That voice I thought to myself. I looked over to my alarm clock puzzled. Thinking - why is Sheik up and why she is calling my name at 8 in the morning on a Saturday – I proceeded to pulled my blanket back over my head trying to go back to sleep. Once she's up, she's up. Sheik was full awake and apparently my name was the only one she knew. I tried my best to ignore her but I can tell she knew I was up.


Just as long as she doesn't get up I thought to myself. Sick people don't get up, right? Especially in the condition that she was in. Her voice grew quiet. She finally went to sleep due to exhaustion-so I thought and this was my chance to go back to sleep.

"Ike, I know you heard me." Sheik started to whine at my door.

If your wondering, yes, Sheik's room is right next to mines and she manage to pull herself out of her bed to my door.

"Sheik go back to sleep! You need your rest." I yelled to her. I was not getting out of my bed for anything.

" I wanna sleep with you though."

"No. You have germs and I don't want them near me."



"Pretty please?"


"I love you."

"I love you, too. The answer is still no."

"Fine then."

Sheik gave up in defeat – until I heard scratching at my door.

"Sheik! I know your not scratching at my door!"

The scratching continued. She knew I hated that. The sound of her nails on that door. It was horrible. Like scratching a chalkboard with nails. Curse that eerie laughed filled the air and all of a sudden she started to mew.

Don't judge me. I love kittens and I believe their cute- especially when they mew. I punched through many walls to get my manliness back.

She wins. I thought to myself. I opened the door and as quick as lightening, she was in my bed smiling with satisfaction. Two seconds later she was sleep. I joined her in my bed and started to doze off until I heard Sheik purring.

Just like a kitten I thought to myself.