(Author's note: Hi guys. This is a fighting scene, so I hope it doesn't bore you too much, sorry. I thought it was time to display Naruto's abilities a little bit. I hope you like it.)

Chapter sixteen.

Naruto stood perfectly still in the middle of the biggest clearing training ground Konoha had. Surrounding her was the Konoha 12, with Sai, Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai, Genma, and Gaara, who had been invited there by Tsunade.

She was completely relaxed, her hands in her pockets. For this she had decided to wear the outfit that most Jounin, like Kakashi, wore under their vests. Her scrolls all hung from their allocated places. Her long blonde hair was in its customary ponytail, with the small metal ball swinging lightly in the breeze.

In her mindscape, Kyuubi and Minato had roused themselves to watch their daughter. Both were weak as they went through a strange recuperative phase.

-"Relax your mind musume. You can do this. You need to focus on disarming, rather than striking. Forget that they are precious. Hold them in your mind as opponents who need to be brought down, but not killed. Remember your training."- She nodded internally, taking a deep soothing breath.

"Okay. Firstly, the Konoha 12 will attack you, both together and separately, however they see fit. If you defeat all of them, the Jounin will then attack you. Then Shizune and I will. Once you've defeated us, you can beat the crap out of Jiraiya. Lastly, if you're still able to fight, I want to see how you fare against Gaara. Now Naruto, please don't hold back. I need to see your full range of skills okay?" Tsunade spoke clearly. The breeze moved gently as the Konoha 12 all dropped into crouches.

In answer, Naruto pulled a scroll out, bit her thumb as she spun and streaked blood across it. There was a 'poof', and she completed her spin as she pulled out a long staff and slammed it into the ground next to her. An eye appeared in it, surveying its surroundings.

"Hello child. Are we having a battle?" Naruto nodded savagely with a grin. Jiraiya was shaking his head.

"Everyone is going to get hurt." He told Tsunade bluntly. "She hasn't had a good fight in ages. She goes a little savage."

"Excellent. It's been a while since we hospitalised Jiraiya." The staff said, pleased.

The Konoha 12 shared looks. There was a feral glow in Naruto's eyes. The air around her was spinning a little, causing the dust on the ground around her to rise slightly in a lazy tornado. Sasuke shot forward without warning. Naruto vanished. The others exploded into action.

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu!" Five Naruto's appeared around the original, the six of them working in sync, tossing the staff back and forth as they fought their friends. Neji and Sasuke tossed Tenten up into the air and she pulled out five scrolls. The others vanished. Naruto slammed the staff into the air, flipping to sit on it in a squat, only her feet on it. Her knees were bent as she crossed her arms and stared up at Tenten. Tenten bit her thumb and streaked it across all five scrolls, sending a barrage of weapons at Naruto. The blonde back flipped off the staff, spinning in the air as the weapons hit her. They bounced off the original, but destroyed the clones. Several flew back at Tenten, sticking in her clothes and dragging her through the air to pin her to a tree.

Naruto landed in a crouch, one hand in the air. She snapped her head up as Kiba and Akamaru attacked, her canines lengthening as she snarled. With a yellow flash, she vanished, appearing behind Shino and knocking him out. Sasuke caught her and threw her at Sakura's punch. Naruto's hand flew out at the last moment and she was standing in a handstand on Sakura's arm, her hand holding her straight up in the air. She pulled back and down, slamming Sakura over her head into the ground and flipping over her. There was another yellow flash and she grabbed the staff knocking Kiba and Akamaru's bullet techniques aside.

Chouji used his rolling ball jutsu as Shikamaru caught her in his shadow. Naruto closed her eyes and a Kage Bunshin appeared next to her. Grabbing the staff, it swung it at Chouji just as he hit her. The staff bent around Chouji, tossing him high up into the air. Naruto winked at Shikamaru and vanished in a yellow flash. In the air next to Chouji, she appeared. His head was pulled safely into his body. Taking a deep breath, she released a fox's scream. The octave rose until Chouji was knocked unconscious as the water in his body reverberated, bursting his eardrums. Sai appeared in the air on a bird, and swooped Naruto, who vanished in another yellow burst.

She landed in the middle of the clearing and Hinata and Neji flashed to other side of her.

Tsunade was standing next to Jiraiya, her mouth open. He shrugged at her.

Naruto blocked both Neji and Hinata's blocks simultaneously, her hearing and sense of touch, warning her when their attacks came close. Her wind guard blocked their attacks from doing any damage. She froze as Shikamaru caught her again.

"Mind swap no jutsu." Ino and Naruto both slumped. Naruto's wind guard fell, and the Hyuuga's both took the chance to close her tenketsu points.

For a moment there was silence as they all watched, and then two chakras started wafting from Naruto in ribbons. One was dark, blood red and stifling in it's purity of hatred and anger. The other was just as stifling, but because of the purity of it's light. It was warm, and good.

Naruto roared, forcing her tenketsu points open with the combined chakras. Ino fell back, screaming, holding her head.

Naruto vanished. Hinata screamed and collapsed. Neji fell without a sound. Shikamaru, who had trained with Naruto for months, was forced out into the clearing as he dodged frantically. He was moving in and out of the shadows. Kiba hit Naruto in the stomach, knocking her into the trees. Akamaru dove straight into where she was, sending her further by at least a kilometer.

There was silence as the dust settled. There was a yellow flash and Naruto appeared. Blood poured down her face. They could see the bone of her shoulder sticking out of her skin. She closed her eyes and exhaled. Red chakra came out of her mouth, spinning around her. She cracked her neck as her injuries healed. Her eyes snapped open. They were no longer blue, but a startling, shining purple. The other Konoha 12 had regained their feet, and Sai, from the sky, swooped her with several of his creations. Naruto set her feet and did something they hadn't been prepared for. She clicked her fingers. With both hands. Fire burst into life behind her. A huge fox of flame. It screamed and looked down at them all. The colours in it rippled. Naruto dropped to all fours and pounced. She knocked them all out, one by one, pulling her blows as they landed, so that she didn't inflict real damage. The fox bit all of Sai's creations, and snapped at him, catching him in its mouth and then spitting him to the ground to land with the others. The fox dwindled before vanishing.

"That was good kid. I should let Makiri have some fun though or she won't forgive me." Naruto nodded to the staff, which vanished. She caught the scroll and put it back in its place. Her wind picked up all of her friends and her… what was Shikamaru to her? She frowned before shaking her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about that. The wind moved them all to behind Tsunade and gently put them down.

"Concentrate kiddo." Kyuubi rumbled in her mind. She nodded. She walked back to the center of the clearing and stood in the same stance as before, both hands in her pockets. Her eyes were blue once more. The Jounin surrounded her slowly, cautiously while Tsunade roused the others, knowing they'd want to watch.

Sakura healed them all as they watched. Naruto hadn't left them with any serious injuries.

As the Jounin circled Naruto, she flashed through a series of seals, blurring them together. Genma spat at his senbon at her to distract her and break her seal process while Gai swung a kick at her. She leapt, landing in a squat on top of Gai's leg, and catching the Senbon in her teeth. In a flash she bit her thumb and flipping backwards off Gai, slammed her hands into the ground.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!" There was a fox's howl and a figure appeared in flame, silhouetting Naruto's body. It was a fox.

Kakashi pulled Naruto underground, up to her armpits. She sank the rest of the way on her own. Kakashi exploded out of the earth, blocking Naruto's kick and spinning her into Asuma's wind laden fist. There was a boom, throwing them all back. Naruto landed in the middle of the clearing, only to go still. She started screaming and the Jounin grinned at each other. Gai punched her and she vanished with a 'poof'. Kurenai screamed, and Naruto appeared, tugging the woman out of the tree she was hiding in. Asuma leapt at her, his hands a combined fist above his head. Naruto stopped his blow with her foot, and yanked on Kurenai. She came out of the tree and Naruto chopped the side of her neck, knocking her out instantly. She threw Kurenai at Asuma, who slid backwards to catch her. Naruto was gone in a yellow flash. The Jounin all spun, over and over, as she appeared behind each of them and then vanished again.

"Kitsune sealing! Prison den no jutsu!" Naruto appeared in the middle of the Jounin, and slammed her hands into the ground; the flame fox's paws overlapping her hands. She leapt upwards as the ground rumbled and the Jounin were flung backwards as the earth rumbled and sucked them under. There was one small opening. They could hear dozen of fox kit's screams inside, and the smothered yelling of Jounin. Asuma blasted his way out of the den. Kakashi and Genma caught Naruto, holding onto her. Gai landed several powerful blows and kicks before the girl succeeded in escaping. She used Kawarimi with Asuma, landing neatly on the ground in a crouch. Spinning to look up at the Jounin, she clapped her hands together.

'Kitsune sealing! Kyuubi no fire rain jutsu!" She clicked her fingers and above the Jounin it started raining fire. Genma, frantically dodging, tossed a kunai at Naruto she didn't see coming. It slammed into her throat. The blonde gagged, coughing up blood.

Shikamaru lurched forward, but Jiraiya caught him, shaking his head at the boy. Naruto yanked the kunai out, bleeding heavily. Red chakra seeped out, healing the injury. It wasn't completely healed, she was still bleeding, but she wouldn't die.

"Why is she doing that? She's weakening herself." Tsunade asked Jiraiya, confused. He shook his head.

"She's conserving energy. She knows she's got harder fights coming up, so she's conserving energy.'

Naruto grabbed Genma and pilot drove him into the ground headfirst. She and Gai traded blows for several minutes before she jumped up, wrapped her legs around his head and fell backwards, landing on her hands and pushing up, spinning and throwing Gai into a tree. The tree collapsed on top of him. Asuma landed in a pile nearby. Kakashi was nowhere to be seen. She sniffed the air and leaped sideways as dogs leapt out of the ground where she had been. Kakashi appeared, his Chidori held at his side. There was a flash. Kakashi was standing still, as was Naruto. She had hold of his wrist, holding it just above her shoulder. Blood dripped from her elbow to the ground. Kakashi's Chidori vanished. Naruto spun, pulling Kakashi in a headlock, and sinking to the ground. The Jounin struggled as his old student cut off his air supply. She let go cautiously when he stopped struggling. He went to surge upright, and she slammed her kunai hilt into his temple. He slumped. She gingerly touched her shoulder, hissing softly as her winds moved the Jounins off the field. She sighed, studying Tsunade before wincing. There was a jagged wound in the top of her shoulder where the Chidori had hit. The fox of fire faded from around Naruto with another scream.

Tsunade cracked her knuckles as she and Shizune stepped forward. Naruto eyed her carefully.

This fight took several minutes. When Shizune snapped Naruto's leg, the blonde girl punched her, sending her flying. Tsunade flew in, attacking with her fists. Naruto dodged frantically, ignoring her broken leg. While Tsunade was fast and ridiculously strong, Naruto's speed was slightly faster. That slight advantage was all that was saving Naruto. Tsunade hit the blonde in the stomach and she flew back several feet. She lay on hands and knees, coughing up blood.

"Gaki. Stop going easy on her. Take it seriously." Jiraiya called, shaking his head. Naruto muttered something and stood, spitting a mouthful of blood out. She flashed through seals as Tsunade attacked again. Her moves were fluid as she concentrated on dodging.

"Kai." Seals flashed into being on her arms and legs and neck before fading. Naruto blurred as she moved, noticeably picking up her speed by dramatic amounts. Tsunade couldn't land a blow.

"Gomen Baa-chan." Naruto said audibly, dodging and causing Tsunade to punch a tree. The blonde back-flipped several feet away. "Kyuubi Bijuu no seal! Alternate reality no jutsu!" The blonde cried. They all shuddered as a purple ball appeared around Tsunade. Jiraiya flinched. Naruto held the jutsu for several minutes, waiting patiently. Tsunade was frozen in the bubble. They watched as a smile crossed her face. Naruto's eyes narrowed at the sight. "Kai!"

Tsunade sunk to the ground, screaming in pain and horror. Naruto was in front of Tsunade and swinging her foot in a roundhouse kick faster than they could have imagined. Tsunade sailed into the air, landing heavily several feet behind them, unconscious. Naruto turned to Jiraiya. Her eyes were purple again.

"Let's go Ero-sensei." She challenged, waving him forward.

"What did she do to Tsunade?" Someone whispered.

"Used a demonic jutsu and put her in an alternate reality where the people she'd loved and lost were still alive." Gaara answered quietly. "Naruto is a master at manipulating people's fears and loves in battle. She is a fox, deceptive and cunning. To win, she will break you, emotionally and physically. Tsunade got off lucky. I saw her use that jutsu on someone for a week. When she finally released them, they went insane and killed themselves." He shook his head. The others stared. They hadn't realized Naruto could be that cold.

Jiraiya stepped forward cautiously. The instant he moved, Naruto was on him, beating him. Jiraiya fought back, knowing if he didn't she'd do even worse. The fight was destroying the terrain. The two were very similar. Both slipped with ease from Ninjutsu to Taijutsu. Jiraiya had taught Naruto for three years. That knowledge of her skills gave him a slight advantage over the others. But it was only slight. He didn't have her chakra reserves, and he wasn't as angry as she was. She was royally pissed at him. She punched him and dropped, instantly kicking him in the stomach. He flew backwards. She vanished in a yellow flash, appearing behind him and tossing him into a tree.

"He never stood a chance." Tsunade croaked as she came around. Tears were streaming down her face. "Damn Naruto. I might have to forbid that jutsu." She scrubbed at her face, wiping the tears away. "She's so angry with him." Jiraiya flew to land in a heap in front of him. He was limp, unconscious. Tsunade shook her head.

"My turn." Gaara stepped forward. Naruto eyed him as he approached. The two regarded each other calmly before grinning at the other. They vanished. No one could actually see the battle. They could only see the destruction the two were causing. Trees fell over and were thrown through the air. There was a pause. Gaara and landed and went into his tailed stage. Naruto landed on the ground, hissing, and did the same. Sand and wind flew at each other. Naruto combined her fire with her wind, turning his sand to glass with the pressure of her wind and fire. Gaara punched her, sending her into the ground. She kicked him, sending him several dozen feet through trees. They flew at each other, catching the others fists, straining against the other. Naruto's muscles surged and she tossed him over her head. He rolled to his feet, flashing through seals.

"Sabaku Kyu!" Naruto disappeared in a ball of sand. Gaara closed his fist. "Sabaku SouSou!" There was a 'poof' of smoke.

"Kyuubi sealing. Kuchiyose no Kyuubi." Naruto yelled, landing nearby. There was a scream of pure rage, and her stomach glowed red through her clothes. Kyuubi appeared in front of her, a tall, lanky red haired man.

"Tanuki sealing! Kuchiyose no Shukkaku!" Gaara yelled in response. His clothes glowed yellow. Shukkaku appeared in front of him, a tall lanky man with long, spiky golden hair and purple diamonds over his black and gold eyes. Both Bijuu roared at each other. As the Bijuu clashed, so did their Jinchuuriki.

Naruto and Gaara pulled apart and then flew back together, fists, feet and kunai flying. The ground around Naruto was on fire, and there was trees spinning in the air above her. Gaara was turning the ground they stood on to sand as sand flew around him in a tornado. Naruto turned the sand under her to glass. Kyuubi and Shukkaku assumed their animal forms, leaping together. Shukkaku swiped his claws across Kyuubi's face. Kyuubi screamed and pounced, hooking his claws into Shukkaku and biting down, shaking his prey. Naruto and Gaara were straining against each other again.

"So this is a Jinchuuriki battle." Her friends whispered, awe-struck. They were fighting to stay conscious against the KI the two were releasing. The council, who had arrived, not too long ago was all lying on the ground unconscious.

Just as Kyuubi pinned Shukkaku and bit into his throat, Naruto caught Gaara in the same headlock she had used on Kakashi. She had both arms around his throat, pinning his head, and her legs wrapped around his waist. He hit at her and his sand spun around her, cutting her. Her winds shrieked, protecting her from the sane. Gaara struggled, trying to throw her off as he rolled and bucked. Naruto's muscles stood out with the strain and her face was a mask of pain and determination. Shukkaku was likewise fighting Kyuubi. They knew the instant that Naruto had won. Gaara went slack and Shukkaku vanished with a screech. Kyuubi screamed his triumph as the blonde girl untangled herself from her unconscious friend. She swayed where she stood. Kyuubi shrank, becoming his human form and raced to his Jinchuuriki as she stumbled back, catching her.

Blood was pouring down Naruto's face. Her shoulder was freely bleeding, the deep gouge having re-opened. Blood was pouring from her throat. The bone from her knee was sticking out of her pants. Thin cuts covering her entire body bled sluggishly. Kyuubi wrapped his arms around her and vanished into a red cloud, blanketing the girl and healing her wounds as best he could. Naruto slumped to a sitting position, her arms wrapped around her knees limply. Jiraiya pulled himself upright. Tsunade had just finished healing him. He hobbled over to his student and goddaughter, holding his hand out to her. She looked up at him tiredly. She took his offered hand and let him pull her upright. Shikamaru rose and strode forward. She smiled at him as he stopped in front of her. He turned and crouched slightly. She got the silent message. Jiraiya hoisted her on to the tall young man's back. Shikamaru wrapped his arms around her legs and straightened to his full height, carrying her weight easily. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He carried her over to the others. They were all standing now.

"I think you've proven you can protect this village and everyone else." Tsunade told her with a smile. Naruto smiled sleepily. "Take her to the hospital. The doctor's will put her in a room and do their best, and tomorrow I'll heal her after I've rested." Tsunade told Shikamaru. He nodded.

Naruto fell asleep as he carried her through the village.

(Author's note: So that was chapter 16. I hope you liked it. Also, it's come to my notice that there's a mistake in chapter 8. At the end, when Hiruzen is talking about holding a funeral, it should be waterfall, not snow. Taki is the village hidden in the waterfall, not the snow. Sorry for that mistake. The next chapter is coming soon. There will be a little more dialogue, interaction and so forth and more interesting stuff happening than in this one. Please leave a review! Thanks guys.)