I was reading 'About A' when I got the idea for this. 'About A' is a great

Don't own Death Note.

Memories are such a cruel thing. They haunt you for so long, even after the moment is done. You cannot change what has passed, and yet these thoughts will plague you endlessly. Those memories hurt even once the wound is stitched. I remember that day, that horrible day.

"A. Are you okay?"

"Yes... No, B. My numbers are running out, aren't they?"

"They don't have to be right. You can still live."

"They are right. Even if I don't do this, I would die somehow."

"I won't forgive you for this, A. I won't forgive any of them for this."

"Don't say that, B. Everything's okay."

"No it's not, A. You know it's not."


"What A?"

"You were my first friend... My best friend..."


"I'm sorry, B... Goodbye."

The blood on my shirt reminded me of murder just a few minutes ago. It has been a stress killing, not one in connection to my game with L. Why did I have to pick that person though? Was it just a coincidence that he looked like A? That he had scars on his wrists?

...Why did I do this? Was I keeping A's memory alive, or never letting myself forget? Was I punishing myself for not forgiving? Or was I not letting him go? Was that why most of my recent victims looked like him? L wouldn't notice that they did anyway. He barely noticed A at all unless he made a mistake. My best friend was just a puppet to that man. Just someone to carry the letter after his numbers ran out.

Yes, memories are wonderful, horrible things. They are the greatest torture possible and impossible to escape. I kept hearing those words, repeated endlessly...

"My best friend..."

If I was his best friend, why wasn't I able to save him?