Disclaimer: As always, I do not own the characters or ideas/references that may lead to whomever owns Zorro. The plot and anything else unrecognizable is mine.
A/N: Terribly sorry this one is so short, there is most certainly more to come, actually It's all written, I just think that it would be easier to organize in chapters as opposed to a one-shot with lines. So here we are, and I hope you enjoy it.
He was hers again, and this time nothing would rip them apart, the only thing that could possibly stand in the way would be Zorro… but Elena thought that both of them understood the man in the mask in a new light. For now Elena no longer wanted to think of Zorro, she only wanted to think of Alejandro, here, now, under her fingertips. Yes, it was true that he hid under the mask, but to her he would always be Alejandro, the man she truly fell in love with first, and Zorro, the man who captivated her and antagonized her second.
"So what were you saying when you thought we were never meant to be together?" Alejandro teased, breaking their embrace first. Despite everything that had happened, a smile worked its way onto his lips. As Elena looked at the smile one found its way to her own mouth as well.
"Oh, you know… the pipe and I… it just, wouldn't work, it was too much like my stepfather's. Not fit for a lady," she decided to joke with him. After all, she didn't know what she had meant. She had to have been crazy… if he asked her again more seriously it would be Armond. He had been a kind boy at finishing school, but something had changed between them from the time when they were children. Whether it was him or her or Alejandro she did not know, and right now she did not care. Especially if it had anything to do with her or Alejandro for if it did she did not want to un-change it. Not after the last three months and the longing her heart experienced. The entire time all she really wanted was to be right here, in his arms… Maybe not under these circumstances, but… she would gladly take what she could get if it meant he would belong to her and her alone again.
A/N: Please review, if not now, at minimum when you finish the story after the 3rd chapter! Thanks!