Hello everyone! Yes, I've had writers block on my other story so I'm taking a break and doing this one. So yeah, enjoy!

Note: boys live alone

Disclaimer: I do not own anything

He knew.

He knew everything.

Everywhere they were. Everything they did.

He knew.

The kids in front of him were busily performing different roles for movies and plays. Some were singing their hearts out to their friends for criticism. Some were breaking a sweat and dancing like there was no tomorrow. Everyone seemed so happy.

It sickened him.

He turned his head toward the pool to see the lovely girl from "New Town High" sitting by the pool and reading a PopTiger magazine. She seemed relaxed with her sunglasses on, blond hair in bouncy curls and a smile etched on her face. She lied there relaxing in the LA sun with a white strapless cover-up on over what appeared to be a black bikini.

Jo Taylor.

Beside her was the actress he'd seen many times before in various TV shows, movies and commercials. She wore her dark brown hair in curls as well as she sat reading lines from a script. She was dressed in short-shorts with a pink belly shirt on that had a white heart on it along with a ruby red lipstick. She appeared content and faithful in her acting abilities.

Camille Roberts.

He recognized the two as best friends. He had seen them around before when he'd come to the Palm Woods. Also, they were the girlfriends of two boys he was very fond of and knew a lot about. Two boys with names that sickened him just as much as their girlfriends.

Kendall Knight and Logan Mitchell.

He turned his attention toward the pool and thought of the crazy boy who enjoyed jumping from many stories up on the building and into the pool water. He created a splash and grew some negative attention but he definitely liked it. The wild one.

Carlos Garcia.

He continued his walk through the lobby, turned left at the elevator doors and continued down the hallway. It was there that he stumbled upon the Palm Woods gym. It gave off a terrible smell of body odor but had some of the buffest men he'd ever seen in there. Machines upon machines lined the walls in the middle of the gym that all had various purposes. He saw the weights and thought of the boy with exceptional muscle tone that looked like he could pull an airplane and still keep a pretty face.

James Diamond.

He knew his mission and the voice in the back of his head reminded him that he didn't have too much time. Pushing past all the teens quickly, but not enough to capture attention, he made his way to the elevator. The up arrow was the only one to select so he chose it. "Here we go," he muttered under his breathe so no one could hear. As the doors opened and revealed no one to be inside, he swiftly went inside the elevator, pressed the button to close the doors, and proceeded to connect his finger to the button with a '2' on it until it lit up white. Sooner than he realized, the doors slid open and he entered the hall of the second floor.

"Come on. Come on," he whispered to himself as he rapidly tried to reach the desired apartment. He searched through the square gold plates on each door inscribed with a '2A' through '2I'. Here it was – the apartment he had been looking for. 2J. He put his head to the door, leaning an ear against it to hear what was going on inside. Silence. It was golden.

Just as he had hypothesized, when he jiggled the doorknob, it was unlocked. It wasn't uncommon in the Palm Woods being that there were never any break-ins and the fact that there were four 18 year old living alone together. He slowly squeaked the door open and took his first step onto the hardwood flooring.

Everything was quiet and peaceful in the apartment without anyone being there. The room was still and the air was stale, signaling that there hadn't been any life in the apartment for hours. That he knew, too. The boys had left to go to a concert in Las Vegas and would be returning in about 2 hours.

His mission was still clear in his mind as he slowly approached the kitchen area of the deserted room. Going through the cabinets, he found exactly what he was looking for. He reached in and pulled out all the open bags of chips the apartment held. He made his way to the counter with them and did exactly what he was told to do then put them back. He sneakily made his way back to the front door and quietly exited; making it look like no one was ever even there.

"No, but that one girl in the front was really hot!"

"Hey, did you see the one all the way to the left? She was stunning!"

"Did you see the way that other girl started climbing up Freighttrain's back? So funny!"

"Haha! Yes! That was hilarious!"

The boys had just walked into their apartment, coming back from the concert they had just performed in Las Vegas. They were discussing the fans that they saw and met and the great moments of the performance. As they did this, they took out the snack bowls and chip bags so they can do their routine. Every time they came back from a concert, they would sit back and relax on the big orange couch with different snacks and sodas.

They placed four bowls on the coffee table, each containing a different snack. The purple bowl had popcorn, the blue one had potato chips, the green one had nacho cheese Doritos, and the red one had pretzels. They were snacks fit for four kings along with the beverages of their choice. Kendall and Carlos took Sprite, Logan had ginger-ale, and James had Coke. They sat and clicked through the TV channels until they found a hockey game between the Minnesota Wild and New York Rangers just as it was about to start.

"Awesome!" Carlos celebrated. He loved hockey since the day he'd been born and loved watching it just as much as he loved playing it.

"Let's go Minnesota!" Kendall chanted as his voice echoed through the apartment.

"WOO! WOO! WOO! WOO!" James and Logan cheered as they pumped their fists each time they said 'Woo'.

They simultaneously grabbed a bowl and took it as their own. Logan took the pretzels, Carlos took the popcorn, James took the potato chips and Kendall took the Doritos. They were all satisfied with their snacks and had huge grins on their faces. This was the life.

"Woah, woah, woah! Wait!" Logan called out before anyone could start eating. "Do you guys smell that?"

"Hm, I smell something sweet, but it's light. Why?" Kendall commented.

"I don't know, it's just that we're eating salty foods but smell something sweet. It's weird, but it's probably nothing." Logan responded. Something seemed off to him, but he brushed it off.

They began to eat and watch the hockey game as it started. They chanted and screamed, but after about 2 minutes, nothing but the TV could be heard. The boys laid on the couch, eyes closed and unconscious.

The front door opened quietly, revealing the man who had been in the apartment earlier along with another one. They saw the boys and made their way over to them. They knew what they needed to do and who their prey was.

Stepping over discarded pieces of chips and other snacks, the two men lifted one of the four boys and took him right into the hallway, closing the door behind them. They knew they had to make this fast, the ingested chloroform would wear off in about a half hour. They took the boy to the stairwell and down to the back exit of the Palm Woods by the dumpsters, hosting him into the car they had. It was an old rusty car that looked like it would break down at any second. Opening the back door, the second man grabbed duct tape and put it over the boy's mouth, taped his wrists together, then proceeded to wrap his ankles. He was thrown into the back seat carelessly. The men got into the front and drove off to their secret hideaway about 10 minutes away.

OMG WHAT WILL HAPPEN?! Ok, so please review and tell me what you think will happen and which of the boys you think they've taken! Ok, so long for now!