Disclaimer: I don not own harry potter or any of its character J.K Rowling does

sorry it has taken so long I was away and Germany with no way to write for half the summer. But don't listen to me and my Petty excuses ON WITH THE STORRY!

I walked onto the train and went back to the compartment Red was at. Red do you know how to be friends with that Malfoy kid and not have my dad's head explode.

Sorry Rosie. Your dad is too much of a hot head just by the thought he would explode.

"Well your awfully helpful for someone who is supposed to be the wisest creature on earth." At this Red just shrugged or at least it looked like she did.

"I'm sorry but is that a phoenix, and were you just talking to it?" asked a very pretty girl with Black straight hair and a heavy Irish accent.

"Ya she has some weird mind connection and they have conversations all the time." Al said. I didn't even notice he was there he must have come in when I was having my conversation with Red.

I blushed slightly because next to her was a boy, who looked to be her brother, staring at me weirdly. The girl gave me a strange face like 'what are you looking at?' then a look of dawning was on her face. She whipped around quickly to look at the boy behind her.

"LIAM! I thought I told you to bugger off!" said the girl.

"Well my dear sister you never specified a time in which I was to bugger off. So I decided on one, five minutes if you were curious, and it has been five minutes." He smirked as the girl looked furious with him. "Hello as I assume my sister has been so rude as to not introduce herself I'm Liam Sane and my lovely twin sister is-"

"Nicole Sane I prefer Nicky though." She said as she turned around and smiled at us. She spun around again to look at her brother. "Wipe that smirk off your face and stop acting prim and proper you know ma and pa would kill you if you start acting like grandmother and grandfather. This is why they didn't want you to go and spend the summer with them because grandmother and grandfather act so much better than everyone because they are purebloods!"

Al and I kept on going back and forth between the sibling fight. Most people would try and stop them and think that they hated each other. But Al and I knew that would only fuel the fire. So we just watched as Liam's façade of properness slipped of as he fought with Nicky. When they started to fight about private stuff they wouldn't want us to hear we were about to break it up when Red flew over and landed on Liam's shoulder.

His face was priceless as he looked at Red. She pecked is shoulder but then snuggled her head against it.

"I think she likes you but wants you to stop fighting. That right Red?" I asked her.

Yes it is and she is nice too. At this she hopped to Nicky's shoulder. In turn Nicky stroked her and stuck her tongue out at Liam because Red didn't peck her.

"Um well there is nowhere else to sit so can we sit in here?" Nicky asked shyly.

"Of course!" I say not even asking Al because I know he will say yes.

"Thanks mates." Said Liam.

We started talking and we learned that Liam and Nicky were from a small town in Ireland. About ten minutes later a boy with a hoodie on and the hood pulled up knocked on our compartment door. When we opened it he asked if he could sit in here since everywhere else was full. I looked at Al and he nodded then I looked at Liam and Nicky and they shrugged as if to say 'why not?'.

"Sure come on in." I say for all of us. He mumbled his thanks and sat down. He took off his hood to show that his hair was wet and shaggy coming a little over his eyes. His eyes where bluish grey and his hair was blonde. He looked familiar I just couldn't place where I saw him.

"Sorpius Malfoy?!" exclaimed Liam.

Please review with your thoughts!