Sam's first stop was the showers; then her office to catch up on mail and phone messages and touch base with the science staff. Several hours later she was taking the long elevator ride to the top, where she was delighted to find out that her car started right away. Then she drove home.

She aired the house and checked the refrigerator and then changed into jeans and a tank top. She was standing once again staring into the fridge when the doorbell rang.

It was a delivery man with a long white box tied with a blue ribbon. She signed for it, ran for her purse to get him a tip and then brought it inside.

Inside she found a huge spray of wildflowers in every imaginable color. The card read,

'Consider these a down payment on the next time I royally screw up. Love, J.'

Sam smiled and then laughed and shook her head. Then she went to find a vase.

Just after dark there was a soft tapping on her sliding glass door – the Morse code for SG1.

She switched off the light and went to let Jack in. A moment after that she was in his arms.

A moment after that they were in her bed.


A week later…..

Gathering in Daniel's office was something they did, like gathering at Jack's house. It just happened, naturally. Teal'c was in the chair at the desk. Sam and Daniel were perched on the stools at the worktable.

"I'm glad Jack finally told him," Daniel said.

"Indeed," Teal'c answered, "I was never certain why the boy had never been told in the first place."

"Jack told me Laira didn't want him to know and he respected her wishes," Sam answered.

Daniel grunted and looked displeased but said, "That sounds like him."

"You would have argued with her," Sam said, knowingly.

"Of course," he replied, as if it were obvious. "But I guess I'm mostly glad he finally told you."

"It has been difficult," Teal'c said.

"But he asked you not to tell me and Teal'c," Sam pointed out, "and you didn't."

"That doesn't mean I didn't argue with him," Daniel answered.

"You always argue with Jack," Sam said.

At that moment, Jack appeared in the doorway.

"You guys ready to go?" he asked.

Daniel looked at his watch. "We're not due for 25 minutes," he said.

"I didn't ask that. I asked if you were ready," Jack said.

They instantly all came to their feet. "Yeah, we're ready," Daniel answered, reaching for his pack.

This was, after all, General Jack O'Neill. The Gate opened when he said it did, regardless of schedule. Shrugging into their gear they followed him to the Gate Room.

"Daniel, do you have those new books Jett asked for?"


"Sam, did you remember the pictures?"

"I did."

"Sounds like we have everything then."

They filed into the Gate Room and it felt right. It felt the way it should be, the four of them together waiting for the wormhole to whisk them away.

"We're leaving early, Walter!" He hollered up to the Control Room. "Dial it up!"

"Yes, sir!"

On cue the chevrons began to spin, locking onto Edora's address.

When they stepped through, Daniel and Teal'c were on point with Jack and Sam on their six. Daniel jogged easily down the steps on the other side with Teal'c just behind him.

Daniel stopped when he realized that Jack and Sam has paused just in front of the Gate and were still standing there when it shut down. After the familiar snap in the air there was a long silence in which Jack and Sam just stood there and looked at each other.

"Guys?" Daniel said.

They didn't look at him. Instead Jack very slowly reached out. His hand hovered in the air, waiting for her to take it. Sam's eyes widened and then narrowed. Then as if she had come to the same decision a moment after Jack, she reached back and linked her fingers with his.

Jack smiled, used the grip on her hand to pull her closer. He lifted her hand briefly to his lips, kissed it and then they turned as one to face Daniel and Teal'c.

"It's about damned time," Daniel muttered, shaking his head at them.

"Indeed," Teal'c said in classic understatement. He inclined his head with regal grace.

Holding hands, Jack and Sam came down the steps to join them.

"So," Daniel said, in a mock conversational tone, "Is this it then? Anyone else have any secrets, surprises, hidden agendas they want to share?"

Jack looked from one face to the other. Daniel who had single handedly restored his will to live. Teal'c who had given him back the strength to fight. Sam who had given him the courage to love again.

He couldn't believe he had ever doubted any of them, even for a moment.

"No," he said, to Daniel, matching his conversational tone, "I think this is pretty much it for me. Teal'c?"

"I have nothing to share, O'Neill," he responded.

"Sam?" Jack asked.

"No, no," Sam answered, squeezing his hand and grinning at him in love struck amazement, "This was pretty much it for me."


"I got nothin'," Daniel answered.

Jack looked at them all again.

"So we're all good then?"

He got a chorus of nods and affirmative replies. When he started forward they fell into lock step with him as if he had never stopped going off world with them. Together, SG1 walked into whatever the future now held for them.


A/N Fortunate Son was a story that demanded to be written for about six months. I kept trying to ignore it, because I wasn't sure what the fan reaction to Jack having a child with Laira was going to be positive.

But the Muse simply wouldn't leave me alone, so here it is. I will probably revisit this at some time in the future. I'd like to thank everyone who wrote to me and took the time to review. I actually had no intention of having Jack tell Jett he was his father. This was done because I got so many requests about it. So thank you again for the feedback! It never hurts to ask for what you want. The Muse can be flexible it seems.

Jett was based mostly on Jack and partly on two of the children in my preschool program, either one of whom could be Jack O'Neill's child. I am hoping to someday get one of them to quit jumping off the playground equipment in a wild attempt to fly.

UPDATE: Jett's story will continue in Moonlight and Steel, as of chapter 77.
