HIIIII EVERYOOOOOOONE! Okay! I apologize for being dead lately! I PROMISE THAT I WILL UPDATE ROVINA SOON FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO READ IT! Anyway, this is a little Mafia!Romano x Police!Spain thing I wanted to write that maaaaaaaay or may nooot become longer than a one-shot... At this point where I'm writing THIS, I'm not sure I guess you'll have To keep reading and find out! =D so... enjoy!

~ Celeste

Lovino barked an order out to one of his underlings, his eyes locking with the police officer who stood only feet away. The officer's gun was aimed directly at the Italian's heart. He could tell the man wasn't going to loosen up on his aim any time soon, so Lovino stood still, his hands in the air. The only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing of the Mafia Boss. The two stood there in silence, surrounded by twenty other officers and fifteen of Lovino's own men.

Above the men, a single man stood, aiming his gun at the officer. Lovino glanced up and saw Feliks, nodding slowly. A smirk began to form on the Italian's face as Feliks flashed a thumbs up and took his shot, killing the police officer in less than an instant. Lovino took his chance and grabbed his gun from the ground, taking off down the alleyway behind him. His breathing sped up as the officers began to chase him, firing without aim at the young Mafia Boss.

The Italian man felt a bullet whizz by his face as he bolted down the alleyway. Blood began to leak from a cut caused by the bullet, and the brunette man cursed softly. The night air was musty with the smell of death as fighting broke out behind him. He quickly reloaded his gun and began firing in the direction the bullet had come from, aiming at anything and everything that moved. He heard a thud as he hit someone and the body fell to the ground, the stench of death instantly polluting the night air even further. A shout rang through-out the night as one of the police-men spotted the young Italian.

"Cazzo!" he growled, reloading his gun yet again.

The boy ran faster down the musty alleyway, shooting at his pursuers in a desperate attempt at escaping. Lovino Vargas felt as if his legs were going to give out at any moment, but he didn't falter in his step. Even though he hadn't run this much since he had first become the head of the Vargas Family's Mafia, Lovino knew he could make it out of this mess alive. The Italian felt himself stumble over something in the alleyway, the money he had made from this latest drug dealing flying from his pocket. Not looking back at what had caused him to lose his earned money, he cursed but kept running. The Italian knew that if he stopped, the police would catch him. Mafia Bosses never got caught by the police, especially not Bosses of the Vargas Mafia. They would rather die than go into custody of the police.

Suddenly, Lovino saw the end of the alleyway and, in a burst of speed, made it out. His victory was short lived, though, as he came face-to-face with the one police officer he had hoped wasn't on this case.

"Keep your hands where I can see them, Boss Romano!" the brunette officer shouted, hatred burning in his voice.

Lovino froze, holding his gun steady as he aimed for the man's head. He'd know that voice anywhere. It was the same voice that had captivated him years ago when the two had only been high-schoolers. The same voice that Lovino knew belonged to the one officer he knew he could never shoot. Slowly Lovino began to lower his gun. The officer remained holding his gun pointed straight at the Italian, a deadly gleam in his eyes until realization hit him. That gleam soon gave way to shock.

"...Lovi?" the brunette officer whispered, lowering his gun in confusion.

The Mafia Boss stared at his Spanish lover, his body unable to move. His heart pounded so loudly that he was sure the other man could hear it. Suddenly, shouting erupted from the alleyway Lovino had just escaped from. Antonio shot a glance behind Lovino, quickly grabbing the Italian's hand and pulling him down the road. The two ran for their lives, not stopping until they had reached Lovino's apartment. The Spaniard and Lovino rushed into the small living space. The older of the two collapsed on the couch as Lovino locked every lock on the door.

Antonio laughed darkly as he covered his face with his hands. "Now I understand why you have so many damned locks on your door."

Lovino looked back at his lover of four-and-a-half years with a sad expression, knowing that close to nothing he said could fix what Antonio had discovered tonight. Slowly, he made his way over to the couch, sitting on the edge as he placed a hand on Antonio's knee. The Spanish man uncovered his face and looked at Lovino with the most pained expression the Italian had ever seen him make. Antonio's expression brought tears to the corners of Lovino's eyes.

"How... How long?" the Spaniard questioned softly, sitting up to look Lovino in the eyes.

Lovino shifted uncomfortably, looking down at the ground. "I...," he struggled to tell Antonio the harsh truth. "Four years.. I...I've been Boss Romano.. for four years."

The Italian looked up and took the chance of looking into Antonio's eyes. The Spaniard's bright eyes looked broken, the normally happy luster in them gone. His eyes were dull, and it pained Lovino to look into them. Gingerly, the Italian reached forward, taking Antonio's cheek in his hand and bringing their faces closer.

"Lovi, how could you? I... I trusted you!" the Spaniard cried, a tear slowly rolling down his cheek as his eyes searched Lovino's for answers.

The Italian gently captured Antonio's lips in a soft kiss, holding his face between his hands. As he pulled away, Lovino wrapped his arms around the Spaniard's neck. Letting tears flow down his cheeks, the younger man hugged his lover tightly, wishing he would never have to let go.

"Believe me, I would have told you if it wouldn't have gotten the both of us killed," Lovino whispered, feeling himself fall apart as Antonio wrapped his arms around him.