"One Drop and You're Done"
Chapter 1:
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Vampire Diaries or of Supernatural; those belong to their original creators. The way it's all stringed together is of my making. No profit is being made out of this (*sigh* unfortunately).
Summary: While Dean Winchester was tracking down the vampire that turned him, Pastor Young's men captured him while thinking that he was one of Klaus' hybrids. Will Dean escape and get the blood he needs in time before he unwillingly condemns himself for eternity? Could this mistake result in something good for those that Dean meets during his captivity?
Time Frame: Middle of VD's 4x01 ("Growing Pains"; just after Elena gets put into a cell) and middle of SPN's 6x05 ("Live Free or Twihard"; just after Dean leaves to go after the vampire that turned him)
Changes: The SPN vampire case takes place in Virginia, not in Illinois.
A/N #1: This new story posting is in honor of my brother's 20th birthday, who is also a fan of VD too. So Happy Birthday Little Bro!
A/N #2: Additional comments at the end to avoid spoilers. Just know that I had this idea since the season 4 premiere of VD (Oct. 2012).
Dean groaned as he finally came to. The last thing he remembered was getting whacked in the head which was quite a feat with his new abilities but then again, he's been trying to reject them since he got them.
The hunter finally opened his eyes, only to see that he was stuck in a cell with this annoying scent in the air. He immediately padded himself down and noticed that while his machete was gone, the syringe of dead man's blood was still tucked inside his boots.
"Oh look, you're finally awake." Someone with a British accent stated, followed by a cough, which caused the hunter to snap his head up and into the direction of the voice. There he spotted a blonde teenager in the cell diagonally across from his with a bloody shirt and tired bruises around her eyes; she did not look well.
"Where am I?" Dean questioned as he moved towards the bars to get a better look of his surroundings outside the cell. The last thing he remembered was tracking the scent back to the vampire nest so that he could kill the vampire that turned him. He needed to get out of there.
"On Pastor Young's ranch, just outside of town." A tired voice stated which brought the hunter to check the cell beside the British blonde's, only to reveal a sickly-looking brunette who was slumped against the bars. It looked like death was about to knock on her door.
"Pastor Young?" Dean repeated as he tried to think where he had heard the name before. It wasn't long before he realized that he had come across this pastor many times in his past before, through Pastor Jim. He cursed under his breath before he shouted for a guard to come in there. He ignored the questions from the other prisoners as he zeroed in on the approaching guard.
"What do you want vampire?" The guard sneered at Dean as he tightened his grip on his weapon.
Dean suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, yet he stored the fact that the other girls must be vampires too, before he stood in front of the guard. "I want to speak to Pastor Young."
The guard scoffed. "Not going to happen."
Dean growled. "Fine but you'll regret not passing my message along."
The guard's eyes narrowed. "And what would that be?"
"Tell him that Dean Winchester wants to speak to him…now!" Dean commanded yet he took note of a hitched breath from one of the other cells. He ignored that observation for a moment until he was pleased to see that the guard scurried out to get the pastor. Dean sighed in relief once he heard the guard's heartbeat join up with a few more.
"Are you really Dean Winchester?" The hunter heard from the cell beside him; it sounded like a young man this time before he too started coughing.
Dean cocked his eyebrow as he watched for the barn's door. "Why the sudden interest?"
The other man exhaled deeply. "My brother said you were dead."
Dean chuckled at the statement. "I've been declared dead many times, now who's your brother?"
"Damon Salvatore." The other man said tensely which caused Dean to freeze. He hadn't heard of Damon since the time they ran into each other in the spring of 2005, when they traveled for a few months together before he went to Stanford to see Sam. The hunter remembered how the vampire had saved his life (and the hunter saved his) a few times during their travels. During their adventure, Damon had informed Dean of his existence, not realizing that the hunter would get another shock a year later about the existence of a different kind of vampire, the type of vampire that Dean had unwillingly turned into.
"I never thought I'd hear that name again." The hunter stated as he remembered the sarcastic vampire and the cases they worked together on. "You must be Stefan then, I've heard a lot about you." He stated, moments after remembering the little tidbits that Damon had bestowed upon him.
Dean couldn't see but Stefan was surprised that Damon would even talk about him to anyone. "Probably all bad if it's from Damon."
Dean chuckled once again. "Well one tends to get mixed comments when it comes to brothers. I should know." He stated as he remembered all the times he's either praised or bitched about Sam to someone.
As his chuckles died down, Dean looked to the sickly brunette once again as Damon's description came back to him. The brunette pretty much matched Damon's words and the fact that she was caged for being a vampire only furthered Dean's confirmation on who she was.
"Would it be wrong for me to assume that you're Katherine?" Dean asked yet the name still didn't fit with the teenager. Dean remembered Damon saying that Katherine had a fiery spirit and that she was a seductive minx yet the descriptions didn't match up.
The brunette laughed weakly before it turned into a few coughs. "I'm Elena."
Dean shrugged as he leaned against the bars. "Well, I hate to say it, but you look like death is about to come for you."
Elena sighed but it sounded more like a wheeze. "I'm aware."
Dean's eyes narrowed as he looked between Elena and the blonde; he didn't like how she looked worse than the latter. "Why do you look worse off?"
Elena just stared at Dean with sad eyes; she was too weak to answer him. She could feel her body shutting down on her. She was dying.
"She hasn't fed." Stefan answered when it was clear that Elena couldn't.
Dean's brow furrowed as he looked Elena over. "Well, neither have I…"
"She's in transition…and she hasn't fed." Stefan elaborated before Dean could finish talking.
Dean's eyes widened as thoughts began to form in his mind as he tried to remember what Damon had once told him about his kind's transition. One drop of human blood sealed their fate, just like it did for the other vampire kind. If Elena was in the same position that Dean was technically in, is there a chance that she could be saved too?
"This is nice and all, but how's you two knowing each other going to help us get out of here?" The British blonde rudely asked, breaking Dean out of his thoughts, as her gaze shifted between the two men.
"It's not." Another voice interrupted before the loud creaking of the barn door was heard as it closed.
Dean turned and saw Pastor Young alone and making his way towards Dean's cell.
"I didn't want to believe it yet here you are." The pastor greeted in a disappointing tone.
Dean gritted his teeth. "Yeah, here I am. Now let me out."
Pastor Young sighed. "I can't do that Dean…you're one of them now."
"Like hell I am!" Dean lunged for the bars as his anger took a hold of him. "I still have time to change back!"
The girls looked at Dean with intrigued looks due to his words and to the rage and strength he presented because it wasn't something they were expecting from him, especially since they couldn't showcase those traits themselves at the moment.
"You may have escaped death before but you can't escape it now Dean," the pastor stated bitterly before he took on a softer tone, "I truly am sorry about this."
Dean growled as he gripped the bars tighter. "I am not dying as a fang Young, do you hear me! If I'm going to die, it will be as a human!"
Pastor Young took a step back, being mindful of not getting too close to Elena's cell. "There is no way to reverse being a vampire, you know that Dean." He patronized the younger hunter while feeling sorry for him. He always thought the reckless hunter would snap at one point.
Dean smirked. "For one species there is no way back but there is a cure for the other kind."
A/N #3: And there you go...what do you think? Sorry if its a bit rough and rushed but how was it? I hadn't come across a story like this yet so I hope I do the idea justice. My main goal was to have the VD characters hear about the cure that Dean mentioned. Let me know what you thought in a review!
Originally Published: April 8, 2013