Yami stared at The spirit of the millennium ring which apparently has the same name has his host. Didn't the writers know that would be confusing?! Anyway, Bakura just played a field spell and Yami just knew what it was! "An anime convention?"

Bakura smirked. "Close but no c-" Just then, three flashes of bright light cut him of. One in front of him, one in front of Yami, and one in front of "Malik". "What the bloody hell?!"

When the lights faded, three teenagers were revealed. And they looked exactly like the item holders behind them! Yami's double looked the same, even the same outfit. Though he wears his school uniform all the time, I guess it was expected. Bakura's double was wearing almost the exact outfit except for a black trench coat, which the spirit secretly thought looked cool, not that he would say anything. "Malik's" double, however, wasn't wear the same outfit. He was wearing a pair of cargo pants and a black tank top, under a gray vest.
"Malik" was freaking. "What is my double wearing?! He can't show off his abs in that!" Then he, along with Joey, noticed the millennium Rod in his double's hand. Joey called attention to that fact before "Malik" could do anything about it.

"Why does Malik have the Millennium Rod?"

This was the point that "Malik's" double woke up. He opened his eyes then quickly closed them, sitting up really quickly and holding his head. "OWCH! What did I do to my head?!" Not noticing everybody's faces at his completely different voice, he looked down in his hand at the rod. "Oh that's right..." Wind blew through his hair, making him look up. First he saw "Malik" looking confused and horrified then the city below. He blinked then looked scared. "Are...are we on a blimp?" At everybody nods, he swallowed. "Battle city?" Nod. He looked like he was choking back a scream. He turned to Bakura and Yami, both of which were staring at him in confusion. He smile nervously then caught sight of the doubles at their feet. "Yami! Yugi! Ryou! Bakura!" He ran up and first shook Bakura's double awake. The double shifted slightly and then sat up. He blinked blearily at "Malik's" double.

"Marik...? Where are we?" His words were so soft, however, only Bakura and "Malik's" double heard him.

"In the past... On a blimp..."

"On a blimp...?" Bakura's double blinked again then yelled. "WHY ARE WE IN BATTLE CITY?!" Everybody gasped at the wrong voice. It still had an accent but it wasn't as prominent nor did he act as British and Girly. Yami decided to point this fact out.

"Whats with your voices?"

Both doubles snapped their heads up at Yami, eyebrows crinkled. "Our voices...? What about yours Pharaoh?" DMalik asked.

"So are you from a different dimension or what?" "Malik" asked from behind them. DBakura and DMalik stared at him before DBakura started laughing. It was obvious now that it was the Spirit.

"Nice voice, Keeper!"

DMalik glared at him. "Shut it Robber!...I don't really sound like that do I?"

"What the frig is wrong with my voice?!"

"Sooo..." Yami interrupted, causing both doubles to look at them again. "Are you ever going to wake this one up?" He pointed to his double.

The doubles blinked. DMalik turned to DBakura, which is now the good Bakura. "I kinda forgot about him, what about you?" DBakura nodded sheepishly. And so, both doubles went to go wake up the other double who woke up as Yugi.

"Wha-" He sat up and shook his head to clear it. In the process, he saw they were on a blimp. "...Why are we on a blimp?"

"Why is that the first thing you guys pick up on?" Kaiba asked from the sidelines.

"Big brother can I be in this story?" Mokuba asked from his place beside his brother.

"Shut up Mokuba,"

"Did... Did Kabia just tell Mokuba..." DMalik asked.

"Shut up? Yep." DYami took over DYugi. DBakura looked at him funny.

"Why are you in control?"

DYami gave a small, slightly amused smile. "Yugi fainted. I don't think the information that we are in the past, on a blimp, and apparently, in a different dimension suited him very well."

Who wants to finish this? Just PM me the results