A/N Yet again another offering from my sick little mind...Wasn't happy with this until I figured out where this was going and that hit me after my afternoon nap...Gotta love flu medicine.

This has a small...Na a HUGE tag to the end of season 2 and the start of season 3.

Disclaimer...I don't own and I'm sick so I don't care!

Only Human.

Chapter 1

Callen walked into the bullpen. He'd just come back of another undercover mission and he knew he was cranky, it always took him a few days to get back to his old self after a case involving child abduction.

For some reason this case had hit him harder. He knew he was still as mad as hell with Hetty; she had stopped him after he'd gone after the last truck. Yes, he knew he would have been killed had he gone against orders and followed. But he hated the fact not all the perpetrators had been captured.

To make matters worse, Sam had physically grabbed hold of him to stop him chasing the last truck. This had been when he had snapped. Punching Sam in the jaw he had moved off and walked in circles for an hour trying to calm down.

Deeks had tried to talk to Callen; he had been in a few hard hitting cases like this where he hadn't managed to save everyone. Callen hadn't wanted to talk and had likened Deeks to a Nate wannabe and had stormed off.

He dropped his bag by his desk grabbed hold of his after action reports and dumped them loudly on his desk.

"Morning G," Sam said.

Callen just glared at him.

Sam got up and walked around his desk and stood leaning on his own desk staring at Callen, "Are we good G?" He asked concerned. Even mad Sam needed to know if they were good as he couldn't go out into the field if he didn't feel his partner had his back.

"We're good." Callen growled out. He took a deep breath and sighed, "Sam, we are good, it was just….a hard case you know, I am only human after all and I will let you down sometimes, I'm not a superhero or anything." He said sadly.

Sam opened his mouth to say something, anything to help his partner out of his current funk when Eric whistled.

"We have a hostage situation at on a marine base in San Diego." Eric said.

"And we are on this why?" Callen asked as they walked into OPS.

"Because, Mr. Callen…Ms Blye is one of the hostages." Hetty said walking in behind them. "And the hostage takers have asked for you by name."

Eric put up what images they could of the hostage takers.

Callen looked at them all blankly.

"I don't know any of them."

"Well Mr. Callen, I suggest you go with Mr. Deeks and Mr. Hanna and see if you can find out how much your cover has been compromised." Hetty said sharply.

Callen gave a curt nod and headed to the challenger with Deeks and Sam hot on his heels.

Arriving at the sight, the three men entered through the back, Hetty having managed to talk to LAPD let her team have the lead and they went in with their guns drawn.

They slipped in the back and they got a first look at the hostages, Kensi sat with the others in a circle.

Kensi spotting them managed to get a few of the hostages out with Deeks. Sam walked in with Callen at his six both with their guns drawn. Three men with bags full of cash and bonds. They dropped the bags at the sight of Sam and all three leveled their guns.

"NCIS, Drop your weapons." Sam said.

The lead man looked at Callen and smiled.

"Is it true are you coming home?" the man with Ice blue eyes and dirty blond hair asked concern on his face.

To the horror of his team Callen dropped his weapon. "Yes, Stefan, I can't do this anymore."

"G?" Sam said his gun dropping an inch, but still leveled on the others.

Stefan walked over and put his arms around Callen. "Gregori Calinescu…it is time to come home," he said.

Sam moved his gun from the men to Callen.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Callen let out a sad smile… "I don't know anymore Sam, Maybe going home will help."

An older man walked around the corner, He was tall his dirty blond hair cut short and his dark blue eyes were as piercing as Callen's. "Boy's put that money down, you know it was not needed, Gregori…Have you chosen?"

"Yes Tata, I need to come home. I need to…..I have to come home." Callen said sadly.

The old man walked up to Callen and pulled him into a hug. "Are you wearing an earwig?" the old man asked.

Callen nodded.

"Take it out….and call her."

Callen dialed a number into his phone.

"Henrietta, you tried very hard to hide my boys from me, you took my daughter, but I now have both my boys. You have lost Henrietta; they are both back with me."

Hetty looked at the phone her hands shaking. "Rica Calinescu, don't take him…please for Clara's sake…she didn't want this."

The man in front of Callen grew dark, his face changed to one of fury, "I know I was her target…But she loved me and all her children, you and the American government allowed my enemies to kill her you didn't stop it, you took my children to America away from me…You split them up so they couldn't protect each other, you wouldn't even tell my youngest son his first name in case he found me." He laid a hand on Callen's shoulder, "Well my Amelia is dead, but my twins are safe and they are coming home with me." He hung up the phone and threw it into the wall so it smashed.

Callen trod on his earwig.

"G….please…don't do it." Sam pleaded.

"Are you….out of your mind?" Callen said to him, "I finally get to find out who I am and who my family is…and you want me to go back to the woman who destroyed my life?"

"Sam stop him!" Hetty's voice came over the earwig.

Sam raised his gun as ordered, and then Hetty heard a scream as a shot was fired.

The team in OPS looked on helplessly as Sam fell to the floor and Callen backed out with the other men and was gone.

"Find them!" Hetty ordered, "Mr. Deeks I need a sit rep now!" She snapped.

"Sam's down….we need and ambulance….and Callen's…..gone." Deeks told her his voice cracking.

He like the rest of the team was hurt and confused.

Callen climbed into the back of the van with his father and his fraternal twin brother.

"You are sure you want to do this?" Rica asked his sons.

"Yes Tata…When you told me yesterday, I wanted to come then, I can't believe she hid this from me and then worked against me to finish it." Callen said sadly. "I can't trust Hetty anymore."

"My son, she was only protecting her family, as am I." Rica tried to placate his son.

Callen nodded, "Tata, I understand what we need to do….but Hetty…If we are to finish the vendetta the Comescu's started, then they all have to die, including her…She knew. Tata for years she knew all of this, She betrayed me…I claim the right to kill her." He begged his father.