AN:/ Thank you Kitty Lee Renner for reviewing, as always! I also wanted to mention that, being the harebrained little shit that I am, have already focused on a new story. I did have a huge epic season finale-esque ending planned, but I think the Sontaran/Civil War thing is good enough. Also, which title would you prefer? I will put a poll up on my profile, and please vote, because the fate of my story's moneymaker (what makes people look) is in your hands. School is being a bitch, so I will leave it where I did. Thank you to Kitty Lee Renner for constantly sticking with me on this. I love you! Please go to the poll! If you don't, I'll have to choose myself, and we all know how that will turn out. (Stinky nana poo poo)
-Till next time, Catie