I don't know if it will still show up as big text, but here's my fanfiction story for Ouran. Set in Februrary.

Chapter 1

The class of 1-A was sitting quietly, taking a simple test. Then an alarm sounds off.

"Attention, there is a strange person on the grounds, remain calm and go with your red drill procedure." The message repeated itself and the alarm sounded off. It was only on the inside of the building so as not to raise suspicion, because then the strange person may try to hide. The class immediately scatters to corners and hiding places. It was so fast that Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi were separated.

"If it's my dad, I'm going to kill him." Haruhi muttered to herself. She looked around and saw how a lot of the kids were scared, but she noticed how Hikaru wouldn't stop looking back and forth between Kaoru, the window, and Haruhi herself. The way Kaoru was, he was closest to the door. The teacher had already turned off the lights and shut the blinds on all windows. She covered the window of the door with a curtain.


Three tall men in masks were walking around outside, looking for a way inside the school.

"Hey, I could faintly hear an alarm. Hide!" The three men were hiding in bushes. Some police men arrived and started looking around. One of the men found a window. It was shaded up, but he figured he could break it.

~Class 1-A~

The window suddenly busted open. A man with a mask jumped through the window. He pointed a gun around, signaling for them to be quiet. The man looked around and he thought that he was seeing the same boy in two different places, as if he was teleporting.

"What's going on here? How are you over there and over there?" Everyone was confused. Hikaru looked at Kaoru. He saw Kaoru start to flare his nose, sure sign that he's going to sneeze any minute. Kaoru sneezed. The man pointed the gun at Kaoru.

"I said be quiet."

"He sneezed, is that a crime?" Hikaru piped up.

"I said quiet!"

"You know, you're the only one really making any noise."

"I said quiet, you little brat!" The gun was still pointed at Hikaru. There was a clicking noise as the gun was ready to be fire. "One more word and I'll blow your brains out."

"Well, that would make more noise than me talking. So if you did that, that would be an easier way of catching you."

"Aren't you scared? I'm threatening you with a gun!"

"No, I'm not scared really, because I know you can't hurt me without being caught. Who would want to get caught?" Hikaru saw Kaoru climb out the window.

"You, just, shut your mouth."

"No." The man reached for Hikaru and picked him up by his neck. He held him out at arm's length.

"You scared yet?" Hikaru couldn't answer. He couldn't breathe. The man had his thumb pressed against his throut. Haruhi came up from behind and hit the man in the back with a chair.

"Let him go." A few police officers came in through the window.

"Drop the kid." The man obeyed and let go of Hikaru's neck. He fell to the ground. He tried regaining his breath. The police hand cuffed the man and led him out. Kaoru came through the window.

"Hikaru!" Kaoru was instantly at his brother's side. "What happened?"

"That man was trying to strangle him." Kaoru was filled with anger in less than a second.

"I hope he rots in jail for eternity. You going to be ok?" Hikaru nodded. Kaoru hugged his brother. The police didn't know there were two more. They called off the red drill. School ended. Hikaru and Kaoru's limo driver was taking a long time, but eventually the driver came. They made it home and did their homework. Then they sat at the tv, thinking of nothing else to do. Hikaru was flipping channels and Kaoru was trying to find a book to read.

"I doubt you'll find anything. There's nothing interesting on tv anymore."

"Same goes for you and your book hunt. You've read every one of those books at least twice. Hang on." Hikaru stopped his channel surfing and put it on the news channel. His eyes widened. "Kaoru, look at this." Kaoru went to the couch and looked at the tv.

The news lady was saying how, "a man broke into OuranAcademy, but a brave student managed to escape and lead the police to the criminal, managing to save another student in the process. He is a hero." Hikaru knew that that was not a good thing for his brother. There were probably others. There wasn't just one, there were more criminals. Luckily they're twins.

The next day came. The twins went to school and it was like it was just a normal day. They had club, but news reporters decided to come and interview Kaoru. They walked in.

"Where is the hero boy?"

"Um, excuse me, who let you people in here?" Kyoya was the first to talk.

"We are here for the news. We heard that Kaoru Hitachiin was in a club here."

"Well, give us a moment to empty this place of our guests." Kyoya walked over to every guest and asked them calmly and sweetly to leave.

"Alright, now, which one is Kaoru. Let's just film both of them. Now, Kaoru, What were your thoughts when the alarm sounded?"

"Oh great another psycho has come to the school."

"Interesting, what were you thinking when that one person bashed through the window."

"I was thinking oh no, that man better leave my friends alone."

"And I heard one of the students was distracting him and you escaped. What are your thoughts of this students?"

"Well, I love that student as a brother."

"I sure hope so."

"How long do you think the one responsible should be in jail for?"

"I think for a pretty long time. Nobody messes with my brother."

"Ok, and how-"

"What do you mean one?" They turned their attention to Hikaru.


"There were three men. One was big and beefy with black hair and the other was skinny with blond hair. They were helping that one man that got in, but hid because the blond one heard the siren."

"How do you know this?"

"Um…I, uh."

"Does it matter? He knows they were there."

"I think now would be a good time to leave." Kyoya put a hand on the lens and started pushing them toward the door. "Please leave our hosts alone." The news people left.

"Hikaru, what was that back there? How did you know?"

"I don't know." Hikaru was pretty decent at lying. "Let's just go home, ok?"

"Ok." The twins left and went home. They made it home,

Later that night, they went to bed. Hikaru kept tossing and turning in bed and eventually woke up. He looked at his twin, sleeping peacefully and gently. Kaoru stirred awake.

"Hikaru? Why are you awake?"

"B-bad dream, that's all."

"You want to talk about it?"

"No, it's ok. It was same old, same old."

"Ok, if you say so." Kaoru was asleep in seconds. Hikaru fell back asleep soon after.

The next morning. Kaoru woke up before Hikaru. He noticed how he was nonstop moving around in the bed.

"Hikaru." Hikaru suddenly sat up. "You ok?"

"Yea, just another nightmare."

"What was it about?"

"Oh nothing. Same as the nightmare as earlier in the night." The day went on and it became cloudy.

"you seem eager to get home, Hikaru."

"Of course. Our driver isn't going to arrive, so might as well get home before it rains."

"True, although I don't think we'll make it home in time."

"Let's ask someone for a ride."

"Ok. Nobody from club is here anymore. They went home." Hikaru looked around and recognized one of their regulars from Host club.

"Look, there's Cynthia. Hey Cynthia!" Hikaru ran to the girl named Cynthia. Kaoru quickly followed. She turned to the voice calling her. "Cynthia, do you think you could give us a ride?"

"Um, sure. Come with me."

"Thank you." Kaoru could tell something was off about his brother. They got in the limo.

"So, where's your driver?"

"Oh, his mother recently passed away. Hikaru doesn't want to walk, so we decided to ask for a ride."

"Would you want to walk in the rain, Kaoru?"

"No." They made it to the Hitachiin residence.

"Thank Cynthia. See you tomorrow at the club."

"Ok, bye boys." The limo drove off.

The next day.

Everyone was in club. It was more of a party for Honey, he was turning eighteen.

"Hey, Haruhi, you have to wear a party hat."

"Why?" She looked at the two red-headed twins with blue party hats on their heads. They were smiling their usually mischievous smile.

"Because it's tradition." They started to get closer to her with the party hat.

"I'm not wearing it."

"Ready…get Haruhi!" They started chasing Haruhi with the party hat in hand. They all slipped and fell on the buffet table holding all the food and drinks. The three were covered in cake and punch.

"Are you two alright?"

"Fine, you?"

"I'm ok."

"What the heck is the matter with you two!? If I say I don't want to wear a party hat, then I don't want to wear a party hat!"

"Oh come on Haruhi." Tamaki walked over.

"Well done you three. I suggest you are the ones to clean up this mess. Club has ended. We will have a party for Honey tomorrow." All the girls filed out. "You three go get cleaned up and then clean up this mess."

"Yes, boss." The twins said in unison. They all went to the showers used for the swimming team of the school. They went into separate stalls. It might give away Haruhi being a girl if she went to the girl's showers, so she went to the boys showers. Hikaru and Kaoru were courteous and sensible and let her clean up first. When she came out, they went in and cleaned up. After they were done, they went back to music room 3 and cleaned up the big mess.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't chase me."

"You shouldn't have run. The party was an important one, Honey became of age today."

"I feel kind of bad. At least he's getting a party tomorrow." After they were done cleaning, they all left. It was extreamly cloudy. "I hope there's no thunder storms."

"Want one of us to walk you home?"

"You don't have to."

"Well, we know you're scared of thunder. But I don't think we should go separately Kaoru."

"Why? We've walked home by ourselves before."

"I know, but, um."

"Go on ahead. I'll meet you at home. I doubt anything will happen to me. I can get an early start on cleaning up the house for when Mom and Dad get home." Hikaru didn't know what to say. He'd be questioned too much.

"Ok, be safe."

"Always." Kaoru smiled and walked the direction to the Hitachiin household. Hikaru went with Haruhi to her apartment.

"Thanks for walking with me Hikaru."

"Of course. I know you're scared of thunderstorms and I already left you behind once during them. I still feel guilty about that."

"Don't be. You couldn't have known." (If you can't tell, I prefer the Hikahi pairing instead of the Tamahi pairing.) They made it to Haruhi's apartment. It started to rain.

"Looks like it may not get worse than a downpour, most likely there won't be thunder."

"Ok, thank you Hikaru."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow." Hikaru left.