Okays, so this takes place around when James, Lily and Albus were going to school, I think. Most of this shit is not canon except for in my twisted mind, so yeah! Have fun reading! ^^
Haters Gonna Hate
"And I, I took the road less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost
Antonio Carriedo and Lovino Vargas were the talk of the school. They couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other, and not in a good way. Well, perhaps Antonio meant it in a good way, but he couldn't actually be bad or mean so that didn't really count.
It seemed that every two seconds or so they had to have another dramatic battle in the corridors, or maybe Lovino would accidentally spill some potion on him in Potions, or perhaps one of Lovino's spells in DADA went awry and suddenly Antonio had three extra noses, all in uncomfortable, private areas. Actually, looking back on it, it's mostly Lovino who does mean shit and Antonio just sort of soldiers through it all with a smile on his face. Always. A never ending smile. Of doom. And destruction.
Was it that that pissed Lovino off? Or was it possible the fact that whenever Antonio saw him he smiled and waved and shouted a happy "Lovi~!" as if they were lifelong friends or, at the very least, people who liked each other. Shiver. Lovino couldn't imagine liking anyone, especially not the stupidest, most airheaded and nice student in all of Hogwarts.
Was that what Antonio liked about him? The thing that made him follow Lovino around constantly enough to get him attacked on several occasions? Or was it the secret smiles or the occasional sad look or the fact that he got so protective of his younger sister? Or maybe it was the way that Lovino never called Antonio by his name. Bastard, asshole, mudblood, idiot, stupid head, fuckwit- these were all names Antonio heard constantly from Lovino, but never had the feisty Italian actually said his name.
Well, whatever it was that caused Lovino to hate Antonio and Antonio to like Lovino, it didn't matter to them at the start of their sixth (for Lovino) and seventh (for Antonio) years of school.
Lovino was sitting in a deliciously empty train compartment, minding his own business and listening to music on a muggle iPod (he was muggle-born- oh the irony, considering every second word out of his mouth when talking to people was mudblood) when suddenly the compartment door was slammed open with the force of a giraffe whipping it's neck to fight off other giraffe's- which is actually quite a lot. Also, you should look up a video of that because it's hilarious.
Lovino glanced upward in shock, then slowly shrank back into his little corner as a couple members of the Inquisitorial Squad walked in. Though the first and true Squad had been disbanded once- ugh -Umbridge had been kicked out of Headmistress position, a new one had been started by some extremely narrow-minded students (of all four Houses- don't be housist) and they now decided that yes, actually, it was completely their business to fuck up people who didn't fit into their parameters of what people should be.
Lovino was on their list.
Actually, Lovino pretty much was their list, for a couple of reasons. For one, he didn't have a large group of friends like most people who would make their list did. The people who traveled in packs were out. For two, Lovino, well, he was the only good target of all the loners of the school, because nobody liked him. Well, Antonio did but honestly, that didn't count. Antonio liked everyone. Antonio even liked their arrogant, narcissistic Charms teacher. No, for serious, he actually did. Antonio literally liked everyone. He'd probably like fucking Voldemort if he'd had the chance to meet him! Hell, maybe even Umbridge- well, actually, no, even Antonio would be able to sense the pure evil that surrounded that woman. Thank god she was serving time in Azkaban for being a complete asshole. Or something like that.
Oh, and another thing that made Lovino a great target (yeah I know, you completely forgot that we were talking about that, didn't you) was the fact that as soon as you made a threat to his younger sister (thirteen-year-old Felicia, the sweetest, cutest girl you'd ever hope to see) he instantly let you do whatever you wanted to him as long as you promised not to go near her.
Aah, yes. Fucking up Lovino was one of the best, easiest pastimes in the whole school.
Three boys walked into Lovino's empty compartment. One had white-blonde hair that was constantly in his eyes. One had mousy brown curls that were trimmed short and were very bouncy. He had deep, hooded eyes. The third, last, and most ruthless of the three was a boy named Frost Animus. He had buzzed black hair and deep, soulless black eyes that made you feel as if you were sinking into an endless pit of tar. They made you feel like you were drowning.
All three boys stepped in looking mostly immaculate. All three boys stepped out with flushed cheeks and a strange light in their eyes, except for Frost, because his eyes swallowed light and certainly never produced it. That would be stupid.
The inside of the compartment after the three boys had left was a complete and total mess. The contents of Lovino's trunk had been thrown everywhere and most of the garments had been ripped to shreds. Any food had been smashed. Any glass or breakable items had been broken. Even the seats and floor looked permanently damaged, as well as the ceiling and walls. The luggage racks were nowhere to be seen.
Lovino himself was lying in the fetal position on the floor. His nose was broken, probably, and so his face was covered in blood. His clothes were ripped and covered in food. Remember when I said it had all been smashed? Yeah, it was smashed onto Lovino. His body was covered in small cuts and slashes, mainly from the glass and breakable items I mentioned previously. Lovino's school uniform was nowhere to be seen, and his shoes- all six pairs -had been thrown out the window long ago.
Also, Lovino was crying.
And that's how he was, in the fetal position, covered in ripped clothes, his own blood and snot, and millions of pieces of broken glass, when the sweets lady found him.
She called any available teachers to come to the apartment immediately, but still, the first person there was Antonio, which was a rather admirable feat, considering he had been on the opposite end of the train.
"Oh, there you are!" The sweets lady cried as she heard Antonio's running footsteps. "I've been waiting for- Antonio? What are you doing here?"
"Is he okay?" seventeen-year-old Antonio cried, bright green eyes looking frantic and worried for once instead of happy and carefree. "What happened? Who did it?"
"I have no idea," the sweets lady said, wringing her hands and glancing inside the totaled compartment. "I just found him like this. ...It's awful, though." Antonio's eyes widened as she said the word awful and, before the poor sweets lady knew what was happening Antonio was gently moving her aside and peeking in at Lovino.
"Oh." was all the poor boy could manage as he took in the wreckage before him. Everything- everything! -inside the compartment had been completely broken, including its sole occupant, who lay snuffling on the floor, heaving every once in a while with sobs.
Antonio took a careful step into the compartment, wincing at the pieces of broken glass that cracked beneath his feet (he'd always had a dislike of the noise, you see). "Lovino... are you okay?" he asked softly.
"Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you." the sweets lady warned. "I tried walking in there before I called for help and he didn't like it much."
Antonio, for the first time in his life, ignored her. "Lovino... it's me, Antonio. You know, the one who's always smiling at you? The annoying one? Yep, that's me!" No response. Just some more sniffling. "Well, Lovino, I'd like to help you. Is that okay?" Antonio took another hesitant step forward.
"Be carefu-" the sweets lady started.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" screamed Lovino, sitting up and slashing his wand before him. Instantly Antonio was thrown with brutal force through the doorway of the compartment and through the actual door of the compartment across from it. "ALL OF YOU! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" With another few flicks of his wand Lovino had completely sealed himself into the compartment by magic.
Antonio clambered off of the poor fifth year girl he had squashed in his sudden and brief introduction to flight and staggered out of his newly acquainted compartment, back to the hallway outside Lovino's. He stared at the doors, though they were rather blurred and distorted by the ephemeral casing that seemed to be surrounding them. He stood there for a moment, replaying the events that had just commenced in his mind nearly a thousand times.
It was on his thousand and first time through that he realized that... he was in love.
All through the train ride to Hogwarts Lovino stayed in his compartment, and Antonio stayed right outside of it. Every once in a while one of his extremely close friends- Gilbert, the albino German half blood, and Francis, the blond, blue-eyed French sex idol of the school -would come and check on him, just to make sure Lovino hadn't done away with him, but other than that he just sat against the wall next to the force-field thing and though, or something as close to that as his mind could get to. He had never tried thinking before, being too busy being happy and liking everyone, and so he wasn't sure if he was doing it right, or if he would throw up after thinking too long.
Felicia, Lovino's sister, and Louise and Sakura, Felicia's ever-present appendages- I mean, friends -came to check in every once in a while too, but it was less for Antonio's sake and more for Lovino's, although Feli (as most everybody in existence, ever, referred to her) did talk with Antonio a bit, and Louise and Sakura both gave the Spaniard hotty polite nods and perfunctual greetings, since they were polite little motherfuckers.
But other than that Antonio had no human contact and, for once, that didn't bother him in the slightest. He was too busy exploring this feeling of love that had been building up in his chest since... well... since a point in time, probably. It felt... warm, and light, and pink and bubbly, like the background of a bathing scene in an anime, all cotton-candy-colored and cute and sweet and innocent and lovable and- big boobs, nice legs, yes, yummy, let me in the tub with you -okay, it definitely didn't feel like that, but really, that's how every anime bathing scene goes. It actually gets quite annoying after a time, I think.
But anywhore, back to the subject of love.
Something about the feeling made Antonio want to grab everybody in a deep bear-group hug and never, ever let them go, even though he was fairly certain he wasn't in love with them- well, maybe a little, but people like Antonio always are.
No, Antonio wasn't in love with everybody. As far as he could tell, he was in love with... wait, what? Really now? You chose that jackass to fall for? Wow. You have terrible taste, Antonio. What's wrong with you?
Yes. All your suspicions are right.
Antonio had, indeed, fallen in love with Frost Animus.
Haha, made ya look!
Wait... DID you look?
Meh, it doesn't matter anyways.
So, FOR REALS now: Antonio had, indeed, fallen in love with Lovino.
He didn't know when it had happened, and he couldn't pinpoint why, and he couldn't exactly figure out what he would do now that he was suddenly in love with Lovino, but he knew, for certain, that even though bear-group hugging everybody would be extremely enjoyable, he'd give up his right to ever bear-group hug again if it meant that he could hold Lovino's hand, even just once for two seconds. In fact, the warm bliss that filled him up, starting from his feet and ending at his dick- I mean, head (like the head on top of the neck, not the other one) -at the thought of that made him want to forfeit his rights to group-bear hugs anyways just so that he could pay Lovino something for thinking things about him that he knew his Italian crush would rather kill him for then allow him to do.
He was completely and totally in head-over-heels love.
It should it be heels-over-head love? Because honestly your head is over your heels most of the time. Or is the saying trying to say that people in love actually look the exact same way as normal people...? Hmm... nah, probably not.
Where were we?
Oh right, Antonio was heels-over-head in love.
With a little asshole who had used magic to try and remove him- permanently -from his sight.
A/N SO! I've been meaning to write a Pottertalia fic for a while now, and OBVIOUSLY 4:25 in the morning is definitely the time for it! Thank God it's Friday! Or should I say Saturday? Or should I say screw it all? Heh heh...
Anyways... reveiws are welcome, as are the other stuff, blah blah blah, but I'd appreciate it more if you'd just read this, because I feel like it might be epic and also, I feel like my outright abusal of third person point of view might be considered rather humorous in the eyes of some, including- but not limited to! -myself.
And there went all my fancy talking for today. I'm back to being my normal says-fuck-every-other-word person now! Don't fucking worry, fucking darlings! XD