Chapter 9
The missed condition
Author's notes:
June15th- This is a particularly long chapter. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. (yes I know I am reposting the story), but I am also correcting and adding a ton of little nuances here to connect to my ending. There's only 5 more chapters until this fanfiction reaches where I was prior to re-edit it. So be patient!
This chapter is twice as big as all the others. For good reason.
Reminders of the conditions
Cycled, compulsive need to copulate in Alpha patients which is accompanied by aggressive behaviour.
NR(Nature reversal):
Psychological and/or hormonal discharge opposite from the physical nature of subject. Detects and reacts to opposite pheromones normally.
NID (Nature identifying disorder):
Trouble Identifying pheromones correctly or randomly glitch-errors occur in the reading of them.
HDD(Hormonal discharge deficiency):
Does not produce the normal amount of pheromones AND/OR Perceived pheromones do not trigger physiologically appropriate reactions.
Ex. An Alpha not reacting to an Omega's Heats. Or an Omega falling into heat without any symptoms.
Ferret syndrome
An Omega heat-cycle which persist until the omega is impregnated. Taxing the immune system and constitution of the individual until either consummated or death occurs. There are no known survivors of this syndrome except 'Arthur w. Kirkland' at the Californian-branch of the Epsilon research centre. The syndrome's symptoms only appear on the first heat, which usually kills the individual by simple statistics; omegas rarely consummate their first occurring heat. Omegas afflicted with Ferret syndrome often more than not perish before diagnosis or treatment can be administered.
Reminder of the natures-types
A type of Alpha that forms close-knit groups, called Packs. It may be a spousal harem, or a very close-knit friend/family group of a multitude of natures whom the Pro-Alpha becomes the main caretaker. Remaining loyally acquainted with them for the rest of his/her life. They are charismatic and attract others to themselves, but wether they become part of their pack is half instinctual/half conscious selection. Pro-Alpha are distinguished by their ability to 'imprint' an individual's scent to their memory. They are the only Alphas able to distinguish individuals in their pack by smell and not simply natures or emotions as all other natures.
A type of Alpha that is driven by a very specific set of interests. Perfectionists and specialists in whatever field they choose. They are wanderers in their relationships though they do and can form loving partnerships which can end in happy marriage. AP-Alpha are distinguished by the strong 'bond' created with an'idealistic-partner'. This single individual (of any nature/gendre) overwhelms the common sense of an AP-Alpha and leads the nature to incessant courting the other, called 'the mating preen'. An Ap-Alpha 'bonded' cannot live or be separated for very long, nor can they become sexually involved with any other individual. Once their idealistic-partner is found, an Ap-Alpha is immune to heats of other omegas or any kind of sexual interest outside of their nature's intended.
Dire Beta
A type of Beta that likes order and law. Administration and procedures. Psychological or otherwise. When lack of Alphas occur, these are the Beta-types most often in unions with Omega. They are strongly traditional (in whatever culture they find themselves) and adhere to social norms stringently. They are clear-headed individuals with strong opinions that are often-times difficult to sway.
They are distinguished in their ability to take on Alpha roles temporarily being charismatic and firm and centred for brief periods of time. Over-taxation of this temporary role can lead to stress and depression. They are also extremely cautious when making relationship choices and so are are strongly monogamous.
Indiv Beta
Calm craftsmen and workers of the general public. These are the generic people of the world, working as attendants, waitresses, construction workers etc...
They are distinguished in their wide-variety of personalities and interests. They can exhibit either spectrums of Alpha or Omega for short periods of time, depending on their situation. However forced roles causes them stress in the longrun.
Yin and Yang Omega.
Female and male Omegas-respectively. While Female Omegas are instinctually heterosexual, Yang-Omegas are instinctually homosexual. These preferences are the work of their nature as child-bearers. Both natures go into bi-annually to quarterly heats. The omega are distinguished by their heats, emanating hormone scents that drive Alphas wild (Rut), and having aphrodisiac-like qualities for Betas as they enter estrus and become capable of bearing children. The biology is unique dependant on if it is Yin(female) or Yang(male)
Epsilon release of responsibility form (Heat/Must) cycle related:
I (Subject name here: Arthur W Kirkland), do relieve all responsibilities concerning (Subject name here: Alfred F Jones ). Performing acts of a sexual nature during the advent of my upcoming heat/must cycle, observed by attending physicians responsible for both subjects respectfully for the duration being estimated one week before the signing of this document.
Epsilon attending Doctor as witness and sign off: Dr. Roderich Edelstein
I (subject name here: Alfred F Jones), do relieve all responsibilities concerning (Subject name here: Arthur W Kirkland) . Performing acts of a sexual nature during the advent of my upcoming heat/must cycle, observed by attending physicians responsible for both subjects respectfully for the duration being estimated one week before the signing of this document.
Epsilon attending Doctor as witness and signed off: Dr. Francis Bonnefoye
These do not preclude or exclude any special procedures or checkups deemed necessary by Epsilon medical research center for NHD(Nature hormonal disorders) for conditions of the aforementioned subjects. The centre remains responsible for the patient on its grounds. Other than during the acts performed themselves during the heat/must cycle's progression.
The children produced of the union of a heat, for the health and safety of (Arthur W Kirkland) due to current conditions, will be transferred to a surrogate parent.
Acts performed and concerning subjects outside of mentioned in this responsibility claim are not covered in this release of obligation towards both subjects.
Initials (A.K) DATE SIGNED: December 19th XXXX
Initials (A.J) DATE SIGNED: December 20th XXXX
Chapter 9: That cloud...
Vash Zwingli. Was Epsilon Centres' Lawyer... and he was rather scary, if Alfred had to say so. He registered as a Beta, but that was perhaps simply his NID working up. But if he really a Beta, he wouldn't be so… brash, forward and overwhelmingly serious. Was he a Dire-Beta or was he an Ap-Alpha…. The young blue-eyed blonde just couldn't make up his mind.
"You understand that by signing this, you also cede all claims to the infant?"
It was the eyebrows! That was it! They were set in a slanted angle that made the other look like he was constantly angry. Damn, he wasn't paying attention.
"Yeah, I understand."
"As you are a 17 year old Alpha, you're able to sign these documents without parental guardianship. We've revised it with you, you understand the conditions. Now, as I have power of attorney, all you need to do is sign here, here and here." The Swiss pointed out multiple documents for him to add his penned name.
Alfred's blue eyes scanned the paper with apprehension. He understood the whole paperwork surrounding it. There was so much legal work surrounding heats and child-claim. But... he wasn't just signing any kind of flimsy document, he was signing the future life of not only Arthur's but his own child. There was something inside him, an instinctive gut feeling that wrang bells in his heads against it. He understood, he really did; Arthur couldn't survive if he didn't conceive during his heat…. and he couldn't carry the child to term by his prior health experience. He'd spent a whole 2 hours talking with Dr. Bonnefoye about it, who'd almost been frantic in his explanation.
"It won't be like a normal heat Monsieur Jones."
Francis never called him by his family name unless it he was dead serious. The Dr. Could be particularly flightily and easygoing in normal circumstances and so his changed speech patterns underlined the seriousness of the subject.
"For one, he will be in pain, not like zhe arousal most od'er omegas experience."
The long-haired blonde nodded and explained, tapping his pen on a table as a nervous tick.
"Lower abdominal cramps mostly, musles, some lower back pain. He has complained about feeling too hot and of his joints stiffening."
The american clasped his hands together and bravely continued to listen to the older Alpha's advice on how to help Arthur get through his heat. Francis had thought it was... unorthodox to have another Alpha at the centre treat the smaller Omega. Especially one with a condition like Kirkland's. However Arthur was legally free to choose his own bed partners. It was an omega's basic inherent right.
"Last but not least, zhe whole thing... will be tapped."
"WHAT?" Alfred bounced to his feet. "No way. This is private."
"Jones... Alfred, écoute moi, je t'en prie*! Zhis is a medical facility, everything done here will remain confidential and professional, you know zhat. Arthur is a patient and has never been bred before; Ever."
The taller frenchman placed two hands on the young alpha to calm him down, having him sit back down.
"He is the only known survivor of his condition past zhe age of puberty. We need to know in zhe minutest detail anything zhat can shed a clue to what causes Ferret syndrom. Zhat includes all aspects of his sexuality. He himself gave us consent when he was admitted and again before signing the same forms as you did."
"He... he gave his consent?"
Damn, this wasn't about him at all, he had to remember that. It was also about Arthur.
Any self-respecting Alpha would jump at the opportunity to help impregnate a fertile omega and encourage the health stock of humanity after the War of Lions.. Yet... Why did this feel have to be... so odd? He absolutely wanted to help. It wasn't just sex. Yes, for sure, it was important, but as a Pro-Alpha, he felt Arthur may eventually be part of his pack. A tentative group that he would eventually form and stay loyal to for the rest of his life.
He was afraid for him, sure. It would also be his first time breeding as well. He'd heard of a few cases of Alphas stepping up to be surrogate fathers to a Omega/Beta family. The whole community accepted it as a social norm that the few Alphas spread their genes. Not that he wanted to be promiscuous or anything!
What was he missing?
"Zere is of course, the fact zhat he will conceive and have to give up zhe child to surrogates. You are all-right with zhis of course?"
Alfred looked back up at Francis, mouth set in a tense line and nodded.
End Flashback.
So here he was. Back in a lawyer's office. The same, ostensibly, which Arthur had probably had to sign off each of his conceived children. Some of them may be 4years old by now. Wow... Arthur technically was already an omega mother and he'd never seen his own children. How did he even deal with it?
His hand shook over the paper.
"Is there something wrong?" The swiss almost spat the words, he didn't seem the kind to waste time.
There wasn't; he was Alfred F. Jones, a Pro-Alpha. He'd impregnate Arthur to save his life. Despite the irony or tragedy (however you saw the situation). He'd be his Hero. Even if he would have to sign off... his own... children. He hoped they'd be taken care by nice happy families.
Alfred didn't have time to think over the whole issue, since he became incredibly busy during the holidays. As everyone tended to be. The celebration was only a few days away and he would sneak off with Arthur in corners of the facility, shy of total privacy, to make out with the omega. It was exciting, the smaller blonde was just as enthusiastically happy to be kissed by his Alpha.
'His' Wow. The feeling of belonging was indescribable. Alfred had trouble wrapping his mind around it. Sure, Arthur could choose not to repeat the experience if he wanted. But for the time being, the two of them were in a blissful serious relationship now. Though it seemed to have progressed exceedingly fast, the two had known each other very well for 5 months, since he'd been admitted mid-August.
On that note, so were Matthew and Gilbert getting along splendidly. They were all in the commons room with the decorated tree in a corner. Exchanging and opening gifts.
"Volgechen! You didn't!" The german lifted a silver necklace chain from a gift box.
"I... I knew your clasp broke for your cross a while back. It's sterling... so...I thought."
"It's AWESOME!" The alpha hugged the small blonde omega.
Matthew returned the hug and the two were blissfully enjoying the embrace until Alfred emitted a deep-sounding throaty cough.
"Jaa jaa. Alright, Feli, your turn."
Ludwig, Gilbert's younger brother, was seriously the singular most buff Ap-Alpha that Alfred had ever laid eyes upon! When the Beilschmidt family and Vargas brothers had come over to the recreation room for Christmas, he had made acquaintance with the tall German for the first time. Ludwig was quiet, meticulous and thorough, same as a Dire-Beta. No one would ever mistake him for one though. Apparently he and the Epsilon nutritionist were a couple. Even rarer, a 'bonded-couple'. Something that didn't sit necessarily well with his younger brother Lovino who seemed to have a grudge on the tall germanic blonde.
"vee~" The Italian grabbed a box and spasmodically ripped the decorative wrapping paper like an enthusiastic child.
"Ah! Ludwig its PERFETTO!"
The two Jones brothers peered around the haunched Italian to behold;
A strainer?
Not any kind of simple pasta strainer! This one was apparently hole-size adjustable, super stainless steel, guaranteed for life, etch-signed by some chef-or-other!Yeah... it was the King strainer of strainers. Alfred thought he was missing an important piece of some sort of puzzle. He looked over at Arthur to see if he had any idea and the Brit smiled awkwardly back at him, shrugging his shoulders.
This was nice, just like an extended family really. Lovino insulted Ludwig's choice of gifts, Feliciano defended him, Gilbert laughed his butt off, while holding his brother Matt and he himself snuggled with Arthur, who was still very shy to show this kind of public affection but let him anyways. However with all of the Alpha and omega couples in the room, the general pheromones and atmosphere mellowed everyone.
Even Lovino was less... grumpy than usual.
It was Christmas after all.
It was the day before New Years eve when Arthur fell into a Pre-heat. Quite suddenly and rather awkwardly as well.
While in the middle of a 4-way game of Left4Dead actually. (Shooting zombies never gets old). The smell hit all 4 of them, like a ton of brick. Arthur had whimpered suddenly. It was the start of Arthur's production of slick. Perhaps caused by one of a number of jump-scares in the game. It was the first time he'd ever played a 1st person-shooter and it may not have been the best kind to start with.
Gilbert and he, as Alpha, straightened right away. Matthew looked worriedly towards the other omega. Arthur had dropped his controller and begun to tremble, the British omega haunched over and grabbed his stomach as if he was going to be sick.
"I'll take care of it." Alfred wrapped his arms protectively around Arthur and quickly made his escape from his dorm which they were playing in.
As the two hastily retreated out of Alfred' dorm. Gilbert was still as tense as a wooden plank and Matthew started worrying about him.
"Gil?" The slim blonde omega placed a gentle hand on the other's forearm.
It was rather normal to smell desire from an Alpha in this situation. The thing was, Matthew couldn't remember ever smelling those particular pheromones on Gil before… and he wasn't emanating any currently. Just releasing this unsettling 'scared' smell. It was an unpleasant scent for an Alpha to produce. Alphas were stronger emotionally and anything that unsettled them, instinctually made Omegas nervous.
"I'm... I'm alright, I'm awesome, I'm okay?" The albino asked the other incredulously.
"Of course you are Gil, why wouldn't you be?"
" don't understand. I'm perfectly fine! Everything's Wonderba!" The german's scent shifted to that of an extremely happy and satisfied male Alpha, confusing Matthew further.
The small omega didn't complain as he was wrapped by solidly in a pair of strong warm arms. Especially since they were his new boyfriends'. No matter what he smelt like; omega or alpha. That wide characteristic toothy grin always warmed Matthew's insides. Besides, his brother smelt odd in strangely innapropriate circumstances too because of his NID. He was used to it by now, having learnt that Gil also had the condition.
"No. I don't understand." The pale blonde stated.
Why was Gil happy he'd controlled himself? Alphas were supposed to be able to, that's what he'd heard off-hand from his mother anyways.
"Oh uhn... hmm..." The albino had forgotten, Mattie didn't know about his 'must' condition.
"You know how... I'm not allowed off the centre grounds?"
The purple eyed yang-omega nodded gently, eyes relaxed and content. An expression that he usually always had which calmed everyone in his presence. Even those who barely knew him. Matthew had always had this wonderful glow about him. He extended that peaceful aura towards Gilbert as the Alpha continued to explain. He was rather enthusiastic when he came to the part of him falling into reactionary 'must', whereas he would have dreaded to reveal this simple fact in the pas.
His reason for his utter glee; was that he hadn't falled into 'Must' just now.
"Gil, why do you suppose that is?"
"I don't know. Maybe its my NID?"
The purple eyes blinked slowly, canting his head Matthew looked uncertain. "I don't think so. You knew and reacted just like Alfred did the moment Arthur fell into his."
The albino shrugged. "I don't think it matters, vhat does is that I didn't fall into it. I vould have hated you seeing me like that."
The prussian blushed in imagined embarrassment at the scene that conjured in his head.
"Oh I don't know Gil, I woulnd't mind you seeing me half-composed... if you don't mind me seeing you."
If that wasn't an invitation to furthur their relationship, Gilber Beilshmidt didn't know what was. He smirked once more, but held himself in check. He had to do this properly. He had to Court Matthew and gain his brother's permission to do so first!
All things considered, it hadn't been that bad. At least Gilbert wasn't chasing them down the hall. His mind was painfully focused on the bundle of pained nerves currently attached to one of his arms. Either following him or dragging him (he wasn't sure which), towards the medical ward of the centre. His male-alpha anatomy was definitely pointing the way, reacting to the omega in pre-heat.
"God you smell wonderful." The other truly did.
Alfred knew he would literally jump through fire and do anything the other wanted him to. It was a naturally occurring phenomenon. Pre-heat omegas required nests materials to set up, food and protection while they were vulnerable. For thousands of years ago, this compulsion made Alphas pay particular attention to their needs. The American Alpha couldn't help himself, he stopped right in the middle of the sparsely-staffed holiday decorated hallway and dug his nose into the crook of the other's neck. He inhaling deeply.
It smelt like fucking goddamn strawberry shortcake! He wanted to eat those damn strawberries and he prepared to do so, tongue lapping out to lick the juncture of the other's neck. A hand rudely pushed his face off. It was in fact, Arthur himself. Was he actually drooling? The blonde alpha dried the side of his lips with his sleeve. Partially embarrassed at his lack of control, snapping a bit back to reality. The smaller omega was only in Pre-heat and a full-on 'Rut' would not be triggered from him until then. He shook his head to get his bearings back.
"Would you stop slobbering all over me?!" The smaller man huffed. "I don't feel all that great, can we just get this pre-physical done as fast as possible?"
Alfred nodded, alright. First things first; Edelstein would have to look over his Omega.
The thought made him growl right then and there. Someone touching his mate. Arthur' eyebrows looked at him quizzically but he was cramping and had started doubling over again. This snapped Alfred out of his territorial instincts and into a more protective role.
"We're going." He re-confirmed and pulled Arthur along by the hand. Once he'd done his checkup, they would be left... to... to... breed.
Ah! Damnit, he was drooling again!
Dr. Edelstein's physical wasn't the most difficult part. No, not by a longshot.
It was being cut off from Arthur, while the Omega was making his nest. Just the thought that the other would be ready to breed at any moment falling into his full heat. Was pure torturous. Roderich was talking to him in the waiting room, but he could only hear bits and pieces of the Austrian's advice.
"... don't press on his... in case you can... really thought he wouldn't... blah blah blah blah..."
The words tumbled and jumbled over each other to form incoherent messes of inane blabber. Alfred couldn't care less, his mate was on the other side of this door. He smelt more and more strongly and ready. As time went by and he himself felt less and less like he was going to be able to control himself. He was falling into 'Rut'. He was already painfully erect, panting and grabbing the edges of his chair so tightly, his hands were hurting and his knuckles had turned white. Uncaring of the fact the Doctor was glaring at him and trying to make him answer.
The beta wasn't Alpha natured, couldn't understand. There was really no point in trying to communicate in this state. An Alpha in the presence of an Omega entering a heat. Alfred had some brief lucid thoughts here and there. The notion that it felt strangely similar to his 'must' dawned on him, but while he had no control over his actions in that state, he was rather more lucid in the 'Rut'.
Although tenuously so...
"Have you been hearing what I've said boy?"
A keening wail of painful need resounded on the other side of the sliding door. A clear signal for him to make his move.
"No. Don't. Care. Need. Go. Bye." He burst through the door like a thunderbolt.
Having the mind and decency of closing it behind him by touching the button panel. It solidly shut behind him and he stood at the entrance, as if he could keep away the outside world behind him. He was hit full-in-the-face by the smell.
God... that SMELL! He growled minutedly under his breath.
It was HIM! He was the Omega! That delicious little vixen that would taunt him continuously while he suffered for days on end. There was a dissorienting sense of 'déja vue' for Alfred. He shook his head to keep himself focused. It felt as if he was drunk… or dreaming.
"Sorry... took a while."
The smaller omega was panting in his nest, already naked except for loose-looking nurse pants. He'd probably been given those by Roderich during his physical. The materials for the nest was graciously provided by the centre. Sterili smelling, torn fluff, cotton blankets, soft foam blocks, pillows of different sizes and configuration. Anything he hadn't used was in the corner of the room. The room itself wasn't bigger than 15x15. The nest seemed comfortably secluded and looked cozilly safe to Alfred. By extension it should feel safe to Arthur.
Alfred was not sure if he was emitting the right pheremones of safety on account of his NID, but he couldn't care less. He approached. The nest itself was actually skillfully built. As if Arthur had put a lot of though and skill into perfecting it over time with these materials. It was Interwoven like a camping tent that children would make in their living rooms. But more complex and meaningful than that. Alfred walked over the edge of the fort-like structure. Entering the comfortable instinctually recognizable shelter. feeling warm all over. He removed his clothes and glasses and they landed... somewhere.
"Ar...thur." Was he drooling again? The American unconsciously passed a hand to his mouth again.
"Now then..." The omega, minutely frowning from an indescribable source, opened his arms wide.
The blue-eyed Alpha fell into them rather gratefully and almost elegantly. At first they wiggled around and writhed against each other's naked flesh. Feeling the tensions building, letting themselves be washed over by them. Inhaling each other's scent. Alfred was rather enjoying it, rubbing his own scent on the petite omega. Imprinting the other within his mind, giving the omega time to register his own Alpha 'rutting' pheromones. Letting slick be produced in response and in sufficient quantities for him to breed him. Which would be sooner than later.
While the smell of the omega's heat was rather overwhelming, he didn't miss that undercurrent of pain and distress. This was also, a natural instinct of the natured Alpha; to Protect.
"Are you… alright?" The american sobered minutely in his arousal.
"Everything hurts." The green eyes turned to look up at him, dewy eyes from held back tears.
Alfred pushed himself off the other and sat back on his haunches. He looked down at the smaller Omega carefully. His mind cleared, perceiving full-on distress. Of all the times his NID had caused miss-reads. This he was certain, was not one of them. It was clear to him those pheromones of injury… were in undercurrents there. Arthur was trembling, but not in the overwhelming aroused manner he'd once had glimpsed of his brother or... (god forbid) his mother!
These were tremors of deep trouble and pain. Alfred couldn't let it stand if he was going to bed the other.
"Turn around."
The omega opened his mouth to protest the command. Alfred would have none of the other's sass and placed a finger over Arthur's mouth, silencing him.
"Do you trust me to make it better?" He asked, in a low-toned voice.
It was fully laced with lust and barely held desire for the other. The omega blushed and keened faintly but nodded.
"Turn around." The Pro-Alpha repeated.
The young english teen did so, as if arthritic. His joints looked painful and his movements were less graceful than usual. Alfred licked his lips, swallowing the sight of so much skin before revealing more. Pulling the other's last remaining piece of clothes; his pants. The omega chocked, as slick trickled freely down his legs. Spreading along his inner calves with the action of removing the piece of cloth. The smell was absolutely amazing. Alfred had started drooling again, he was beginning to think that it was normal for him
It took alot...
Alright… ALL! of Alfred's willpower not to just stick his face... or better yet; his cock into that delicious looking valley of an ass. He had some coddling to do. Alfred's mind had been rendered fairly simplistic: Hurt, Omega, Help, Happy, Fuck, Breed. Something Francis had mentioned flashed through his mind. He would take care of his Omega a bit before breeding him.
His mind translated the memory simply as; 'rub'.
The american's eager hand, gently but firmly pressed onto the other's upper back and then pushed downwards in slow and steady inward circles. Almost as if he were drawing the other towards him. Kneading the other's back as a cat pretending to bake cookies with their claws. As he did, Arthur groaned throatily. The smell of pain in the air ebbing, soon it was only those of the heat.
Not only were the muscles underneath his hands relaxing, but the omega's delectable ass was lifting along with the action of rocking and kneading the muscles. Getting dangerously close and aligned with his crotch. Which was perfectly convenient and fine by Alfred. His dick twitched upwards in reactive approval. His kegel muscles, incredibly developed in Alphas, attempting to align his phallus with the other's entrance without moving his hips.
"Better?" The american asked the young omega.
The other was beyond words at this point, nodding nonetheless. Arthur was now the one drooling on the floor of his nest. A look of relaxed arousal he'd not seen there before smouldered in the other's deep green eyes. Still dewy with tears of a different kind; frustrated eagerness. The omega spread his legs minutely and the Alpha didn't need to be told what that signalled. Bending forward and draping himself over the omega's back, Arthur sucked in air, as skin touched skin. Thrusting shallowly to find the other's entrance, the tip of Alfred's penis brushed the slicked entrance. Once aligned, he surged forward, burying himself to the base in one deep carnal movement dictated by his instincts. Arthur swallowed his breath in a chocked gasp, hands grabbing the edge of his nest and half-wailed at the deep violent penetration. Not exactly complaining, simply overwhelmed by the rawness and newness of being bred. Edging the Alpha on with his cry.
He hardly needed to encourage, Alfred was already pistoning in and out of the other's body at a breakneck tempo, set by his biology. Arms set solidly on the side of the omega, keeping him pinned under him. The slick produced by Arthur's body was doing exactly what it was meant to, easing the entry and the movements to the point the other male felt no pain, only the steady pressure of penetration.
The sounds of their union; squelches and skin slapping on skin, filled the room along with their laboured breathing, Arthur's moans and the occasional grunt from Alfred. It didn't take long for them to reach both reach breaking point in the state they already were in.
"Ah! Oh god, yes YES! Ahhhh!" Arthur's backside pushed back and up into the Alpha fucking him.
The smaller blonde's sphincter muscles throbbing around the Alpha's dick as he fell and toppled forward in orgasm, his arms failing him. His own semen splattered onto the floor of the nest. Arthur twitched, then relaxed, his anal muscles still spasming, attempting to milk the other. He was looking forward to the omnipresent pressure of his heat being relieved when Alfred inevitably...
"Hnnn ahhh...ARTHUR!"
Pressing as deeply as he could, Alfred ejaculated. Seeing white momentarily.
When he returned to his senses he felt something was wrong. Why wasn't he still ejaculating? He should be releasing in intervals, feeling smaller backlash orgasms. It was slippery alright… which was obviously the slick. But why could he even pull back just now?
"You didn't knot!" Arthur stated, shocked. His head turning back to look at the Alpha that was breeding him... or not, in this case.
The Green Eyes had gone wide and wild.
"I... I don't know what went wrong! I should be..." He looked down and pulled completely out, there were no traces of a knot.
"You didn't knot." Arthur re-stated the obvious, incredulously.
Then shock set in in the Alpha. His breath catching as emotions took him over. His head cleared of the 'rut' minutely but not completely.
"... I'm sorry, I don't know what to do. Arthur? Arthur!"
There was nothing he could do to prevent the omega from emotionally breaking down. Without a knot, the pressure needed to open the male omega's entrance to his cervix couldn't be reached easilly. He wouldn't be able to be impregnated and the whole POINT of having him here was moot. Arthur's life was on the line. If he couldn't knot... then he would have to call the physicians in. Since it was the holidays there were chances they wouldn't be able to get a donor on time... and... and...
"Arthur, I'm sorry! Arthur... I'm ahh..."
The other's heat was still ongoing, the Alpha's erection hadn't abate one bit, despite not knotting. As long as he could smell the other's heat pheromones. He couldn't relax. A crying omega pulled his heartstrings to the point of pain, he couldn't allow this to happen. He had to do 'something'. Running on pure intuition, Alfred grabbed Arthur turning him bodily to face him. His hands framed the other's face and he forced the omega's eyes to look up into his. Flooded green eyes blinked up, fearful and so... so deeply alone and scared. It hurt him to keep looking into them. But he did.
"We are going to get you bred. Do you hear me?! There is no way that i'm leaving you to hang dry. Alright?" He meant it, with all his being and forced the other to see it in his own eyes.
Arthur's mouth opened, yet nothing came out. Instead, the omega embraced him. Then whimpered and surged under him.
"Please... help me! Please!"
He did, for hours. Maybe a whole day or two. The Alpha couldn't tell. At some point, Alfred realised they had stopped simply mating. They were making love. Rocking against each other languidly until one of the other reached their pinnacles. In any order. Every which way and were. It wasn't even the heat of breeding anymore which drove Alfred. He simply delved into Arthur like he was his whole world. While he wasn't knotting, Arthur believed in him, exclusively. Pliant as he drove into him again and again. Still forced by their natures to breed…. Yet receiving what he spilt, whatever he could give him in hope of saving his life.
There was still a chance. It could happen. Betas could impregnate Omegas too. He could became pregnant despite the lack of a knot. His parents had had him hadn't they? He had Arthur's trust . He just had to... keep trying, because he was the Alpha, and as Heroes, they always pulled through.
"I... can't... do it..." Alfred was exhausted, a sweaty mess and a complete failure in his own mind.
"Its okay..."
"No, its not! I couldn't knot, you aren't bred. We'll have to call Francis and..." A finger on his lips shut him up.
"I mean it. Its okay. My heat's abating..."
"WHAT!?" The american inspected the other, despite his fatigue.
Seeing only genuine honesty and a blush from the other. Arthur looked perfectly, if not deliciously, used in the best of senses. Alfred collapsed next to him. Dead tired. He had been the one doing all the physical taxing work after all! While he'd never trade places with an Omega who had to deal with heats. The actual breeding part was as exhausting as it was pleasurable!
"I thought the heat wouldn't stop until you conceived?" He half muffled around a pillow, feeling the smaller britt cuddling next to him.
"I don't know... that I haven't." Arthur drew his legs up and propped them higher on the edge of his nest.
The two of them were tuckered out.
Sexed up and ready to sleep the rest of it off. Alfred had no idea how much time had passed but he was willing to bet it'd been at least most of two days. He felt Arthur cuddle up to him and they fell asleep. They would deal with whatever came up tomorrow...