
A/N Klaus realizes something is not right with his right leg. He knows it is not because Silas stabbed him in his back because that wound has heeled. So what now? I thought I would try picking on Klaus for a change.

Disclaimer: The Vampire Diaries does not belong to me. Other characters, such as Della, are mine.

"A Shower"

Klaus lathered his hair, scrubbing his scalp as he did. It felt good, as did the shower water beating on his shoulders. He never took a hot shower or lolled around in hot bath water or a bubbly Jacuzzi without thinking of all the times in the distant past when he would have loved the luxury. Not until he could afford to have someone heat enough water and fill a tub for him had he had the pleasure of taking his time in a hot bath. Where had that been? Scotland? Yes, Scotland. At a castle a couple of years after his family had abandoned the settlement in what would be called North America.

That had been a harsh time, primitive, in a way, but none of the young people born there had known that. His family had had a nice snug cabin and his father, uncle and two older brothers had been good hunters. His mother had been a clever gardener and knew how to work the animal hides to make good clothing for her family. Klaus had thought times were good. Of course there was strife now and then. Like his father didn't like him, but that wasn't critical. He got along with his mother and siblings and that was more important to him than his father's love, or lack thereof. And there had been some jealousy over a woman now and then, but that was life.

"Why am I reminiscing about all that for the millionth time?" Klaus now asked himself as he let the shower water rinse his hair and run over his face. Since he was speaking out loud, water ran into his mouth and he spit it out. The bar of soap he was using had a subtle manly scent that he liked. He washed the skin of his shoulders, chest and abdomen. He took extra time to clean his manly parts. He took long enough to reach his full potential down there, not exceptional, but plenty good enough. He had had no complaints. In the hot shower spray, he kept going until he got the release he wanted. Very nice.

He rubbed the bath brush over the bar of soap and scrubbed his back. The wound where Silas had stabbed him was healed, but still tender. He moved the brush lower and finished his back. An odd tingle ran down over his buttocks, a sensation so light that he barely noticed. He then lifted his right foot up to clean it. The sole of his foot was ticklish and it tried to jerk away from the touch. He laughed, amused by this.

Then he switched feet and almost fell. His right knee seemed to buckle, just for a moment, before it held firm again. He had grabbed the safety bar that was in the shower. Normally, he used the bar just for his wash cloth or the bath brush, but this time it kept him from falling. The momentary weakness in his knee was odd. He shrugged and let it pass.

In another minute he turned off the water, opened the door to the shower stall and grabbed a plush towel from the warming rack. Ah, he loved warm towels, especially if the bathroom was a bit cool. He toweled his hair, chest, arms, abdomen and crotch. He worked the towel back and forth across the back of his shoulders and downward until it moved across his buttocks. Finally he toweled his legs and then threw the expensive towel over the edge of the bathtub. He failed to notice the small streak of red on part of the towel.

He walked into his bedroom and headed for the chest of drawers where he kept his underwear. He chose a navy blue tee shirt and shrugged into it. Then he reached for a pair of boxers. He also had briefs and boxer briefs, but this evening he felt like boxers, the ones with little blue dogs on them. He didn't sit down to put on the boxers, so that as he stood on his right foot to step in with his left, the knee buckled again. This time he lost his balance and sat down hard on the floor.

"What the hell!" he growled to himself. What was wrong with his knee? It didn't hurt and he couldn't think of anything that he had done to it. He was pain free except for a twinge in the middle of his back above the small of his back. He thought it was that wound Silas had put in his back when he had driven in the charmed killer stake, but the twinge was lower than that. Besides, all the agony he had felt from the wound had gone away.

Silas had made him believe that a part of the stake was imbedded near his spine and working its way toward his heart. Caroline had condescended to dig around in the wound to locate the piece, but in the end she had found nothing. When she argued with him and distracted him completely from the pain, it had suddenly stopped and he had realized that Silas had tricked him cruelly. There was no wood in there heading for his heart to kill him.

With an annoyed grunt, Klaus now got to his feet and tested the knee. It seemed fine. Weird. He went to his closet and chose a pair of jeans from the pile of neatly folded ones on a shelf and threw them onto the bed. Then he chose a leather belt. He always used a belt. He always wore socks and he picked a pair out of a drawer. Although he usually dressed in casual clothing, he had plenty of it and it was of excellent quality.

He sat on the bed and put on the socks and then the jeans, standing up to pull up the denim pants. He threaded the belt through the loops and buckled it in the same hole as usual. He never gained weight, although under certain circumstances he occasionally lost weight. Then he slipped his feet into the expensive loafers he had been wearing earlier.

He also chose a fine leather jacket because he was going to drive into town. Actually, he was going a bit farther than that, to the supermarket beside which was a good liquor store. He was expecting his brother Elijah to arrive this evening or tomorrow and he wanted a bottle of the stuff Elijah preferred.

Lastly, he ran a comb through his damp hair to make it neat. While wet, his dark blond hair looked quite brown, but his eyebrows, eye lashes and golden beard stubble betrayed the fact that he was blond. He smiled at his image in the mirror. Handsome devil, he thought. Satisfied with how he looked, he took his phone, wallet, loose change and set of keys from the top of his dresser and put then in various pockets of his jeans. Then he left his bedroom and walked down the hall, once again failing to notice a twinge of sensation running through his right buttock and down his leg.

A/N I think this will not be a long story, so I am going to make the chapters short. What do you all think? Should I keep going with this?