OH! Yeah! I always forget. Sailor Moon doesn't belong to meeeeee!!!
Chapter 2: No title for chapter 2!
I grabbed at the itchy collar of my straight and prim, cleanly ironed uniform as I walked down the main hallway within the Moon Palace. The uniform was a black sideways buttoned shirt with gold trimming, high collared and really really REALLY annoying. (AN:Think an Asian shirt) The pants were also black, going into black boots. My belt was brown and the sheath was .. take a while guess.. you got it! Black! (Yeesh you'd think I was going to a funeral and not to work. Unless funerals were my work, but they weren't so there isn't a comparison.)
I was trying to exert the up most control from keeping my eyes to going to the size of large plates from the wonderment and amazing décor the hallways simply oozed with. There were marvelous paintings depicting weddings, wars and portraits of old rulers, important philosophers, inventors, some random guy named Bob, as well as tapestries woven from the finest of fabrics. The tapestries showed everything from simple patterns to complex scenes with mythical creatures to oceans. The colors ranged from everything from a silver pink(I never thought such a color existed but after seeing those tapestries...) to the deepest blues and back again with a jungle green. It was obvious that this palace had hired the most skilled of artisans within the entire solar system.
I swallowed down the urge to scamper around flinging melted cheese and chocolate pudding all over the immaculate palace. I also bit back laughing hysterically at the thought of cheese dripping from the portraits of the stiff shirt old people(Especially that Bob fellow). So, while I was aiming for the perfect picture of calm, confident and in control I was displaying "Insane. Do not touch. Refrain from feeding." My shoulders were shaking from the effort in trying not to laugh, my mouth couldn't decide between grinning mischievously and being solemnly serious, my eyebrows sorta waggled, my hands were clenched to my sides, and I half strutted towards the throne room half dragged myself. ... Man.. I am one TWISTED puppy.
I continued down the elegant hallway, which was later named cheese hall (I named all rooms and halls after the one gooey messy thing that would be least appropriate, some of the names included mud room, coconut hall and green slime room.) towards the giant double doors that was the entrance to the throne room. My stomach was clenching, a bundle of nerves really. I gripped my hands together. Perhaps you're wondering as to why I was so nervous. I wlll now let you in on one of the greatest secrets in history of the species known as males, guys gossip as much as women do. It is one of the better kept secrets of the male race. And the rumors surrounding the mysterious supposedly beautiful Princess Serenity made a naked mole rat look pretty. I had seen a few of the guys who had returned to Mars BEGGING to be re-assigned after being assigned to guard the Moon Princess.
It was told that she hated all guards before they even got there. A highly independent woman who believed herself strong enough to protect herself. That was understandable, many of our trainers had been females and they had whipped the pants off of the overly lazy sexist men who didn't believe women were weak enough. That was enough of a lesson for me not to underestimate a female. I had also heard she was snobby, bratty and had to get her way. She was like ice, but also set up tricks in order to get the guard blamed so that he would be asked to leave. This is why I was nervous. But I wanted to do my job, and no one was going to make me back off. Serenity was a challenge and I never backed off on a challenge. I was going to be her royal guard damn it and nothing she did was going to change that!
In fact, I smiled, I was hoping that perhaps we could be more of companions than a goofy bodyguard/protectee relationship. With that thought in mind I burst through the front doors and managed to get a full strut going. Finally achieving that confident, cool and oh so in control it hurts look.
Until I saw the choice of hairstyle the moon girls deemed fashionable.. Just looking at the Queen Serenity's hair made my stomach growl in want of some nice pasta with meatballs. Indeed she looked as if she had modeled her hair after two meatballs with some yummy silver noodles streaming out of them. I bit the inside of my cheek to remain serious and looking important. It wasn't hard considering how intimidating the Queen really was. She sorta made your nerves tingle considering you could FEEL the power aura around her. I tried not to let any of this show but for some reason I got the feeling that she already knew everything that was running through my brain.
I bowed courteously to the Queen, not daring to remove my gaze off of her to look at my charge. I had seen out of the corner of my eye that she had decided upon the same.. um.. FASHIONABLE hairstyle her mother choose, but that was it. I also didn't get to look at the gorgeous marble floor I was standing on, the delicately painted ceiling depicting angels and unicorns and such, the large columns leading to the wide balconies surrounding the throne room, giving a perfect view of the main moon city stationed near the ocean of Selene, I also barely noticed the magnificent gold throne that was covered in precious stones. The queen serenity met my stare full on before she smiled at me.
"You must be Darien."
"Yes You're Majesty." I responded softly as was protocol for a knight. If I had been Prince Endymion I probably would have responded with a slight nod and asked about politics or the weather. Or I would now, when I was still a prince at age 10 I would have probably run around in circles like a chicken with its head cut off, screaming "meatballs meatballs!" and bursting out in maniacal evil laughter. hmmm.. that sounded like a good idea.
"I am honored to welcome you to my kingdom. What do you think?" She asked, I immediately liked her. She had that kind of voice where it sounded like she was genuinely interested in anything you had to say. Whether it was something as trivial as "Cows go moo." Or as important as "Sheep do not go moo." You would know she'd listen. Highly important for a Queen.
"I have not been here long but from what I saw coming from the transport docks I believe your kingdom to be exceedingly beautiful filled with intelligent and warmhearted citizens." I said truthfully. The one thing I saw wrong with it was that everything seemed so silver and gold. There were colors in the paintings and tapestries of course. But the living things, instead of being a plethora of greens, browns, reds, yellows, purples and blues it was silver and gold. Even the water was silver instead of a pretty blue.
Serenity seemed to be pleased with my answer and gestured to her right.
"Sir this is your charge, my daughter, her serene and most high Princess Serenity." So, Finally for the first time I laid my eyes upon the princess. My eyes widened in surprise. She was beautiful, but not an alluring sexy beautiful (although it was VERY promising.. Hey. I was a guy! I hadn't seen a pretty female my age for the last 8 years! Give me a break!). She appeared to be a late bloomer, but was still gorgeous in her own way. She held an innocent sweet ... cutesy beautiful. She was just adorable, if only she'd get that look of hatred aimed at me off her face. She was scowling which was, on anyone else not cute but on her it was adorable. Man if looks could kill I'd be pushing up the daisies, kicking the bucket, six feet under, I kept my face neutral but did a small shift and gave her a slight roll of my eyes. Projecting (I hope) the message that there were millions of places I'd rather be than this throne room. (Which really wasn't true but she didn't know that.) The queen if she noticed didn't show it.
"Serena, please show our guest around the palace." The queen suggested. Princess Meatball head gave her mother a fake smile before stalking out of the room as if she owned the world, swishing her hands around. My eyes lit up as I tried to imitate her walk out of the door. I heard a few people behind me snicker (Including the Queen) and I also caught a faint whisper which I had to grin happily at.
"Perhaps the Princess has met her match."
GAAAAAAAAAAH I have lost all ability to writeeeeeee
*gasp* Must.. *wheeze* find.. *slowly falls unconcious* plotline!!!!!
(if you can't tell I'm in a REALLY goofy mood.)