A.N: I'm a horrible person. My inspiration kind of died, you guys. I'm really sorry. I threw together the last few points I had in kind for the story for the last chapter, but I'm really disapointed in myself for getting so bored when writing this. I am awful. XD Please don't hate me and try to understand that I was totally betraying my SolKat ship when I wrote this and I wasn't really inspired when writing it. Okay? We good? Yeah, pro'lly not. Okay. Last chapter, here you are. Again, so sorry for flaking out.

The movie was great- action packed, dramatic, all that stuff. John and Karkat had each bought a their own popcorn, agreeing sharing one would be a bad idea because they would try to hog all the food to themselves. When the movie was over, they went to the nearby arcade and had a DDR face-off. Karkat won. The kid was light on his feet, wheras John went tumbling into the racing games. Overall, it was fun.

They went out again the following week, getting dinner at McDonalds (Karkat thought it was interesting how humans ate moobeasts) and then going for a walk in the park. John tried to feed the pigeons, but they ended up attacking him and Karkat wound up chasing one all across the park. Even though they got odd looks, John was having a blast.

When he dropped Karkat off at his 'hive', he decided to go for it. John hadn't kissed many girls, let alone trolls, so this was new to him. Karkat seemed to think it was peculiar, but they melted into each other, kind of like in one of those sappy romance films.

"Hm, you've got to do that again." Karkat said when John pulled back, his face was bright red.

Sollux then popped his head out the door, "Oh my god, you just maxked on my moirail!"

John froze, turning and even brighter red than Karkat. "I- uh..."

"CHARGE!" Sollux shrieked, his eyes sparking miniture blue and red lightning bolts. Karkat quickly went to shoosh pap him, telling John he'd see him the next day as the human ran off.

"He's stealing you!" Sollux lisped, pouting. Karkat rolled his eyes and bright his friend back inside, telling him all about what 'kissing' actually felt like. Sollux wasn't impressed.

Dave wasn't exactly helping John out, he could only tease him about how he and Rose had gone gay for trolls, and how Karkat was a high school student, and how hot Terezi was. Oh yeah, Terezi had become his Matesprite by accident when Dave took her to the beach and brought a sand-pail with him. That had earned him a strange day.

Karkat and Kanaya (Rose's totally sexy troll girlfriend) seemed to be secretly advertising the movie store, because John suddenly got an overload of customers. Trolls and humans were renting his films, and he actually had enough money to set aside for something fun.

One day, a female troll with two mismatched horns ended up starting a conversation with John at the restaurant he worked at. Her name was Vriska, and she seemed to be great at getting into his mind, understanding how he felt. Like a therapist. John wound up in drunken tears telling her about his childhood, with her shoosh-papping him like Karkat did to Sollux. She became his moirail, and later moved in with him and Dave because they had an extra room. Plus, she had nowhere else to go and John felt partially responsible for her.

It was weird how none of this would have happened if he hadn't met Karkat that one morning. He told the troll that when they were sitting on a hill, watching the stars poke out in the sky. Karkat told him he was an idiot, then they kissed for a little bit before they went home. John was almost sure he was in love with this troll.

"I pity you," Karkat said, looking at John from across the table they were eating at. John almost spat out his milkshake. Pity was the troll equivalent to love.

"I love you, too, Karkat." John said, swallowing the milkshake before it spewed everywhere. "More than popcorn."

"You're such a fucking mood killer."

"You know you love me."