Cat's Cradle:


"If you are pained by external things, it is not they that disturb you, but your own judgement of them. And it is in your power to wipe out that judgement now."
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

This is a story about a woman. A woman who was stolen of her innocence on February 14th, 2011. A woman who almost died in the aftermath.

She didn't though. She tried everyday to survive, and sometimes it was too much and she hurt herself to distract her from her problems, but she just made more problems of her own.

That woman lost her brother on May 5, 2011, to self harm. Something he had learned from her. Now that dug her 20 more feet into her grave, but she continued to climb.

On May 15th, 2011, she and her friend, Erin, who was raped as well, went down to the police station, and told them of the crime that was done to them. That day was the first time in many that she had seen her parents so worried about her.

The next day she found she was carrying her rapist's baby. She didn't want it. She didn't want to wake up everyday and be reminded what happened to her when she looks into her baby's face.

She could never abort it. That woman was pro life and believed abortion was murder, and she could take away someone's life.

She didn't know what to do.

On May 18th, Lane Alexander was arrested for rape.

That was the same day everyone found out why that woman was so disturbed and dark.

On July 7th, 2011, she had to go to court. Lane's lawyer made it impossible for her story to be true with the way he twisted up her words, so she got frustrated, and just decided to show everyone her pregnant belly.

Boy were they shocked.

That was the same day she let the boy she loved with all her heart go. He deserved someone better.

She didn't talk to him again after that.

On July 10th, 2011, she was back at court. The jury found Lane guilty for statutory rape in the second degree for both girls. He was sentenced to thirteen years in prison, no bail. It was a joyous day for all.

On September 11th, 2011, she became seventeen, an age she thought she'd never reach.

On November 1st 2011, that woman gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Taylor Eliza Valentine, after her late brother, Tyler Elliot. She weighed eight pounds nine ounces, and had little tiny brown curls. Her skin was an almond color, and hazel eyes. Something the woman recognized instantly, because they were identical to Lanes.

On November 5th, 2011 that woman took that little baby home, and never put her down. She was attached, and she couldn't get enough. The baby girl never cried, she would just stare up at her, and yawn alot.

On November 16th, 2011 that woman started her first day of being homeschooled, by her aunt.

On March 2nd, 2012, that woman really began to see Lane in her daughter. She looked just like him. The skin, the eyes, did this baby have anything from her mother? Didn't seem like it.

On May 21st, 2012, she graduated highschool, and could finally say she survived it.

On May 22nd, 2012, she dyed her back to her trademark color. Redvelvet.

On June 16th, 2012, Cat found a job, as a cashier at Forever 21. She absolutely loved it. Wasn't long until she was manager.

That woman was putting her haunting past behind her and was trying to move on for the sake of her child. But what she didn't seem to know was that the past will always follow you. Everywhere you go , it will go as well. There's no escaping. No matter how traumatizing it is.

That woman is me, Caterina Valentine. I'm going to tell you my story now, the rest of it. Just be aware that happy ever afters don't exist.

YAY! PROLOGUE!I'll have the first real chapter up, when the trailer is done. ahaha

excuse mistakes please, no beta

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Love you guys lots,

Rya Quinn