Disclaimer; I do not own Naruto and am not profiting in any way from this. This disclaimer provides for all future chapters of this story

Hurt and betrayed, Sakura seeks to prove her worth to Konoha by striving to improve herself and to ultimately achieve ANBU status. As she builds her confidence, Sakura learns that love and trust are never easy and can sometimes come from the most unexpected of places.

Chapter 1: Of Love and Lies

"No... Shishou" Sakura hissed then quickly amended her refusal, remembering she was arguing with her mentor and Hokage.

"Sakura" Tsunade rebuked "this is ridiculous, its one mission, I am sure you can set aside any differences you might have for a few days, a week at most".

Sakura sighed, she knew she was being childish; it was a simple retrieval mission which needed a capable field medic to ensure its success.

"Besides, I thought you forgave Naruto and Kakashi for their latest... indiscretion" Tsunade smiled.

Sakura mock glared at her shisou "You know that's not the problem! Besides, their antics don't really bother me anymore, after a while I have come to expect it".

It was true she thought fondly, her boy's teamwork had escalated in the past year with the promotion of Sakura and Naruto to jonin. Unfortunately for Sakura, this was not always to her advantage, two days ago she had returned from a gruelling shift at the hospital to find Kakashi and Naruto in her closet. Well, Naruto in her closet and Kakashi inching towards her panty draw. She never found out what they wanted after Naruto attempted to explain himself by whining "but Sakura-chan, we only wanted something hideous so we could..." His sentence had been abruptly cut off as he was hauled out of her apartment by his ear, while Kakashi typically disappeared in a puff of smoke, chuckling over Naruto's dismal explanation. True, they were looking for something unflattering, but inadvertently telling Sakura her clothes were hideous was not particularly wise.

Tsunade laughed softly, remembering the echoes of Naruto's apologies as he attempted to flee from Sakura, "Sometimes I don't know how you put up with them, but I know you would hate it if they changed".

Sakura tried to deny it but it was true. Her team had become her family; they worked incredibly well together, becoming one of Konoha's most successful cells. But that only brought her back to her current, rather dismal situation.

"I don't know why we can't wait until Naruto and Sai return from their mission, then Team Seven can cover this one." She near-begged, she knew it was embarrassing but the alternate was worse.

"Sakura, I won't tolerate this anymore, its one mission and you know your duty. You will meet the assembled team at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning at the gates." Her eyes softened, "I know you and Sasuke have had your problems but try at least act civil for this mission. I wouldn't ask you but you are the only medic available. Anyway, it's a great mission for your record. You are still interested in ANBU aren't you?"

Sakura nodded, recognising her argument as lost "You know I need that promotion, I am sorry Shishou. I will see you in a week." Konoha's elite forces were currently in dire need of medical ninja and Sakura only needed to gain more mission experience to be accepted. It was almost a given she would be but she wanted to be sure she was ready. The last thing she wanted was to be outclassed by her cell- again. Sakura was also eager to gain the promotion before her genin teammates, she was desperate to be recognised as a great konuichi and gain a reputation separate from that of the legendary Team Seven. She knew it was foolish in some ways, she had achieved a lot already but she knew she could do more.

It really was unfortunate, Sakura mused to herself as she wandered home as she reviewed her situation. Tomorrow she would leave on a mission with her ex- Sasuke. It wouldn't be so bad if he hadn't humiliated her Sakura thought sourly.

Sasuke had returned nearly a year ago led home by a triumphant Naruto. He had defeated his brother and was apparently ready to rebuild his life in the village. However, as a returned missing-nin he was naturally rejected by most of the villages and shinobi, his only supporters were Team Seven of which Sai only counted by default. Sai could not understand why "the traitor" deserved their unwavering support. It showed Sai's emotional progress that he nonetheless tolerated their wayward teammate out of respect for Naruto and Sakura.

Sakura and he soon started dating; it seemed natural and they were together for months when Sakura returned early from a shift to find Sasuke in a rather compromising position with one of the hospital nurses. Sasuke had the young women pinned against the living room wall, her moans audible from the front door. Sakura was humiliated, Sasuke turned to her and said "It wasn't working out; I don't think we ever really had a chance". He was strangely reflective Sakura had thought absently, until he continued "you were frigid anyway, I don't know how you expected it would last. Who wants to return home to someone you just lays there. You were too busy at the hospital to even realise I wasn't around". Then Sakura was mortified, the girl Hana had heard everything and the gleam in her eye said the whole village would soon know. Sakura ran, thinking that maybe she was always going to be weak when it came to Sasuke.

She stayed at Naruto's apartment for days with Sai and Kakashi dropping in when they could. It was weeks before she could venture outside without stares and whispers following her. She was lucky the rest of team 7 had supported her, but it was what finally split the group. Even Naruto could not salvage his friendship with Sasuke after this betrayal.

Sakura knew her lingering anger was because she felt guilty that the relationship failed so spectacularly. Sasuke was her first boyfriend and he had no problems moving onto various other relationships. The term used in a very loose manner. It was Sakura that had retreated back into her non-existence social life which, at nineteen, was getting a bit fixed.

Her best friend, well, mostly best friend, seemed to agree. Sakura was constantly plagued by comments such as "Honestly forehead, if you don't at least try to date again then you'll get nowhere. Maybe you should start your cat collection now or something if you are just going to give up."

At Sakura's saddened expression Ino had softened "I know it's hard Sakura, but you will only move on if you allow yourself too. There is someone out there for you, just hold onto that."

Ino's terrible motivation speeches aside, Sakura was grateful for her friendship, her boys were great but it was nice being able to talk to a girl. Sakura had tried to follow her advice but it was thanks to Sasuke she was referred to as "Ice Queen" by strangers in bars. Random men eager to find out if she was as cold as teh Uchiha claimed was not how to solve her relationship troubles. Instead Sakura committed herself to her work and becoming stronger.

Sakura reached her modest apartment and began packing her bag- including her medical supplies and weapons. She included her katana on a whim, it was unlikely she would be involved in any attack but she hated leaving without it. It was a weapon she had fast developed an affinity with. With Kakashi's tutelage she had soon reached ANBU standard. She smirked to herself, her proficiency with the weapon was relatively unknown and she enjoyed the surprise from her enemies and comrades alike.

Sakura had improved considerably since she was a genin. She was also the co-head of the hospital, a responsibility she shared with Shizune which allowed each to help Tsunade when they were needed.

A tap on the window snapped her out of her thoughts- Naruto was peering through the glass, looking exuberant as ever. "Sakura-chan!"

"Hey Naruto, I thought you were out with Hinata today" Sakura said, letting the Kyuubi container in the window. Naruto had matured considerably since their genin days, he had never lost his almost blinding enthusiasm but had begun to temper it slightly with the help of different people. His dream to become Hokage remained and to achieve this he recognised the important of seeking help from others. Fortunately for Hinata it also allowed them to spend time together and, as Naruto got to know her, they had developed quickly into a relationship.

"That was this morning, Hinata is helping me understand clan politics and formalities" Naruto replied, "I was at home and looking for ramen but I realised I forgot to get some more".

"Of course" Sakura smiled, it was amazing the amount of times Naruto ran short of his ramen supplies considering he lived off of the stuff.

Sakura watched him grab a packet from the cupboard "I hear about your mission tomorrow".

"Hmm, I am hoping it won't be too bad, Kakashi is team leader- he's always been the one Sasuke listened to" at Naruto's incredulous look Sakura amended the statement "well, mostly. Anyway, I am focusing on completing the mission"

Naruto grinned "That's the spirit Sakura-chan, I wish I could have joined the mission but Sai and I are leaving tonight, I wanted to say goodbye".

"Not just raid my ramen supplies" Sakura laughed, shaking her head at Naruto's irrepressible nature Sakura wished him luck in return. He soon left, leaving Sakura to prepare for the morning and hopefully get some rest. She did not waste too much time thinking about the mission; she would focus on her duties and hopefully Sasuke would let her retain that dignity at least.

The mission itself should not pose a problem. It was a B-ranked retrieval mission but if both Kakashi and Sauke were on the team then it was one of Konoha's best cells. The item involved a stolen item of jewellery, and it was considered to be a low risk operation. She was not sure who the other members of the team were, figuring that she would find out tomorrow. It didn't matter anyway, she was there to perform her duty to Konoha; hopefully surprise a few people with her improvement but certainly nothing more.