What if Kari was older than tai

One day, Kari was at the park with her friend TK. Those two were about as close as two friends can be.

TK noticed an uneasy look on his friend's face he asked, "Hey Kari, what's wrong is something troubling you? You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

Kari gave TK a warm smile and said "Yeah, its just that my little brother Tai isn't feeling very well and I'm worried he won't make it to camp like he wanted."

TK said, "Don't worry Kari I'm sure he'll be fine."

Kari said, "Thanks TK by the way how is Matt doing?"

TK said, "My big brother is doing just fine. Why?"

Kari said "Its just that you're lucky you're the younger sibling."

TK said, "Why is that?"

Kari said "Its just that you don't have to worry about having someone look up to you."

TK said "Yeah I guess by the way didn't you have to meet Sora today at her mom's flower shop?"

Kari said "Oh man! I completely forgot. Thanks TK. Can you do me a favor and watch Tai for me until 6:00 Pm?"

TK said "Sure."

Meanwhile at Kari's house:

Tai's POV:

I heard the doorbell ring I went over to check and see who it was because Kari always told me to be careful when I'm home alone.

I said "Hi TK. What are you doing here?"

The older boy responded "I'm going to keep an eye on you while your sister helps Sora at her mom's flower shop."

I said "Ok."

Author's Note:


TK and Kari are 12

Tai is 9

The rest of the digidestined are the same age they are in the anime.

Sorry I don't know the ages but I'll try and do my best.

Answer me this question: Should I have Tai and Kari swap crests? Should I have Tai join the gang at the same time Kari did? Leave your thoughts in the review.