said as he turned around and started to walk towards the incredibly large building. Misaki heard his footsteps and was in reality once more.

"Misaki is fine!"Misaki yelled, catching Kai's attention. He tilted his head to face her, confusion was written over his face.

"Excuse me?" He asked, it was weird for her to blurt something out like that.

"You can call me... Misaki..." Misaki said, looking down, her hair covering her face. She felt his fingers grabbed her chin, her face heated as she was forced to look to his face.

"You're really interesting, Misaki." Kai said as he caressed her cheek, allowing his fingers to slide through it, and then he kissed her forehead, turned around, and went into the building. Misaki smiled and touched her forehead.

"Like you're one to talk.." She whispered lightly. She turned around, picked up her groceries, and started to make her way back to her family's card shop. She laughed at the thought that she was kissed before she even knew she was in love.

The End! Or is it...?

I've finished it! Requests are highly accepted! I hope you enjoyed, I might make this a multi-chaptered story if people like it... Jya Next time Minna! My mom is just like Misaki when she's mad.. but.. scarier! SO Please R&R! Next time! w