Had Cortex been so foolish to even think Crash could beat that course? Cortex knew Crash was better than this. He knew that Crash had faced many challenges, easy and hard, and yet survived them. Why couldn't Crash done the same in the course? Cortex sighed and continued to think some more.
He was laying down on his metal chair when Crash came and peeked on him.
"I wonder if I'll have to mutate that bandicoot again in order to become as strong as I hoped." Cortex said to himself.
Crash squeaked from the thought, if he got mutated AGAIN he would either become a blob or more monstrous. Crash remembers the feeling from the mutation still.
Flashback time!
Crash remembered how he was terrified and didn't know what was going one when he was his normal self. He was locked up in a cage and cowering in the corner, how dark it was there. He then saw that scientist, the exact same one sitting in that chair, opened the cage and slowly reached for him. Crash was whimpering and shaking, as he saw his hand grabbed at him. He was Squirming, trying to get fee, but it was no use.
"Stop it you little furball!" He shouted. Restraining the little bandicoot. Crash would have bitten Cortex's hand but he wasn't brave enough to do so, even if biting his hand would give him a chance to save his life.
The yellow skinned scientist struggled keeping Crash still with all his struggling.
"You done playing with that lil' pet of your yet, Neo?" N. Brio asked. Cortex then slammed down the orange furball and strapped him onto the metal table. What lied over it was the Evolvo Ray.
"This one is a little fussy." Cortex commented.
Crash was practically crying from being so terrified, he didn't know what was going on, why was he here, or what they're going to do to him.
"Aw Neo," N. Bro said. "You made it cry."
"Shut up and mutate him already!" Cortex replied.
"But Dr. Cortex! We have not determined the cause of past failures!"
"Moron! This bandicoot will be my general, and he will lead my Cortex commandos to world domination!" Cortex headed for the switch that would activate the Evolvo Ray."This time I shall reign triumphant!" He turned on the switch.
The ray was charging up, and there was a bright blue light that zapped towards Crash. The ray was rearranging Crash's DNA and it hurted so bad. It stung and the stinging felt it would go on forever and eventually kill him, he also felt like he was growing, and gaining body parts he wasn't familiar with. The whimpers turned into sobs, he saw all these different colors run across his eyes as well -even when his eyes were tightly shut-.
Pretty soon, it was all over. Crash felt like someone new, he opened his eyes -surprised that he's not dead- and saw the changes of what the ray did to him.
N. Brio's jaw hit the ground, and Cortex was wide eyed and smiling at the success. Crash, he didn't know WHAT to think or how to react. He was naked, but that didn't matter. Besides, HE GOT MUTATED.
"It worked!" Cortex cheered. "IT WORKED!"
Pretty soon, Crash eventually passed out.
Flashback end.
Crash shook his head, getting rid of the thought and a shiver crawled up his spine.
Cortex groaned and turned around and got off the chair. He saw Crash at the doorway.
"What do you want now?" He asked. Crash was silent.
"Well? Speak!"
Crash was still silent.
"Oh right," He remembered. "You can't." Cortex was thinking he could send Crash somewhere in lab while he was planning his plan.
"Hey Crash, why don't you head to the library and read? -That is If you can read."
Crash gave one of his little smiles and nodded.
"Great, if you want to read somewhere more comfy then there's a free room with a bed not to far from there." Cortex pointed to the direction. "I'm sure you won't need help finding the library."
Crash gave another nod and headed off.
Crash was in the library for only a short while now, he was skimming for interesting covers and short books. It only took him about 5 minutes to find some books and he rushed out to his room.
Once in his room, he closed the door behind him and laid down on the bed with the books he had gotten. He then noticed something, one of the books wasn't one he meant to get. Crash shrugged and grabbed it and rapidly flipped through the pages of it to see if it was any good.
This is where it starts getting mature
Crash stopped in a certain page and he was looking at it, it had directions on how to do this 'activity'. Crash could only read some of the words since his sister was trying to teach him how to read one time but he kept getting distracted.
The first direction instructed: 1. Take off your underwear
Crash did so, he didn't know what this had to do with being naked but that's what the book said.
2. Place your fingers on your ass
Crash put his fingers on the hole that was under his tail. Crash was thinking it was feeling kind of weird.
3. Gently put your fingers in your ass while thinking of someone you like
Someone that I..?- Crash began to think with a blush but it already went inside, interrupting the thought.
"Nngh!" Crash whimpered. It felt weird but he couldn't remove his fingers. Crash peeked to see if that was it.
4. While doing this, rub your cock
Crash's free hand slowly shaked towards his dick and began to rub it. He was blushing massively, panting, and moaning. His head was on the pillow while his butt was pointing upwards.
"Ngh! N-Nah! Ah!" He whimpered. He shut his eyes tightly not wanting the feeling to end. Crash moved his fingers in and out and it caused him to pant even more. He felt like he was getting small tears in his eyes since he now knew what he was doing and what it was. He felt sort of lonely...
Pretty soon, Crash grew tired and couldn't keep his eyelids open any longer.
Meanwhile, Cortex had finally finished his plan and he now knew what to do to make the Bandicoot more useful for World Domination.
"Yes Cortex!" He spoke to himself. "You are a genius! Why haven't you thought of it before?!" He cheered in delight and put the plan away. He Went off to bed assuming Crash had done so too.
To be Continued...