Hi guys! This is my first Pokemon fanfic, and I love this couple soooo much! Enjoy!

I do not own anything, except the plot.


"Wake up master N." Said a sweet angelic voice that N loved so much. He was glad that his dad, Ghetsis, had hired White to be his maid.

"I'm up beautiful." He smirked as White was on top of N. She was wearing a short and small yet very revealing maid's outfit. He loved that VERY much. The outfit showed off her pink striped panties, and her corset part of the outfit showed off her cleavage.

"Oh stop it, master N." She nearly cooed.

"But it's true." He said with a smirk as he started to rub White's ass with his hands.

"M-M-Master! Ahhhh!" She moaned as she grind her hips.

"Do you like this, love? Because I like what you're doing to me." He smirked as he felt his shaft go hard as he also grind his hips with White's.

"Yes! Oh N...N...N." Slowly everything turned pitch black. It was just N, and no white. He heard yelling. He knew what was happening, but he wished it hadn't happen.

*In N's bedroom*

"Wake up N! You got a big day!" Yelled White as she put her hands on her hips waiting for N to wake up.

N woke up with a yawn and smirked at the angel he saw. "Good morning Love."

"Shut up and get dressed or your breakfast will get cold." Said White as she was about to leave until N grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his bed.

"C'mon White. Let's stay in bed. We can cuddle or we can have some real fun." He purred in White's ear causing her to blush.

"Let me go N! It's bad enough you made me wear this outfit!" She struggled but his grip was strong.

"Nope, but that outfit is a turn on." He licked her earlobe as his hand made his way to White's skirt.

"Stop it pervert! If you don't I'll..."

"You'll what? Remember, I'm your master. You can't do anything." He smirked as he was about to rip off White's outfit until...he heard crying.

"N...please...stop...I...beg...of...you." White started to cry softly as her brown bangs covered her eyes.

"White...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I was just playing." He gave her an apologetic look.

"It's okay, but you should know..." She started to giggle. "I was playing to!" She started to laugh.

"Hey! No fair!" He whined.

"Haha, to bad so sad! Now, get up or you'll be late for your meeting with your dad. He said for you to get dress and to have eaten. You know how strict he can be." And with that she left the bedroom.

N was still in bed, dumbfounded and he the smirked. "I'll get you White, and while I'm at it, I'll make you fall in love with me and I will not give up!" Said N as he got out of bed so he could change out of his pajamas and into his regular brown pants with a work shirt. He also wore his regular hat, necklace, and black shoes. He then left to go eat breakfast, but he really went to go see White. After all, they are the only ones living in the big mansion.

Hey guys! I'm sorry if it was too short. I love this couple so much! And there will be a lemon soon. I hope I get some reviews, and some followers. Until next time, Ja Ne! ;)