Here you go. Another story! I am excited to get this one typed up, tell me what you think! PLEAAAASSSEEE (please) review! Have a nice day!

It was a crisp night when it happened; it had been a fun day full of laughter and snow… Kayla was running, she was in danger, my older brother was being pulled by her older brother's hand they were being chased by a…a shadow, it had all began after their trip from the park. The creature behind them was gaining on them. The black shadowy creature leapt in front of Kayla something around them caught on fire… The creature plunged at Kayla's older brother his teeth bearing, John (Kayla's older brother) gripped Kayla's hand tighter there was nothing they could do, they were trapped… Kayla realized what she must do. She shoved John as hard as she could out of the way, safe. Kayla suddenly felt the creature on her; it had the greatest amount of force she had ever felt… The creature was pushing her; lightning stroked the sky several times, Kayla was scared the creature bit her and pushed her, John was screaming at the shadow, suddenly it stabbed her through her stomach the poor child screamed into the night air in shock she was landing on the ground now but it was hot she had landed in the fire she tried to scream once more but nothing came out. Suddenly everything was black. Kayla tried to breath but she inhaled ash, light suddenly erupted out of the dark Kayla sat up she was in fire

"Ahhh" Kayla said as she stood up to get away from the fire Kayla looked around her breath a white cloud. Kayla was scared she remembered the shadow, where was it? Where am I?

"JOHN" she yelled looking for her older brother "JOOOHHNNNN" lightning stroke arose the sky once more. Kayla looked up at the night sky the clouds across the sky separated to reveal the moon Kayla looked at it, it was bigger than usual and it was full, for a moment she wasn't scared anymore, then someone said "Storm".

"Who said that" Kayla shouted snapping back, she began to run away, she must find her mom, dad and John her, shoes were gone(probably ashes in the fire) and her blond ponytail trailed behind her.

"JOHN" she shouted as she ran through the forest leaving behind the fire in which she was reborn from. No matter where she ran she came back to the fire. She sat down and put her face in her hands and began to cry. She whimpered like a small disturbed child. She was lost and alone. Where was everyone? What happened to the shadow? Where was John?

A voice suddenly rang out "why are you crying"

"Who's there?" Kayla shouted

"It's just me" the voice said once more "Jack Frost"

"Jack Frost" Kayla replied standing up looking for him, she was shivering and the tears slowly dripped out of her eyes

"Why are you crying" Jack repeated

"I-I was running through the forest with John an-and the shadow thing attacked me and threw me in- in the fire" Kayla stuttered "next thing I woke up in the fire and everybody was gone"

Jack looked at her could she be a chosen one? He got off from his perch on the tree branch and walked towards Kayla she was shivering

"Was that you who said storm" Kayla asked

"No," Jack said "but I bet that that was the moon saying your name!"

"No, I'm Kayla" Kayla spoke "Kayla Car-"

"No, the moon gave it to you" Jack exclaimed with excitement as he walked towards Kayla

"The moon" Kayla asked

"You have been chosen" Jack said

"What do you mean chosen" Kayla said her body shivering uncontrollably now

Jack looked at her she was very young looking, she had blond hair pulled back into a sloppy pony tail little pieces of hair sticking out everywhere, she also wore a pair of ripped worn light blue jeans on, and baggy sweatshirt with a huge soccer ball on it.

"How old are you" said Jack

"13" said Kayla "last November"

Kayla took her gaze off of Jack and said "what happened?"

Jack sighed his usual playful smile gone "you have finished your old life an-"

"Finished?" Kayla interrupted

"How can I put this" Jack said "the shadow you spoke of earlier must have killed you and you have been chosen by the moon to help protect this world"

"The moon? Dead? I'm dead? Your crazy" the word sunk low into Kayla's heart "I can't be dead, John and I are, are going to play soccer tomorrow, Mom's making pot pie for diner and, and I'm…I'm just a kid, kids don't die like that. I'm here, if I were dead id…id be in Heaven"

"But you were chosen after you died" Jack said

"But I'm not dead, I can't be" Kayla shouted as she stood up and began to run away from the fire "JOHN" she shouted; she ran away from Jack he was wrong, Kayla couldn't be dead, in the distance she the lights of a small village "Mom, Dad, John" Kayla shouted. Kayla ran into the village, she ran up to the first person she saw and said

"Excuse me, ma'am but could you tel-"

The woman did not see Kayla though; instead she walked right through her. Kayla gasped and fell to the ground the woman just walked through her! She stood back up only to have it done again.

Something was wrong she ran away from the town and deep into the woods she collapsed into the snow. Lightning around her stroked across the sky, Kayla was alone, nobody could hear or see her except for Jack,what had gone wrong? She lay down in the snow, she seemed to produce static electricity, the winds around her picked up the lightning in the sky grew and grew and thunder echoed across the land. Kayla lay in the snow as the freezing winds slapped her. I guess the moon was right, thought Kayla I am a storm.

Just then Jack re-appeared by Kayla's side "you have to stop this storm, Storm" Jack said

Kayla shut her eyes. She couldn't stop…

"Storm, listen to me, you're the only one who can stop this" Jack said as he knelt down in the snow next to Kayla

Kayla shut her eyes harder the storm picked up harder and harder

"Storm" Jack shouted over the howling wind, trying to use his own wind to stop hers, then Jack realized that she couldn't stop it she dint know how, Jack scooped her up and told her to hold on to him and he started to fly towards the north the storm was getting larger He then brought Kayla into a cave up north and laid her down on the floor Kayla shut her eye's she would not open them not ever.

"Storm" Jack said "I need you to calm down, talk to me"

Jack looked around the cave (where he was currently living)

"I'm scared Jack" Kayla said

"don't be" Jack said

He continued to try and stop her, he looked at the globe with the lights there were tornadoes, and hurricanes spreading across it. It was worse than Jack thought how do I distract her? Thought Jack? Sparks went off in jack's head that's right she's a kid I could use my talent with her!

"Storm" Jack said" want to play some soccer? You like soccer don't you?"

Kayla mumbled something she was to weak

"What was that" Jack asked

"I said" Kayla spoke "everybody likes soccer"

Jack was thrilled that Storm had spoken

"I don't know" Jack said "I'm not much of a fan"

Kayla sat up "you're joking right?"

"No" Jack said smiling "I prefer hockey"

"You're crazy" Kayla said standing up "do you have a ball?"

Jack grabbed some snow and made an ice soccer ball he then used his wind and passed it, Kayla smiled and look at it and tried to use her wind to push it but it dint work, she frowned and tried to kick it but it was as hard as a rock. The storm outside died down Kayla sighed and sat on the ground. It had worked Jack had calmed Storm down. He went over and sat by Kayla

"You know, you're a lot stronger than you think" Jack said

"Why have I been chosen to do this" Kayla said

"Because… you died heroically" Jack spoke

"But what if I don't want to be a magical person or whatever, what if I refuse to believe it?" Kayla said

"It's not something that you get to choose" Jack said "you're lucky a lot of kids want to be able to do the things you can."

"Then, why don't they, they can take over when I die" Kayla said "but oh no, it's too late I already died. How long do I have to do this for"

"Forever" Jack said "so I think"

"You mean I never get to truly die" Kayla replied

"You want to die? "Jack said

"Well I don't want to live forever" Kayla said "what about John, and my parents, can I see them?"

"How can you remember them, Storm" Jack asked "when I was reborn I dint know anything about my previous life."

"How could I forget" Kayla said "and my names not Storm, it's Kayla"

"But the moon gave you storm, Storm" Jack replied "that's your name in this life"

Kayla thought of God, would she ever make it to heaven?

"Storm" Jack said "it's not so bad"

"What, not being seen or heard" Kayla said "living but not, being able to do great things and not being able to share it?"

"Forget about all of that, first let's just get you trained up" Jack said "you can't make storms like that you have to watch it"

"I couldn't help it" Kayla spoke in anger causing a roll of thunder to erupt.

"come here" Jack said "let me show you something" he walked to the entrance of the cave, the storm was over, He then jumped off the side of the cave and down the side of a cliff, as he fell Kayla shouted

"JACK" he then came up "you can fly?!"

"How do you think we got here?" Jack asked

"Your turn just jump off and fly" Jack said

"Okay" Kayla said, she got a running start and leapt off the side of the cliff it wasn't working Kayla wasn't flying

Jack flew down by Kayla and grabbed her hand "you got this" he said and together they flew, Kayla smiling at the sky she was doing it! She was flying! Suddenly the northern light's appeared in the distant Jack frowned and guided Kayla back to the cave "Storm I gotta go, I'll explain later, stay here" he felt worried for leaving her she could start a storm or do something stupid but he would have to trust her. But for now he'd have to worry about what the guardians wanted.

How'd you like it? PLEASE REVIWE! Tell me if you like it!