
Karkat: Realize something important.

It was a week after they'd really ever been together for the first time when Karkat suddenly realized something. Of course, he should've seen it all along, should've trusted himself and John about it, but being Karkat, he hadn't.

They'd been together for seven months with hardly any problems.

Of course, there were their usual fights over things that didn't matter, that were more out of habit and sometimes teasing, but they'd never really fought. Karkat had found a perfect matesprit who loved him and wouldn't leave, no matter how stupid either of them could be. They shared an understanding that Karkat certainly hadn't felt during his fling with Terezi; besides, that was really nothing but a memory now.

It couldn't even compare to what he had with John.

The human really did care for him, that was the most surprising thing to him. He had already talked to Gamzee about John's tendency to act as a moirail, seemingly by instinct, and was glad when Gamzee gave his blessing while remaining his official moirail. But during those times, when he gave vent to his feelings to John, he felt a rush of gratefulness that was extreme to the point of making him giddy afterwards. He assumed it was simply a feeling of affection, a normal reaction for anyone who were willing to listen to and help with his problems.

He wasn't scared of sharing his problems, his weaknesses, with John.

Another point at hand was that he was no longer on edge around John at all. He'd forgone his natural instincts, mental barriers, and fears of losing people, at least, whenever he and John were together. He'd smile more often, and of course give open shows of affection when they were alone, and sometimes even subtle ones when they weren't. He wasn't afraid that John would break his heart any more.

He'd really stopped being scared of them breaking apart in any way a long time ago.

John was still, and would always be, the cheery, partially naïve Egderp that Karkat adored, and even if he somehow did change- Karkat would still love him. He understood that they'd go to the ends of the Earth- or rather, world they'd made together - for each other. It touched him and made his heart glow like he'd never even really imagined it could. He really wished Crabdad was here to see this- it was what he'd always wanted for Karkat, a caring matesprit and good, safe home.

When he really thought about it, he realized that the human emotion he'd been feeling for a long time wasn't that bad at all- and that was love.

Mmmm, really short, I know. I apologize. It's just, this is supposed to function as prologue sort of thing, and they're generally short. Hopefully I can make up for it with the next JohnKat story, hmmm? I've already gotten part of the first chapter written.

I want you guys to decide; should it be a Humanstuck AU, or an AU with a world like the one described here? I'd really bloke opinions, and there'll be a poll on my profile for it.

Love you all, my darling readers, those who dropped a fav, follow, review, or just read. Hope you enjoyed!
