Chapter 1

Hope you like my first fanfiction!

Ally POV

Theres only one thing I hate, well he's a person but he's not worth being one so lets stick with the "thing" I hate. Ok so were was I, oh ya the "thing" I hate Austin Moon. He always acts so rude toward me for no reason, and thinks he's so cool with his leather jacket and skin tight jeans tighter that mine. He fails every assignment then magicaly passes the big semester test so he would pass. I think he cheats my self and so does the teacher but nobody can prove it. So i guess i half to deal with that, but it still bugs me to no end.

"Ok time to go to class." said my best friend Trish. She has been my best friend for ever and i tell her everything.

"ya but at least we find out what we got on last weeks test." I said as we started to walk to class.

"Ally you know you will just get another A but I have to worry about my grade." said Trish grinning at me.

" Haha real funny Trish." I said as we took are seats.

"Ok class today we will be getting are grades back from last weeks test and -..." said Mr Fisher getting cut off by the whole class groaning. Everyone but me hated getting grades back, but one thing always ruined it when i hear Austin Moon did better or the same as me. It happens almost every time we get our grades back. I would not be so made except the fact that he never does anything but texts and listen to music off his phone.

"Ok class be quiet." said Mr Fisher try to hush the class to continue talking.

" Ok and be getting new seats." said Mr Fisher while the class started to get load again. Everyone wanted new seats but Trish and I.

" Aww we have to move?" I said to Trish frowning. This was our only class together and we were lucky to sit next to each other til now.

" Do have to?" said Trish and I trying to convince Mr Fisher to let us stay.

" Yes girls we are all moving seats no excuses." Said Mr Fisher as he walked away.
"but it's our only class together." I pleaded try to get him to give in.

" Give it up Ally he's already gone." Said Trish in a sad tone.

" Ya sadly." I said to trish picking up my things.

" Well we still have-..." Trish said getting cut off by Mr Fisher.

" Ok class come up and get your grades when i call your name." said Mr Fisher hushing the class.

"Ok first max, brook,linzie,mason,annie." said Mr Fisher as he started to call out some names."

"Rosie, Becca, Andrew, Brad,Trish."Mr Fisher said as Trish gave me a death stay and went up and got her grade.
"Ally look!" Trish said hopping up and down showing me her grade.

" Wow Trish B-." I said to Trish i was suprised it was unusual for Trish to get a B.

" Austin, and Ally" Said Mr Fisher as I went up to get my grade rolling my eye as i walked by Austin.

"WHAT?" I said practically screaming.

"What Ally?" Trish asked me while looking worried.

"It says... a-" Trish cut me off.

" Just say it Ally!" Trish said shakeing me.

" I... got a... C." I said rather upset.

" What ok somethings up." Said Trish as I said nodding my head.

"Hey..." I heard someone ask me. I turned around, and to my suprise it was Austin.

" What? Why are you here?" I said rather confused.

" Enough questions Mr Fisher mixed up grades so here." Said Austin handing me my grade.

"Thank god." I mumbled grabbing it and handing him his.

"Why my grades to good for you Ally?" Austin asked me while laughing and walking away.

" More like not good enough." I said sort of laughing so only Trish would hear me.

" so what is your real grade?" Trish asked me and put quotes around "real".

" A+ " I said to Trish poping the P on plus.

" Well thats good Alls." Trish told me while she giggled.

" Now to move seats." said Mr Fisher as Trish and I frowned at each other.

" Ok here it is." said Mr Fisher and my mouth droped.

"No there must be a mistake!" I said to Mr Fisher.

"Her?!" Austin said.

"Him?! I said.

" Yes there are no mistakes, these are your seats. Oh and you will be sitting in them for the rest of the year." Said Mr Fisher.

"What?!" Austin and I said in sync.


I hope you liked my first story, i will try to update it as soon as i can.