A/N: So here's a new story for you all. I promise to have the next chapter of House up shortly. It's already been shipped off to my beta. And let's all give her a round of applause for not murdering me yet!

Roxas glared at the red-head in front of him. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and yet, part of him was finally understanding the weird happenings of the past two weeks. The red-head shifted on Roxas' tiny couch and the blond found himself examining the other man more closely. A shock of layered red-head fell past his shoulders, brilliant green eyes were looking at everything in the apartment except Roxas and the blond knew the other man was tall and wiry, though his baggy jeans and oversized sweatshirt hid the muscle Roxas knew he had. The blond sighed, tucking his hands into his hoodie pocket for more warmth.

"Okay, Axel. Start at the beginning," he ordered. The red-head shifted on the couch until he was more upright and cleared his throat before beginning his story.

"It happened two weeks ago, when I first came into town..."

The wolf paused, lowering its head to the ground as it searched for the smell again. He huffed in irritation. He had been tracking a coven of vampires for over a week and if he didn't find them soon another person would be killed. The wolf growled low in his throat at the thought. He still hadn't forgiven himself for the loss of that girl's life. He shook his head to dispel the melancholy thoughts before sniffing the ground again, pawing at the dirt as if trying to dig up the scent. The sun would be setting soon and the bloodsuckers would be on the move. A gentle wind picked up and the world raised his head to sniff the air. He opened his mouth and let his tong roll out before sniffing again. Giving a small yip the auburn wolf bounded toward the small town.

He slowed as he approached the town. The smell was stronger here but it was twice as dangerous for the wolf – he'd have to be cautious about people. They were always so shocked and appalled to see him – as if he was the one they needed to be worried about. He could transform but his senses weren't as sharp and it always left him a bit weaker. He decided to forgo changing just yet. He slunk into the shadows and began searching for the freshest scent. A few minutes later, he found it and began to follow the trail, trying to keep in the shadows and alleyways as much as possible. His pace picked up as the sun sank lower and lower on the horizon. Still, the town was bigger than he initially thought and night had slipped in like a thief by the time he found the coven. His heart sank as he saw that the four vampires had a blond teen surrounded. The wolf's inner self howled in rage, wanting to rip the coven to shreds but his human side rationalized 'change first'. The auburn wolf breathed deeply, gritting his teeth as bone and tissue stretched. He wobbled for a moment, unaccustomed to two feet but he quickly found his center of balance and turned his attention to the scene in front of him.

"Look, if you're trying to jump me for money I can tell you right now it's a lost cause," the blond stated. The wolf silently growled in appreciation of the teen's bravery.

"It's not your money we want," sneered the coven leader. "It's your blood."

"Did Seifer pay you to beat me up? Cause if he did you can tell him to kiss my ass – I beat him fair and square," the teen responded. The vampire furthest from the wolf whined.

"Let's just eat him! I'm hungry!" Before the others could respond, the wolf moved and ripped the throat out of one and broke a second one's neck. That left the coven leader and the whiner.

"The hell?!" The blond questioned.

"Shut up," the wolf growled before launching at the last two vampires. The blond watched wide-eyed as the red-headed stranger killed the last of his four assailants.

"They're just thugs, why'd you kill them?" he asked, watching as the other man piled the four corpses into a dumpster.

"They were going to eat you."

"Eat me? Like – omnomnom?" The wolf snorted.

"Yes, like omnomnom," he responded sarcastically.

"So...they're..." the blond trailed off.

"Vampires. And you were going to be dinner."

"And you..." the blond started.

"Stopped them," the wolf finished, turning to look the blond in the face for the first time. He froze as the wolf inside howled in joy.

"Well...thanks for saving my life, I guess," the blond stated, edging away from the man. He froze when he felt the other pin him with his gaze.

"I'm not delusional. Wait five minutes for the sun to rise and watch what happens to the bodies," the wolf stated. The blond wavered in indecision before moving to stand next to the mad man. As the sun rose and the rays filtered into the alleyway the blond watched with a mixture of amazement and horror as the corpses' skin began to blister and peel before the bodies turned to ash.

"How -wh- just...WHAT?"

"Vampires," the wolf stated.

"They were going to EAT ME?" the blond demanded.

"Now you're catching on," the red-head applauded. The blond groaned in frustration, walking in a wide circle and tugging on his unruly locks.

"And who the hell are you?" he demanded.

"Axel," the red-head responded.

"Axel," the blond repeated. "I'm Roxas. How'd you know how to kill them? Are you a vampire hunter?" he questioned. Axel snorted.

"Hardly. You could say I'm a mercenary. I'm un-bonded, so I'm able to move wherever they need me to," he stated. Realized he'd said too much, Axel grit his teeth.

"Un-bonded? And who are 'they'?" Roxas asked.

"It's nothing," Axel snapped, striding away. "Just go home and convince yourself that this was all some delusional dream. Be content living in your world of make-believe where the most dangerous thing is mankind."

"But -" Roxas began and Axel whirled around.

"Forget you met me, Roxas," he stated before sprinting out of the alleyway. He waited until he cleared the end of the block before changing back into his wolf.

Despite wanting Roxas to forget about him, Axel hung around the town for another two weeks. But supernatural occurrences were minor and Axel knew he had to start heading back to the pack. It wasn't until he tried to leave town that he realized he couldn't. At least not alone. He had barely put one paw outside the town's limits before his inner wolf began howling in rage.

What? His human-side asked. What is it? The auburn wolf laid down and began whimpering piteously – the whine he used when asked about a mate. No way! You can't have imprinted – we only met...oh God...tell me you didn't! Axel pleaded. The wolf sat up and gave him a smug look. Bad boy! Bad! Axel scolded mentally before heaving a sigh and turning around to search for Roxas' scent.

He was across the street from the apartment complex when he saw the teen trudging home. Axel shifted to his human form and loped up to the smaller man.

"We need to talk..." he sighed.

"So...you're a werewolf?" Roxas stated. Axel nodded. "And...we're mated?" he asked. Axel nodded again. "But...I'm not gay!" Axel scowled.

"Trust me, it's not my ideal situation either, but imprints can't be broken so we're stuck with it." Internally he scowled at the wolf who panted back contentedly – happy to be near its mate.

Roxas flopped back into his chair. It was only two weeks ago that he learned supernatural beings existed and now he was the mate of a gay werewolf. How could his life possibly get any weirder?
