Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto nor Harry Potter. Thanks my new Beta Lord Voldything394.


„Sakura-chan! Wait up!" Naruto Uzumaki ran as fast as he could trying to catch up with his team mate and friend. He had known Sakura Haruno since they were eight years old, now they were 24. Despite how time seemed to pass by, and no matter how much one could hope, the same thoughts were swarming through their minds as at that age. Sasuke Uchiha, their other team mate who had defected from Konohagakure 11 years ago still appeared to be a focus of theirs, but now for different reasons. He had returned to Konoha after the fight against Madara Uchiha during the Fourth Shinobi World War alongside Naruto, his best friend. Anyways, returning to that matter at hand, the Uchiha prodigy had just pissed off Sakura again.

"No, Naruto! I thought he'd changed, for the better or the worst, it wouldn't have mattered because I would have known how to act, it would have been fine either way, yet nothing's changed at all! He is the same arrogant obstinate idiot that he was when we were 13, just older-looking and I have had it! He can't pretend to know what we've gone through or how we have or have not evolved! He doesn't know us anymore and he's not even trying to! Stop protecting him!" she yelled. Although she wasn't quite running, she might as well have been with the speed at which she was walking, Naruto had troubles keeping up.

"But Sakura-chaaan!" He whined despite being aware of the truth of her statement. He himself had wanted to punch Sasuke's daylight's out because of what he'd said.

"You are the same fan-girling weak useless person you were before I left, Sakura. With the same optimistic, rainbows and happiness, view on life, but life is not like that. You might not know that because you've never lost someone, but don't pretend to know me!"

Naruto shook his head, wishing the harsh words away. True Sakura hadn't lost her family at such a young age as he or Sasuke had, but that did not mean she hadn't been through painful experiences. She was a medic and that by itself dictated that she saw people die every day during those three years of war and even now, during peace. Naruto looked up to see his fiend disappear behind the corner and decided to not bother chasing after her, she needed to cool off first before he's even attempt to reconcile the two. Sasuke had been lucky, he mused, Sakura had been too affected by his words to show him just how much stronger she was now and land him an indefinite stay in the hospital. Then again, maybe she should have done so, it would have been better for them all.

"The god-damn, stubborn, stupid, arrogant, sexy idiot with his Adonis-like body and deep, easy-to-fall-into-eyes, Uchiha Sasuke!" she half-cried, half-screamed, berating herself for still loving him. Why should she, he was nothing more than an asshole whose ego had reached never-before-seen heights, but whom she was unfortunately and irrevocably in love with. She was still walking but slower now, letting the anger and righteousness pass through her in waves. "Who does he think he is, or me for that matter!? I am the Hokage's apprentice, a world renown medic, a war hero even, a … girl that still has the same pointless crush on him ..." she trailed off. She was arguing with herself and she was losing! How was that even possible!

"Damn it all to hell!" she sat on a bench, face hidden in her hands, not crying, but close to tears. She sat there, pondering the right course of action, thinking that perhaps she should go back and give him a piece of her mind. He would definitely deserve it! Or maybe act like nothing had affected her, but it was already too late for that. Then, as she was beginning to get frustrated, the answer came to her; She would wait for an opportunity to arise to show him how she'd changed, but until that time she would ignore him... maybe ignore wasn't quite the word, she would be as nonchalant as she could be, not letting anything get to her. Calm and collected, just as he was. She grinned, pleased with herself. "Perfect plan! Shannaro!

One Day Later

Not that perfect a plan! Sakura realized with horror and annoyance that fate must hate her as, everywhere she went, the Uchiha seemed to be waiting, always there to remind her of yesterday's argument. It was as if by some divine intervention, or not if she thought it through, that the bastard knew where she would be before she even decided and waited there just to spite her and ruin her plan. He also never said anything which only demoralized her more. She cursed the day she met Sasuke Uchiha. He was the worst possible love choice for her, yet she wanted none other! Worst part of the whole ordeal: he had slithered his way under her skin and no matter how she tried to cut him out she couldn't, she could extirpate the tumor that was Sasuke.

"Sakura!" she heard and snapped out of her daydream to see who had called her name. She turned toward the owner of the voice and was surprised to see Kotetsu standing before her. This was supposed to be her day off so why was he here?

"Yes Kotetsu-san, is there something the matter?" she was polite but any idiot could guess it was by far forced, easily discerned by the fake tone of her voice.

"Tsunade-sama requested your teams' presence in her office in ten." he stated and she was compelled to make a hole in the ground. "I'm, sorry for ruining your day off, Sakura..." he offered and it seemed enough to pacify the 24 year old.

"Ugh! What now?!" she thought turning around only to be scared half to death by Sasuke's closeness to her. He was barely 5 inches from her and thus she had jumped in fright. He took no notice of this as he nodded, indicating he had heard everything that was said, and then jumped to one of the rooftops, not bothering to wait for her as well, heading toward Naruto's house . Sakura huffed in indignation and chose to head to the opposite direction, toward the Hokage Tower. If the moron wanted to go alone, fine! She'd just wait for the two idiots with her Shishou. "Asshole" grumbled inner Sakura and outer Sakura couldn't help but think she'd never heard a more accurate description of the Uchiha in her life. "God, I hope the mission is short, or at least I get to punch something hard!" she thought to herself, shaking her head.

"Tsunade-shishou? You called?" she bowed as she entered the office before smiling brightly at her mentor who was reading through a rather long scroll. Tsunade gave no indication of answering except a curt nod. Sakura leaned against a wall and prepared to wait for her team mates. Thankfully they were there not 5 minutes later, Naruto's loud voice having been heard from several miles. Sakura shook her head bemused by the blond Kyuubi container, he'd never change.

"Naruto, shut up!" ordered Tsunade and the blond was just about to scream something else when Sakura gave him a punch.

"Good. Now the reason I have called you here. I have received this scroll from an old friend of the Thirds asking for our help. Listen carefully and say nothing." she sent a look to the blond as she finished the sentence. "It might sound odd, but I assure you it is true. The man that has ordered this mission is named Albus Dumbledore and he is a wizard."

"What?! HAHAHA!" Naruto burst out. He was laughing so hard he was clutching his sides and gasping for air, Sakura was just staring shocked, unsure whether this was a prank or a serious matter, even Sasuke had been surprised by the explanation.

"Shut up brat! Let me finish! As I mentioned, this Albus is a wizard, however the more important fact is where he is from. It would appear that our world has been, for a very long time, strongly connected to theirs, but as wars began plaguing both worlds, it was decided to create a barrier between them. Our world, the Ninja world, has, since then, become completely independent from the Wizarding one, However the Wizarding world has had several problems since the separation. People without magic had revolted as the wizards grew stronger, thus the world once again divided. The muggles, people of no magical knowledge, are now not aware of the wizards. While there had been a hard war being waged several years ago in the Wizarding world it had supposedly ended, but the enemy has returned. Voldemort, as is his name, has once again risen to power and Dumbledore has asked for our assistance in the up-coming war. There is also the matter of protecting a boy by the name of Harry Potter who is said to be the one that will defeat this Voldemort. It is not your duty to protect him however do pay more attention to him. Your job will be to guard the castle and help Dumbledore in creating a counter force against Voldemort. All other information you will need is located in the files you will be given upon departure from Konoha. Understood?!"

"Yes!" they echoed in one voice.

"Uhm... Shishou? What will we be posing as?" Sakura was curious, as were the others.

"You will be posing as exactly what you are. Remember, you are ANBU now so try and act the part at least until you determine it safe to uncover your identity. Good luck!" Tsunade gave them until night fall to prepare and gather what they would need, to get their belongings and say goodbye to their friends.

"Oh, I wonder what will happen now?! And I asked for a short mission and look what I got?! A long guarding mission with exactly who I didn't want! Why? Why do you hate me so, God?!" Sakura couldn't help but lament. Naruto was alright, she was used to him, but she didn't want that asshole to be around every day for God-knows how long.