OKAY! I have decided that I will not update until at least one person reviews each chapter. The Prologue was an exception(even though it got a review~) because, well, it's the Prologue, not a Chapter. However, I will write the chapters, just not post them until someone reviews. So, please review people! =D REVIEWS MAKE ME HAPPY! =D Reviews give me the inspiration to write and let me know that people actually like my stories! Pretty please review? ^.^

~ Celeste

~Five years Prior~

"Is this class ever going to end?" Gilbert groaned, checking his watch as Mr. Edelstein droned on about Bach.

The Spanish teen chuckled softly, glancing up at his Prussian friend. "I don't know, Gil. Whenever the bell rings, I suppose."

The albino rolled his eyes and shot Antonio the finger before going back to bugging the petite Canadian boy in front of him. The Spaniard smiled softly, glancing over at his other best friend, Francis. As usual, the Frenchman was trying to no avail to woo Arthur Kirkland. The Englishman, however, would have nothing to do with the flamboyant blond man and was instead attempting to talk to his best friend, Alfred. Antonio smiled then returned his attention to the teacher.

Music 101 passed quickly enough, and the Spaniard sighed in relief as the school bell signaled class change. Gilbert jumped up from his seat, placing a small kiss on his Canadian crush's cheek. Mathew, in turn, flushed a bright red color and hurriedly left the class room. The Spaniard questioningly rose an eyebrow at Gilbert as said albino rushed over to him.

"Birdie agreed to go on a date with me, man!" he exclaimed, grinning madly at his own good news.

Antonio's eyes widened in surprise. "Dios mio, mi amigo! Did he really?"

Gilbert nodded furiously as Francis came over to the two friends looking forlorn. Antonio excitedly motioned for Francis to hurry over. The Frenchman rolled his eyes and groaned but hurried over to the other two nonetheless.

"What is it, mes amis?" he cooed, throwing an arm around Antonio's waist.

Antonio nodded at Gilbert, telling the albino teen to tell Francis his news. "Tell him!"

"Your cousin agreed to go on a date with me!"

Francis's frown instantly morphed into a grin at this news. He quickly unlatched his arm from Antonio's waist and attacked Gilbert with a hug. The three friends laughed maniatically, exiting the classroom so as to make it to their next class in time. The trio strode down the hallway, not caring about the weird glances the other students shot them. The entirety of the school's population were used to the rowdy trio by now. It was their Junior year in high school after all, and the majority of them had known each other since grade school. About halfway between Antonio and Gilbert's next class, Francis parted ways, waving at his friends as he made his way to Cooking Class.

Gilbert chattered on about how cute Mathew was, so the Spaniard had begun to tune him out. Antonio's thoughts drifted to his new room-mate. He had been told that morning of how there were two new students moving to the school and that one would be is new room-mate. A smile made its way to the brunette's face as he remembered the conversation from earlier.

Antonio entered the Principal's office, unsure of why he had been called there in the first place.

"Mr. Adnan?" Antonio asked, carefully taking a seat in the chair across from the Principal's desk.

The Turkish man turned out, nodding at Antonio. "Hello, Mr. Carriedo. I am glad you made it here in time. I have something of importance to discuss with you."

The Spaniard nodded, giving his full attention to Mr. Adnan. "Yes, sir."

"This is in regards to your new room-mate. First of all, we have two new students at our school. The two are twin brothers from Italy," he began. "We were told that the younger one is not so intelligent, but very well-behaved. However, his older brother is, how should I say, a trouble-maker? Yes, he is a trouble-maker. On the other hand, he is a very bright young man. This boy will be your new room-mate. I would advise that you be careful around him."

The Turkish man hesitated before continuing. "He is... very.. explosive, to put it nicely. He has a temper."

Antonio nodded, assuring his Principal that he would be cautious of how he acted around his new room-mate.

"Very well," Mr. Adnan replied. "Take care. Now get to class, boy."


The Spaniard snapped his head up to look at his albino friend. "Uh, yeah?"

"Verdammt! Were you even listening to me?" Gilbert exclaimed, laughing his signature laugh as the duo entered their classroom.

Antonio chuckled, making his way to his seat. "Arrepentido, Gil. I was just thinking about my new room-mate."

The albino rose an eyebrow, grinning as he took his seat beside his friend. "Oh? Mein gott, you haven't even seen the guy, and you're already falling for him?"

Antonio shrugged, mouthing the word Maybe~ as the albino's younger brother walked in, a giddy looking boy happily chatting with him. The Spaniard looked over at Gilbert and cocked his head at the German boy. The Prussian just shrugged, going to pull out his text-book for the class. Antonio sighed, glancing back up at the door to see a sour-faced teen walk in. His eyes widened as the boy looked over at him.

That has to be my new room-mate, Antonio thought, giving a small grin to the new student.

The teen narrowed his eyes dangerously at Antonio, going to stand at the front of the class room and await the teacher's introduction. Antonio watched the Italian boy with interest, noting the way he stood, the way he breathed, the way his face would turn red every time he noticed Antonio's eyes on him. By this point, the only thing that would have made the Spaniard happier would be to hear the Italian's voi-

"Feliciano! Porta il tuo culo cazzo qui, idiota!" the Italian barked.

The boy who had walked in with Ludwig bounced up to the angry looking brunette, grinning madly. "Ve~! Mi dispiace, fratello maggiore!"

Antonio felt himself chuckle at the air-headedness of the younger Italian brother. He nudged Gilbert in the side, causing the albino to look up to look up from his phone with an annoyed expression.

"What, Gott verdammt?" he hissed, glancing back down to finish his text.

Antonio laughed quietly. "It looks like your brother picked the ditzy one, Gil."

The albino rolled his eyes. "Ja, und it looks like you picked the scary-ass, bitchy, PMS-y one."

"Hey, hey!" Antonio gasped, faking being hurt by Gilbert's words. "He may just be in a bad mood today, Gil!"

Gilbert waved his hand at Antonio, staring at his phone once again. "Ja, ja. Whatever you wanna belive."

Antonio grinned and looked back up at the Italian. The teen seemed to be fussing at his brother over something, but Antonio couldn't be sure because he didn't speak a lick of Italian. The older Italian rolled his eyes and began to fix the younger's tie. Antonio couldn't help but grin as the older of the two began to straighten his brother's entire uniform.

He's just too cute~! Maybe I should go say hi? Si! I'll go say hi to him!

Just as Antonio began to stand, their teacher, Mr. Karpusi, walked in. The Greek man barely glanced at the two Italians in his room before making his way over to his desk. Antonio let out a sigh as he sat back in his seat.

"Okay, class," their Greek teacher began slowly, suppressing a yawn. "As you can hopefully tell, we have two new students. How about you two introduce yourself, get a book off that shelf, and then turn to page 394, nai?" Mr. Karpusi waved at a small bookshelf before leaning back in his chair and falling asleep.

The one Antonio's room-mate had called Felicano nodded, practically bouncing off the walls. The older Italian rolled his eyes and flipped the bird at his sleeping teacher.

"I guess I'll have to begin," the brunette began, speaking fluent English to his class. "I am Lovino Vargas, and if any of you fuck with my fratellino or I, I will personally kick your ass."

He then shot a glare directly at Ludwig. "And I will kick your ass, you damn potato-eating bastard."

As Lovino opened his mouth to speak once again, the door slammed into the wall, startling everyone but the sleeping Greek man. A Polish looking teen strode in, flipping his short blond hair as he entered.

"Like, everyone stop freaking out because I'm totally here!" he announced. He quickly noticed the Italians standing at the front of the room. Feliciano looked shocked, and slightly frightened, while Lovino's glare morphed into a grin.

Antonio's heart seemed to stop at the sight of the Italian looking so happy. He could feel himself falling more and more for the young Italian as he studied Lovino's smile.

"Feliks!" Lovino yelled, walking over to the cross-dressing Polish man and kissing him on both cheeks.

"Like, OH EM GEE! Lovino, I can't believe it's you!" Feliks bounced forward and engulfed the Italian in a hug. "We totally have, like, SOO much catching up to do!"

The Italian laughed, causing Antonio's heart to jump for joy. "Si, si! Sit down, and I'll sit next to you, va bene?"

The blond teen nodded and strode over to his seat, plopping his down on the desk between he and Antonio.

Mios dio! He's going to be sitting next to me! the Spaniard thought happily before turning his attention back to the brothers.

"Fratellino, your turn," Lovino instructed, his face returning to a frown and voice turning harsh once again.

The younger of the two nodded. "Ve~! I'm Feliciano Vargas! You can just call me Feli~! Ve~!"

Feliciano flashed a grin at the class then bounced off to his seat beside Ludwig. Lovino sighed, shaking his head at his younger brother's actions, and took his set between Feliks and Antonio. The class slowly began to grow loud as the students began conversing amongst themselves. Antonio took this chance to turn to the Italian.

"Hola!" he greeted, causing Lovino to face him, his eyebrow risen questioningly. "I'm Antonio! I think we may be room-mates! What's your room number? Mine's 396"

The Italian's face seemed to darken as Antonio spoke to him, but the Spaniard pushed it off as part of his imagination.

"Si," Lovino began cautiously, eyeing the Spaniard with hidden interest. "It seems we are room-mates."

What's with this guy? Lovino's thoughts questioned. He can't seriously be this stupid.

He began to turn back around, but Antonio caught his attention yet again. "Well, this is our last class of the day, so if you want, I can show you to our room~! Would that be okay?"

The Italian sighed. "Si, si. Whatever, bastardo. Now, how about you vaffanculo?"

Lovino turned back to Feliks and began to chat with him, leaving the Spaniard with his thoughts.

This is going to be fun.