A/N: And so it ends. I had so much fun writing this story (at least up until that last chappie…sorry), and I'm so incredibly grateful for the fact that you guys had fun reading it! I couldn't ask for more supportive, wonderful reviewers/followers/favoriters. So, that being said, read on!

-Epilogue -

Will stared at the gravestone in front of him. The only sound in the woods were rustling leaves and dripping rain, and Will preferred to keep it that way. Over the past week, he'd been ambushed with a constant flow of questions, remarks, and praises. He hated it.

"I'm no hero." Will thought miserably. "I failed. I let the Kalkara get to me, and I'd be dead now if it weren't for…." He sighed and focused again on the grave in front of him.

"What do want to mark it with?" Halt's voice broke him from his thoughts, and he glanced at his mentor. Will thought for a moment. "I don't know." He finally replied. "I'm not quite sure what I think of him. He was…never really a father to me, and hero doesn't sound right."

Halt nodded grimly, letting a silence pass over them once more. After a few moments, he broke it again. "Look, Will. Next time anything's bothering you, I want you to tell me." Will glanced at his mentor, sensing he was holding something back. Halt took a deep breath and blurted out the words he'd been thinking over for a while.

"Look, I know you've never had a real parent figure in your life so…I could adopt you…if that's what you wanted." Halt glanced nervously at his wide-eyed apprentice. A few moments passed. Finally, Will's lips stretched into the first real smile he'd had in weeks.

"Yes, Halt. I'd love that."

A/N: AAAAAAAND…done. Short epilogue, I know, but it needed to be done. Anyways, I'm sorry about the late-but-rushed ending to this :P. After this, I'm probably going to start writing for Percy Jackson for a while, so I won't be updating any stories for RA any time soon. Sorry bout that also…man I'm saying sorry WAY too much here…keep reading/reviewing/being awesome!-FLY