Hello, sorry for long waiting, I hope you guys like it. Thanks to GSRLOVES for betareading.

Enjoy this chapter :)

Nick, Sara, Greg and Morgan walked into the bar. They sat down at a table and Morgan shared a quick glance with Greg. 'What ya want? Shots?' She asked. Sara and Nick shook their heads.
'I don't wanna get drunk, give me a beer.' Nick said and Sara nodded.
'Okay.' Morgan stood up and walked to the bar. She talked for a while with the bar tender and came back with drinks. There was a whiskey bottle and two little glasses for her and Greg and beers for Sara and Nick.
'It's water.' she whispered at Greg when she gave him the whisky. He smiled.
'Cheers.' Nick said with a quick look at the two glasses in Greg's and Morgan's hands. They all drank. Morgan immediately gave herself and Greg another one, and another one.
'You wanna get drunk?' Sara asked Morgan with a little smile.
'Haven't been for years.' she said, smiling and drinking another glass of 'whisky.' She grinned when she saw how Greg acted like the water was painful to drink. This was going to be funny.
'And how's your normal day life?' Greg asked at all three of them. Nick talked about girlfriends and Sam, Sara about Grissoms surprise for her last week and Morgan just mumbled something strange.
'I'm **ing bored.' Greg said drank his umpteenth glass empty. Morgan put an arm around his shoulders and caressed his hair.
'That's so sad...' she said with a sad face. Nick and Sara quickly looked at each other with a surprised look.
'Erm... What does this mean?' Sara said and Nick grinned.
'Nothing,' Greg said when Morgan was going to sit on his lap. He smelled in her hair.
'Do you think she likes me?' he asked Nick and let Morgan drink another glass of water. She giggled.
'Okay this is weird.' Sara said and Nick nodded. 'You okay?' he asked at both of them. They nodded.
'I'm... great.' Morgan said with a drunken voice. 'You don't know how lovely Greg can k...'
'Sssh, little secret.' Greg said and Nick and Sara didn't know what to say.
'This is very... strange. Why are they so drunk? This ain't gonna be funny.' Sara said at Nick while Greg was tickling Morgan.
'I think...' Nick said. 'They're so drunk they don't even know that we're here. I think this is gonna be funny though.' he grinned. 'Maybe they kiss and we have proofs that they're dating.' Sara laughed and took another swallow from her beer.
'How adorable.' she looked at Greg and Morgan.
'Adorable? They're famished. Damn, we needda make pictures.' he grinned. Morgan was whispering in Gregs ear and he act like it was lovely because he laughed sometimes.
'Wanna go further?' she whispered.
'We'd kiss.' he whispered back and she giggled. Suddenly she kissed him on his mouth.
'Woaw...' Nick said. 'You'd be jealous.'
'Nick!' Sara slapped him. 'This ain't normal.'
She tried to be calm but she couldn't stop laughing.
'We're never gonna forget this. It's proof that they're dating!'
'We're not dating.' Greg said and pulled Morgan on the other chair. 'Just lonely.' Morgan nearly couldn't act drunk. All she wanted to do was laugh because of the stupid faces from Nick and Sara.
'She'd never date me. Who'd date me?'
'I'd never date him, sincerely.' Morgan said and put her head on the table. 'Tired.' she mumbled.
'Okay you're normal again? Or are you gonna...' Then it happened. A gun shot, yelling, screaming. They were all four still wearing their guns and Morgan, Sara and Nick jumped up, holding their guns before them.
'EVERYBODY ON THE GROUND!' Nick yelled. They looked around. Nothing. No gun, no shooter. They saw nothing.
Suddenly they heard strange noises near Morgan, They looked and they all screamed. Greg held his chest, was trembling on his feet and his hands were... red. Blood.
'No!' Morgan grabbed Greg without thinking and held him. 'Greg say something, please please please...' Sara called 911 and Nick helped Morgan, still afraid for another gunshot.
'Greg!' Morgan cried.
He retched. 'Nick...' he mumbled. 'Take care'f Mor...' he passed out.
'No no no no no no...' Morgan mumbled again and again. 'Greg wake up please.' The ambulance came and dragged him away. Morgan, Sara and Nick ran with him.

Review please? Next chapter is gonna be last chapter I think, WITH GRISSOM!

O.K. I've a question for you. What about a Morganders One Shot Collection? do you think it's nice/do you have ideas or things you want me to write a one shot about? I can make a Greg One Shot Collection too (with Morganders sometimes), but I don't know what you guys want more, so answer in a review please; Morganders One Shots or Greg One Shots? Or nothing of course :)