Hi guys this is a new story I've been working these last few days.
The updates of this story are going to be way tooooooo slow so please, please, PLEASE bear with me, to be honest I'm just going to update every now and then so... yeah... please be patient...
And please guys, is painfully obvious that this is a Fem Ryoma fanfic (I'm a fan of gender-bender so deal with it) so please if you don't like DON'T READ!
This is kind of EmInAlOvEr's Looking Away Challenge.
If you are a little lost: This is an alternative universe fic. Ryoma is a year younger that Hiruma and Mamori doesn't exist (sorry Mamori fans).
Rated T because because I'm paranoid! Rate might change.
And NOW!
Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 and PoT are not mine (unfortunately) I just own the plot and a few characters I might put later.
Summary: It hurts when you discover that you have been betrayed, but it hurts even more when you realize it and it's too late... this happened to me, I was betrayed by those who I considered my friends, my family, but I'm not going to cry, they don't deserve my tears, but I also don't want revenge, even when they hurt me... so I'm going away, where they can't hurt me ever again.
Pairing: AllxRyoma (for now)
Warnings: Female Ryoma
"Blah..." talking
'Blah...' thinking
"Blah..." dreams/flashbacks
Published: 04-07-13
Updated: 06-21-13
True Intentions
- Fake Friends -
(Not Everything Is What It Seems)
As I was thrown in the air, for once in my life, I was genuinely laughing and smiling. I felt great, elated that I could help these people to become so happy. After all the congratulations, I was set down, my teammates patting my back for a job well done.
"Echizen-kun, why don't you go home and rest a few days or so? That nasty fall you had and the resulting amnesia might have had an effect on you. We'll just postpone the celebration party a few days after you'd rested. Like maybe 3 days or so in Kawamura Sushi?" Oishi-sempai said, in all of his mother-hen mode.
"Hoi, hoi! Oishi's right Ochibi!" Eiji-sempai added.
"Echizen, get some good rest then in 3 days, go to Kawamura Sushi" Tezuka-buchou said.
I smiled, took my things and walked away to go home. When I was almost out of the stadium I found Rikkai Dai team, the red menace (Kintarou) and Monkey King, when they saw me they approached me slowly (with the exception of Kintarou, he is too energetic)
"Koshimae!" he yelled at me, I still wonder how can his Japanese be so bad...
"Oi brat, Ore-sama has come to congratulate you" Monkey King was actually my cousin from my mother side, we actually get along pretty well with the exception of tennis.
"Arigatou Kei" I said with my girly voice.
"You should really use more you normal voice Rei" he said fondly and I smiled brightly at him shocking the rest a little.
"Just if you stop referring yourself as 'Ore-sama' I'll do it" I said.
"As if" he huffed and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Koshimae! let's play a match" the red menace said cheerfully and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Wait a second brat, why is your voice so girly?" asked Kirihara.
"That's obviously because 'Ryoma' is actually a girl" Kei rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"WHAT!?" yelled everyone with the exception of Sanada, Yukimura and Keigo.
"N-n-n-nani?!" stuttered Kirihara when I took off my wig letting waves of emerald hair fall.
"You didn't knew?" asked Yukimura innocently as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You knew 'Mura-buchou?" asked the sweets lover.
"Hai, Gen and I saw her once in a dress, at first we thought it was Ryoma's sister or that maybe he was cross-dressing, but after talking she told us the truth" he explained and Sanada grunted in agreement.
"More like blackmailing me..." I mumbled under my breath.
"Let's go, Ore-sama doesn't want to be here anymore, there's a lot of plebeians here" Keigo huffed annoyed and I rolled my eyes.
"Hai, ha-eh?" I started looking inside mi bag for my jersey since I was getting a little cold but it wasn't there.
"What's wrong brat?" asked my cousin concerned.
"I think I forgot my things in the locker room I'm going back to see" I said and start running back after hiding my hair inside my fila cap.
"Wait Koshimae!" shouted Kintarou running behind me.
"Wait you two brats!" Kirihara yelled running also.
I slowed down to let Kintarou and Kirihara catch up with me, as we got near the lockers we heard the voices of my teammates, and I slowed down.
"You think Echizen's gone now?" Momo-sempai asked.
"98% that he's already left the stadium, 1% he got hold up by somebody else but still in the stadium but far enough not to hear us, 0.88% that he's outside drinking Ponta and a 0.2% chance of him returning here." Inui-sempai listed down his statistics.
"Finally, the Sengoku Cup, all thanks to the brat" I don't like this, I got one of my phones (I have two) out and started recording (hey! I like to be cautious!)
"Yes, now buchou, can we please kick him out of the team now?" Momo-sempai almost whined and my breath hitched.
"Yes, he'd done his job, we'll just tell him he has to focus on winning the Grand Slams or something" Tezuka said harshly, Kintarou and Kirihara shared an angry look but reminded silence otherwise.
"Good riddance, I am SO tired of pretending to actually care for that brat, best friends, pft! yeah right! isn't that right, Kaoru?" tears start pouring from my eyes and Kirihara hugged me trying to comfort me.
"Yes finally, we can stop pretending of hating each other, I hate fighting with such a good friend like you, Takeshi" Kintarou was about to burst through the door when I stopped him.
"Ryoma?" he asked confused while I dragged them both away from the locker room.
'To think I was going to thank them for their help in that game, I bet they felt absolutely nothing back from before I left them for America. Those fake tears they had when I thanked them by showing their own techniques to them.' I almost couldn't stop the sob but I managed.
"Kintarou, go give this to my cousin and tell him to meet Kirihara-sempai and me at the entry in ten minutes, also, don't bother coming back" I told him giving him my phone.
"Kirihara-sempai, please lend me your jersey" both of them did as I said. I quickly took off shirt which was the one of the tennis club (I had another one underneath), put Kirihara-sempai's jersey on, and let my hair down once again.
"What are you going to do?" he asked when he saw me walking towards the locker room.
"Give them a taste of their own medicine" I muttered darkly slamming the doors open, those bastards...
"Ahh, Kirihara-kun, what brigs you here?" asked the 'tensai'
"A-ano... etto... t-this chibi wants to tell you guys something... I think..." Kirihara-sempai replied unsure.
"I see" and then all of Seigaku snapped their heads towards me "hey there" said the tensai crouching to my eye level "is there something you need little one?" a vein popped in my forehead, this bastard is making fun of my height?!
"Shut it pretty boy" I glared "I came to deliver a message from your missing teammate" I immediately peck their interest "Echizen Ryoma won't return to the tennis club ever again" for some weird reason some of them flinched at my words (Oishi, Fuji, Eiji and Kawamura) but I payed no heed "as a matter of fact, Ryoma won't come back to Seigaku ever again"
"W-what?" asked Oishi.
"Are you deaf or what?" I deadpanned.
"You little!" Momoshiro and Kaido glared at me and I glare back.
"I will say it one more time suckers, RYOMA. WON'T. COME. BACK. NEVER. AGAIN." I said making emphasis on the never.
"Ara? how would you know that?" asked he tensai opening his icy blue eyes trying to scare me, but I didn't even flinch in response.
"Ryoma ordered me to told you" I simply said "he's going back to America to finish the US Open and won't come back, to be honest, I don't even know why he decided to attend Seigaku when he could have one to a better school like Hyotei or Rikkai Dai, right Aka-kun?" I asked to my companion who seemed to snap out of his trance.
"Ah... hai! ehm... Rei...chan..." oh? so he remembered how Kei called me...
"Oh? so your name is Rei-chan?" asked the tensai.
"So what pretty boy?" I huffed in annoyance.
"Ne, do you think we'll be able to talk with Ryoma about this?" I was taken aback with the rest but didn't let it show in my face, didn't he wanted me out of the team like the others?
"That won't be possible, he will be long gone by the time you reach his house" I said.
"That does't mean we can't call him right?" he got his cell phone out and dialed my number (who knows who gave it to him).
"Sorry I think that's mine" I smirked before flipping it open "hello?"
"Oh, I forgot to tell you that he left it here?" I smirked evilly showing them the phone.
"You actually don't want us to talk with him right?" he asked darkly.
"Why? we are his friends" most of them winced at that including Tezuka.
"That's what you say, you could be a bunch of backstabbers for all I know, but to answer you question, you lot are not good enough for him" I glared at them hotly.
"What?" he hissed in anger.
"You never will"
And that's it! you love it? hate it?
*Tensai: genius
I was actually reluctant in publishing this story but after a little thought I decided to do it.
Also, please be patient I know you have a lot of questions, but all will be solved in due time.
I hope you like it aaaaaaaaaaaaand... don't forget to review XD
And sorry for the grammar mistakes
I-chan out~ (or Mia, whatever you like)
Bye bye!