The Sword of the Lost King

Chapter 1

How it Started

In an ordinary country, and in an ordinary town, there lived an ordinary family, but that ordinary family had a secret, a secret that was named Harry Potter. And Harry Potter was anything but ordinary. Harry was currently lying on a cot in a cupboard under the stars, waiting for the clock to chime, telling that it was twelve o'clock and he was officially seven years old.


Harry smiled.


Perhaps this was the year.


Maybe he would leave.


Maybe his parents were alive.


And they were coming to get him.


They were rich, and he would never have to work again.


They would give him a real room.


And all the toys he wanted.


Maybe they would love him.


And care for him.


And just be there with him.

Just as the final dong was about to hit, it seemed to Harry that all time had stopped. The locks on his cupboard unlocked, and nervously, Harry gently pushed open the cupboard door, it swung open, revealing the front door of the ordinary house to be slightly cracked open, and a strange green light to be glowing in. Like in a dream, Harry walked toward the door, grasping the handle, he pulled the door open.

At the end of the pathway leading up the house stood a man, in a heavy black overcoat and raven black hair in a ponytail. But his most distinctive feature was his piercing green eyes, which seemed to bore right through your soul.

"Harry, the time has come, you are ready to begin your training." The man said.

'Train in what?" Harry asked questioningly.

"Magic my dear boy." He replied, laughter in my dear voice.

"Can I leave here?" Harry asked quietly.

"Yes, you will never have to come back here again if you don't want to." He responded, walking up the path and placing his hand on Harry's shoulders.

"Would you like to leave here?" The man asked. Harry just nodded.

"Now Harry, the first time traveling this way going to be unpleasant, are you sure?" he asked.

With a determined look on his face he replied, "Just do it." And in a flash they were gone. Now the only thing that was different was that the ordinary family in the ordinary town, that had a secret, would wake up to find that the secret had vanished, just like magic.

5 years later

"Please, I must go." Harry begged

"No. I will not have you run after every girl in danger." Arthur commanded.

"If I don't go, she will die." Harry's voice rising.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Arthur squeezed his eyes shut, in a soft tone he said, "Harry, if you leave, you can't come back."

"Then I wont come back." Said Harry firmly.

Arthur, sighed, sitting down on a chair. "Then you will forgo your training, leaving it unfinished?"

"I must save her." Harry said looking down looking defeated.

"I figured as much. Because it is exactly the same thing I would do." Harry's head shot up. Arthur continued, "Harry do you remember when I taught you the information on etiquette of being the head of an old pureblood family?"

"Of course, you put your hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes, and suddenly, I knew." Harry replied.

"Good, because in essence what I am going to do, if you would like, is to give you all the information you will need." Arthur said, Harry's eyes widened.

"Of course, lets do it." Harry said enthusiastically, pulling a chair around so he could sit backwards, he sat down, close to Arthur.

"But you see, there is a catch this time." Arthur said, pausing, " Since I will be giving you a large portion of physical as well as mental knowledge, your body hasn't trained for, so to compensate, your body will develop those muscles in a matter of minutes, which will hurt. A lot." Arthur said sadly.

"Oh," Harry said, getting a determined look on his face he said, "Just do it."

Laying a hand on Harry shoulder, Arthur said to him, "Harry, never forget, will always be proud of you and they love you with all their hearts."

"Thanks Uncle Arthur," Harry said unable to resist using the name that his ancestor hated. Arthur gave him a look of mock outrage, before saying, "Be prepared."

The last thing Harry thought of before he passed out was, I hope I can still save her.

Just so you all know, I will show some of Harry's time on... where ever he is, through flashbacks and what knot. If you have any guesses on where the story is going to go, I love new ideas. Really, its pretty obvious that i dont own harry potter, and if i did why would i be writing fan fiction and not just publish it an make a bunch of money? Anyways, i love comments- The Jedi Wizard