I'm so sorry, people. I had a lot going on, with my cousins' cousin having amnesia, all my homework, moving to another country, and my boyfriend disappearing, I hardly had any time for myself. Luckily my boyfriend is ok. He's alive and well. Here's your long awaited chapter. Again, really sorry.

Chapter 5

Hikaru could hear the gentle beeping of the heart monitor. He opened his eyes a little and saw what his tired mind thought was a mirror.

"Good morning." It took a few seconds for him to realize what was going on. He opened his eyes wide and sat up.

"Kaoru! How are you…? What the…? What happened?" Hikaru said, in shock and a bit of panic. He had no idea. He thought he was dead.

"It was staged. I was wearing a bullet proof vest, but I didn't tell the Boss. I wanted his reaction to be genuine." Kaoru explained.

"But, he saw blood."

"It was rigged to make where ever I got shot, bleed. So it looked like I was bleeding."

"Don't scare me like that. I thought I lost you." Hikaru was practically crying.

"Sorry. But, hey, you're no longer in that man's grasp. You're strep throat is starting to clear up too. The bruises are going to heal up, along with the cuts. You are also able to stay out of school until it all heals away so no one questions it."

"I'm glad you're alright."

"I'm glad that you are alright. I was so scared. I didn't want to lose you any more than you want to lose me. You should probably rest now, you've been through a lot. It's my turn to be overly-protective of you. Are you tired?"

"Not very. I'm kind of hungry."

"Ok, I'll go get you some food from the Cafeteria. Ok?" Kaoru stood up, but Hikaru grabbed his arm.

"No, please don't go." Hikaru pleaded. He didn't want to be alone, but more importantly, he didn't want Kaoru to get hurt again.

"Everything will be ok, trust me. How else will you get any food? I'll be right back. I promise." Kaoru assured him.

"Ok." Kaoru gets up and leaves the room, only to be attacked by a crazy blond.

"Kaoru! I can't believe you're alive!" Tamaki shouted all spastically.

"Let me go, Boss." Tamaki let him go.

"Sorry." Tamaki said. The reason Nobody else knew he was ok was because he was already in the hospital room they were going to put Hikaru in and the others had to get checked for strep.

"It's ok. You're probably wondering how I'm alive. I'll tell you later, for now, Hikaru's hungry. See you later." Kaoru walked down the hall to the elevator and to the first floor cafeteria. Kaoru was told by the doctor that Hikaru's health was weaker from the strep throat and the food deprivation. He hardly had anything to eat while there. Kyoya wasn't as bad, but he still is really beat up. Honey-senpai wasn't beat up, neither was Mori-senpai or Haruhi. That's what the doctor told him. You'd think they would be with how Hikaru and Kyoya were, why was this? Kaoru was relieved that the others weren't so hurt, but he just wondered why. Before he knew it, he was in the cafeteria. He got some chicken soup in a cup and brought it up for Hikaru. By the time he got there, Hikaru was asleep again. Kaoru smiled and set the chicken soup down on the little tray and covered his big brother up more. Tamaki came into the room with Kyoya.

"Hey. Come on." Tamaki said, quietly. He knew he'd get slapped if he talked loudly.

"Um, sure." Kaoru followed him and shut the door. Everyone was there, save for Hikaru because he was lying in bed. Kyoya was up and around because he wasn't hurt too bad.

"Now tell us, what happened? I'm sure we'd all want to know." Tamaki asked.

"Ok. I, um, I wanted to take precautions just in case so I wore a rigged bullet proof vest where it would have fake blood where ever it was disturbed. I didn't tell you about it because I wanted your reaction to be genuine. Sorry I scared you guys so much." Kaoru explained.

"I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say I'm glad you're alright. You scared us pretty bad, but it was for a good cause." Kyoya said. From the experience, Kyoya was a bit softer than before, but he was still very much the shadow king they all knew and loved.

"Yeah, well, I better check on Hikaru. He was asleep but you never know, huh?" Kaoru said.

"Right. Well, you take care, Kaoru. We're going to take Haruhi home." Tamaki said.

"I'll be sure to take care. You take care too, alright? All of you. I couldn't stand it if one of my friends got hurt again."

"We'll try not to. Make sure you keep talking, ok? Hikaru needs your voice right now." Haruhi said.

"I know. I only stopped talking because I was scared. Hikaru went missing and then my friends did, one by one."

"Well, we're all here now. We'll see you around later, Kaoru. Kyoya, get back in bed." Tamaki said.

"You can't order me around, Tamaki." Kyoya said, though looking at the wall, thinking it was Tamaki.

"I am the king, you must obey. You're still recovering."

"Kyo-chan, you go to bed right now! Or face the wrath of the Haninozuka." Honey threatened, even though it was a childish and empty threat. He was just playing around.

"Alright, fine. I'll go lay down." Kyoya walked away. As he was walking, he tripped.

"Kyoya!" Tamaki ran over.

"Calm down, I only fell. I still can't see anything, remember?" Kyoya said. Kyoya still didn't have his glasses.

"That's exactly why you should go lay down." Tamaki helped him up and they went back to Kyoya's room. In the commotion, Kaoru went back inside Hikaru's room. Hikaru was still sound asleep.

"He must be very tired to sleep this much. I just hope he'll be the same Hikaru." There was a loud bang. That woke Hikaru up. The other members came in.

"What was that?" Haruhi asked.

"K-Kaoru…" Hikaru started to say.

"Hmm?" Kaoru looked down at Hikaru.

"Your shoulder… it's bleeding." Hikaru said.

"Huh?" Kaoru looked to his shoulder, and that's when the pain suddenly came. "Ow!" He held his shoulder and sat down.

"Kaoru!" Hikaru got out of bed. Honey-Senpai and Mori-senpai ran and shut the blinds on the window. There was a bullet hole through it. Kaoru was cringing and holding his shoulder.

"How come I didn't feel it until now?" Kaoru asked through gritted teeth.

"Bullets are pretty fast. It takes someone a bit of time before they realize they've been shot." Haruhi explained.

"Go get a doctor. Quickly, somebody, before he bleeds to death." Hikaru said. He was by Kaoru's side, despite how beat up he was. Mori and Honey ran out of the room. Haruhi stayed. The doctor soon came. Nurses came as well. They separated the twins. "Wait, where are you taking him?!"

"We need to get the bullet out." The nurse said. Hikaru's eyes widened. Haruhi knew what was about to happen and she quickly restrained him.

"No, at least let me stay by his side! He's never been through surgery before." Kaoru opened his eyes and looked at Hikaru.

"I'll be fine, Hikaru, ok? Don't worry." Kaoru said. Tamaki ran in the room.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Kaoru got shot, they're about to take Kaoru to get the bullet removed, but Hikaru won't calm down. Help me here." Haruhi said. Tamaki ran over and helped restrain him.

"No no no no! Let me go, please! I need to be by him!" Hikaru pleaded, still struggling a lot despite his weak health.

"Hikaru!" Kaoru snapped. Hikaru stopped. "Calm down already. I'll be ok. It's just a small wound." Kaoru said. Hikaru was crying. The nurse and doctor got Kaoru out of the room and to a surgery room. Hikaru stopped struggling. Haruhi sat in front of him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Hikaru, Kaoru's strong, you know that. You know him better than any of us. Stay strong also, for him. He probably doesn't like seeing you all distraught." Haruhi hugged him tight. Normally, Tamaki would be yelling and making a fuss, but he knew Haruhi was only trying to keep him calm. He felt he had to accept the fact that Haruhi and Hikaru might end up together after all. Though it was tough. Hikaru was so tired that he fell asleep in Haruhi's arms. "Tamaki-Senpai, can you help get him in bed." She whispered. Tamaki nodded and helped Hikaru onto his hospital bed.

"Haruhi, can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Tamaki asked.

"Sure." Haruhi and Tamaki left the room. "What's this about?"

"Haruhi, I know you're growing up and might want to start finding yourself a boyfriend. I've noticed how you and Hikaru have been getting along recently. If you want to date him, you can." It was tough for him to say, but he had to say it. He couldn't ignore it any longer. His 'little girl' was growing up.

"What? Don't be silly Tamaki-senpai. I don't like Hikaru in that way. He's a great guy, but I don't really want to date him. The only reason I went on that one date with him was because he asked me to. I wasn't about to turn him down." Haruhi said.

"So, you don't want to date him?" Tamaki asked, confused.

"No. I don't want to date anybody right now." Haruhi said.

"Yay!" Tamaki hugged her tightly. "I knew you wouldn't do that to your Daddy! You must have known I'd be heartbroken!"

"Senpai, get off!" Tamaki stopped and backed off a bit.

"How about I take you home, alright?" Tamaki offered.

"Ok." Haruhi and Tamaki left the hospital and made it to her apartments. They knocked on the door and Ranka opened the door. His eyes went wide when he saw Haruhi and hugged her tight.

"Haruhi, I'm so happy you're safe!" Ranka yelled. He didn't seem to let go for a long time. Haruhi had hugged him back. Even though she was only gone for a day or two, she was happy to be home. She was pretty scared. "Thank you for bringing her home, Suoh."

"No problem. Last thing I wanted is for something to happen to her again." Tamaki said.

"I still don't trust you, Suoh. But you're slowly earning it." Ranka said.

"Ok. Well, I guess I'll be going now, I have three members of the host club in the hospital right now."

"Ok, tell them I wish them well."

"I'll be sure to do that. Goodbye then. Take care, Haruhi."

"Bye, senpai." Tamaki went down the stairs. The door shut and he went on his way back to the hospital, but he didn't get very far before there was a loud bang. Tamaki shouted in pain and held his side where he felt he had been shot. Haruhi ran out. "Senpai!"

"Stay inside, Haruhi!" Tamaki yelled. He quickly got up and hid. Ranka pulled Haruhi inside and stepped out.

"Suoh, hurry get up here." Ranka said. Tamaki ran up despite the pain in his side. His vision was getting blurry.

"Have I already lost that much blood? At least it's mine and none of the hosts. If they had come with, they could have gotten hurt too." Tamaki thought to himself as he got inside. He immediately fell to his hands and knees, his right hand still holding his side.

"Senpai, we need to get you to the hospital before you bleed to death."

"There won't be enough time. By the time they get here, it'll be too late. The bullet seems to have gone all the way through, so if we can stop the bleeding, he'll be fine." Ranka said. Haruhi was in tears right now. She was so scared for Tamaki's life. "Haruhi, get some towels and a first aid kit."

"Ok." She ran to the bathroom and got those things. Ranka got Tamaki up and got his jacket off, as well as the undershirt to see the wound. It was bleeding pretty badly. He sat him against the wall, his breathing was heavy.

"Stay with us Suoh." Ranka said, trying to stay calm. He's never dealt with a bleeding kid like this before. Haruhi came back with some towels and the first aid kit. Ranka got to work at stopping the bleeding. Tamaki was very light headed and wanted to sleep by the time they were able to wrap the bandages around him. Luckily they had another bed matt for him to sleep on. They managed to get him to lay down and he fell asleep. "Haruhi, you relax ok, I'll make dinner tonight."

"That's fine, dad, I can cook. It's just, all this with Tamaki-Senpai and the twins, it's a bit scary seeing your friends hurt." Haruhi said.

"What is Tamaki to you, anyway?"

"Well, he's a great friend, if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have made friends at Ouran."

"Well, I'm glad you're happy, Haruhi."

~Kaoru and Hikaru~

Kaoru was by Hikaru's side once again. They were playing a board game together when there was a call for them. Kaoru answered it and Hikaru leaned in to listen.

"Hello?" Kaoru said.

"Hey, Kaoru, how are you feeling? How's Hikaru?" Haruhi's voice was on the other line.

"We're doing fine Haruhi. You sound different, is everything ok?" Kaoru asked.

"Um, yea, just a little shaky that's all."

"Why, what happened?" Hikaru asked.

"Well, Tamaki-senpai was shot." Both twins' eyes widened.
"What, you're kidding?" Both of them said.

"Sadly, I'm not."

"Is he ok?" Hikaru asked.

"He's fine, he's asleep right now and looks pretty pale, but he'll be fine. The bullet went fully through, so that good I guess, he won't need surgery."

"Well, that's a relief. I'm glad he's alright. Let us know if anything changes with the Boss, ok?" Kaoru said.

"I will. Take care of yourselves, alright?"

"We will. Bye Haruhi." They said.

"Bye." She hung up and so did they.

"I can't believe it." Kaoru said. Another one of his friends got hurt.

"I know. I think the person is using a sniper rifle. But, if they were a sniper, a good one anyway, why would they hit in not too fatal places, like the head or the chest?" Hikaru said.

"Maybe, they're warning shots. Letting us know, they're going to come for us again." Kaoru theorized.

"If that's the case, then we need to be careful. We should probably warn the others too. Before we know it, those who weren't hurt already will be shot." Hikaru said.

Oh my goodness! Poor Kaoru and Tamaki! What will happen with the rest of the host club? I would say that I'll update soon, but I have no idea. Just make sure you look forward to the next chapter, and I'll try not to take as long to update.

Over and out,
