Chapter 3: Apply Yourself

It feels like a century since I moved in with my father and the Jones's, when in reality it's only been a 2 weeks and 3 days. My father says that its time for me to grow up and take on responsibilities. As I'm sat there listening to him speak, all I can think about was where is he getting at? I am a man and I take care of myself. I didn't know what he wants me to do. Although, I have a feeling that I was about to find out.

"Little Scooter, it's time for you to start looking for a job," Jeremy says.

"A what," I shout. "Dad! Are you serious? I don't know anything about working in retail or a fast food place and I definitely don't dance."

"Son," Jeremy pauses. "If you can skateboard and play other sports really good, I'm sure you can put the effort into a job."

"But dad, my skateboarding tournament starts this spring," I exclaim.

Jeremy shakes his head, "I'm sorry son. You cannot take part in any sports into I see that you take actions."

"Please dad," I beg.

"No Logan," he speaks loudly. "End of discussion."

"Why do you hate me," I ask.

He glares at me, "What can possibly make you think that I hate you? You are my only son and I don't want to see you end up like one of those criminals that only care about money."

"What! How is being rich a crime?"

"It's not being rich that's the crime, son. It's basically how you go about it," he explains. "I will not have you ruin your life over money."

I nod, "Do I really have to get a job?"

"Yes you do," Jeremy replies. "The newspaper is on the kitchen table. There's a section in there with job listings. Make yourself useful." he explains, before leaving to work.

CeCe chuckles when entering the living room, "Good luck with your job search Little Scooter. You're going to need it," she smirks.

I glare at her as she walks inside the bathroom. Not only do I have to look for a job, but I have to tolerate my annoying step-sister. What next? I have to pay for my college fund? After I finish aggressively kicking the couch three times, I sat at the kitchen table and search for jobs. unfortunately, I didn't know where to start.

"Ay Deuce!" I call, when walking up to him.

"What's sup Logan?" he asks, when dapping my hand.

"I need your help," I retort.

Deuce crosses his arms, "Sure, what do you need help with?"

"I wasn't wonder if you can get me a job at Crusty's," I explain.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you with that dude. My uncle just hired two new employees and we already have too many as it is."

I sigh, "I understand. Thanks anyways man."

"No problem." Deuce says, before smirking over at Rocky. "I have an idea."

"What's that," I ask.

"Why don't you ask Rocky if they are hiring over at Shake It Up Chicago," he explains.

I shake my head, "Dude, I don't know how to dance."

Deuce grins, "That's the point. She can teach you everything she knows about dancing. Plus, it will bring you guys closer."

I smile, "My zam. You are a genius my friend, a pure genius."

Deuce grin becomes wider, "It was nothing. What are you going to do?"

I glance over at Rocky and smiles, before turning back to him. "I'm going to ask her to teach me how to dance."

Deuce chuckles, "Good luck man. You're going to need it."

"I will holler at you later," I say.

"Alright, later Logan," he says.

I stand by the locker, waiting for Rocky to finish her conversation with Dina. Finally, the bell rang for the next period, so I walk up to her. "what's up Rocky?

"Hi Logan, you look well today," Rocky says.

"Well yeah! I was going to audition for Shake It Up Chicago soon and I was hoping that you teach me some dance moves. I'm feeling kind of rusty."

"Really? I didn't know you danced," she says.

"It's been a long time since I danced and that's why I came to you for help," I explain.

Rocky formerly bites her lip in thought. "Alright, I'll teach you some of my dance moves but you cannot tell CeCe. Got it?

I smirk, "yeah I got it."

Rocky nods, "Me and CeCe don't have rehearsal tomorrow afternoon, so you can meet me at Shake It up Chicago by 4pm."

"Zam okay," I start. "I will definitely see you there." I wink at her.

Rocky blushes, "I have to get to class. I'll talk to you later." She quickly strolls past me without another word. My eyes follow after her without question. Who is this girl and why am I head over heels for her?

"Hello baybee," announce a voice.

"What are you going here Gunther?" I sigh.

"I came to see if you want to get lunch," Gunther replies.

I look down at my timepiece, "Well you came at the right time." I presume. "Where is Tinka?"

"Tinkabell has the flu," Gunther explains. "I've been by myself for the past few days.

"Zam, that must've really sucked," I tell him.

"Precisely yes," Gunther narrows his eyes at me. "Now that I'm here and my life slightly boring, I really want to eat at this place called Bob's Kabob's."

"I ate there a few times before," I mention to him. "Their food is really good."

"So what are we waiting for? Let's go," Gunther announce. We made our way towards the exit and before we can get out the door, my thick-headed step-sister steps blocks the exit.

I roll my eyes, "oh my zam! What do you want," I catechize.

"Where do you think you're going Little Scooter," CeCe demands.

"I told you to stop calling me that," I shout. "Anyways, Gunther and I are going out for lunch."

"What makes you think that you're allowed to leave school grounds," she asks.

"I'm a senior Cissy. Meaning, I'm allowed to leave school grounds for lunch," I clarify. "Anyways, why do you even care?"

"I don't. Just wanted to stall time," she smirks.

"You little…" I begin to say, when Gunther stops me in the middle of a sentence.

"I got this." He says, before looking over at CeCe.

"Is there a problem with your eyes glitter boy," CeCe asks.

"Yes." Gunther replies, when walking up to her. "Let's start with those clothes."

CeCe glance down at herself, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

He looks up and down at her with distaste in his mouth, "They are hideous. You should really return them to the garbage dumb you got them from."

CeCe gasps in shock, "How dare you talk about my clothes," she grumbles. Meanwhile, I notice that her face began to flush red with frustration. Even I can't get her this mad, such as Gunther can. He triggered her weak point, which utterly surprises me. I'm starting to wonder if they met before. Na!

"You have no right to talk about my clothes," she yells.

"You're right," Gunther says. "And I'm awfully sorry that someone intentionally messed up your bangs to embarrass you," he tells her. "You should really sue your hair dresser for everything is worth."

My eyes widen along with CeCe's. From that moment on, I knew that Gunther went to the extreme and I needed to get him out of here fast. "Gunther, I think we should really get going." I state, when trying to push him out the door.

"No, stay Logan. I want to smack the glitter out of him." CeCe says, scrolling Gunther.

"CeCe, there is no need for that," I tell her.

"No Logan let her," Gunther speaks. "I like a challenge and I haven't begun to make your sister fall for me," he winks.

"Oh my god, I think I'm going to throw up," she says.

"You should start heading to the bathroom before it's too late," I exclaims.

"Good Idea." CeCe says, running into the bathroom.

"Zam, I don't know what you did Gunther, but you totally got rid of her," I says.

Gunther smiles, "It was nothing. I'm used to girls being disgusted by me."

I glance at him, "I thought you were a wiz at getting girls."

He shakes his head, "When I was G in freshmen year, yes. When I became Gunther Hessenheffer again, women wouldn't look my way."

"I remember that. You were a jerk when you became G."

Gunther glares me, "Do I need to remind you, that you and your friends were jerks to me for many years."

"Look Gunther, I know I haven't been the nicest guys to you, but now you are my friend and I got your back," I admit.

He smiles, "That's a very nice thing to say Logan."

"Good! Don't expect to hear that from me again!" I say, when walking towards his car.

"Oh come on Logan! Say it one more time for me, baybee!"

We arrive at the mall 10 minutes later and declare that it was best to order out food to go. "We're getting 2 chicken kabob's meals, right," I ask.

"Yes, I want mines with extra chicken though," Gunther replied. Before we walk inside the place, Gunther notices a Now Hiring sign in the window. "Looks like Bob's Kabob's are hiring Logan."

I look over at the sign and back at Gunther, "So they are. What does that have to do with me?"

"You should apply for a job here," Gunther retorted. "It's can't be hard to put meat on a stick," he smirks.

"Ha-ha, very funny Gunther. I refuse to work at a place, where I have to wear a hat with skewers attach to it," I clarify.

Gunther exhales, "you don't have much of a choice."

"So what if I don't? I can't let people see me working here."

"Don't you want to prove to your father that you are responsible and you can take care of yourself?"

"Yes I do," I answer. "There has to be another way, someplace else."

"Why don't you fill out the application here, just to say you did it," he tells me.

"Alright," I sigh. "I'm not making any promises about working here."

"That's fine," he says.

At once, I ask for an application to fill out. The whole time, Gunther sat there smiling, while waiting for me to finish. I didn't know what he was up to, but it was really creepy, watching him sneer like that. After finishing the application, I give it to the manager and left the place shortly after.

That following afternoon, Gunther offers to drive me to Shake It Up studios. I was anxious to spend some alone time with Rocky. Hopefully she doesn't figure out that I didn't know anything about dancing. "This is your stop," Gunther says.

"Thanks for driving me Gunther," I say.

"Wait," Tinka pronounce. "You didn't really think we were just coming to drop you off, did you?"

"Uhhhhhhh," I groan confusedly.

"We want a tour of Shake It Up Chicago," Gunther says.

I chuckle softly, "I didn't think you and Tinka were into dancing."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about us," Tinka smiles.

Gunther nods with a smile, "Yes! We are phenomenon dancers."

I begin to laugh, "You guys should know that this is not the type of dancing you do back at your old country,"

"Of course we know that Logan. We're not delustional," Tinka points out.

"Tinkabell and I were in dance school for sometime," Gunther says.

"Alright, follow me." I say, when getting out the car.

The moment we walk inside and up the stairs, I saw Rocky practicing some of her dance moves on set. She was an excellent dancer and with every move she carry out, only causes me to want her more. "Look Logan, there goes your girlfriend," Tinka says.

"Will you hush Tinka," I whisper. "FYI, she's not my girlfriend."

"For now," Tinka smirks.

Suddenly, Rocky notice me standing off set. She smiles politely when standing in front of me. "Hey, you made it," Rocky waves, before looking over at Gunther and Tinka. "I see you brought some friends with you."

"Yeah, sorry about them. The tall one is Gunther and the girl standing next to him is his sister Tinka."

"Nice to meet you guys," Rocky exclaims, with an odd expression on her face.

"Like-wise, "Tinka answers. Gunther nods and smiles.

"Well I'll go get my brother Ty to give you two a tour around the building," Rocky pronounces.

"Wait, Ty works here," I ask.

"Of course he works here. He's the host of the show," Rocky retorts.

"Oh zam…" I mumble.

"I'll be right back, don't go anywhere." Rocky says, before running off.

"This is definitely not going to work," I say.

"Why not Logan, I thought you had this all figured out," Tinka smirks.

"I thought I did," I admit.

"What's stopping you now," Gunther asks.

"Because I didn't know her brother works here and I don't think he likes me very much."

"Who doesn't know Ty Blue works here? He's the host for crying out loud," Tinka exclaims.

"Well I didn't," I proclaim. "I've never watched Shake It Up before."

Gunther snickers, "You have a lot to learn my friend."

"Hey guys!" Rocky exclaims when gaining our attention. "This is my brother Ty."

Gunther shakes his hand first, "It's nice to meet you Ty."

"It's nice to meet you too," Ty says. "What are your names?"

"I am Gunther!"

"And I am Tinka!"

"And we are the Hessenheffers," They exclaim together.

"Why do they always have to do that," I murmur.

"Well, you it's nice to meet you Gunther and Tinka," Ty says. "Follow me. I will give you guys a tour of the building."

"Okay, have fun Logan," Tinka says, when following Ty.

"Not too much fun," Gunther adds,.

"Shut up," I grumble.

"Oh yeah and Logan, make sure you keep your hands to yourself." Ty says, when scrolling at me.

"Will you get out of here already," Rocky shouts.

"Alright, I'm leaving." he says, walking off set.

"Those were your friends, huh," Rocky asks.

"Something like that," I reply.

"Wow! They are really… different," she states.

"Yeah I know, don't remind me."

"So are you ready to dance," she asks.

"Oh yeah sure, I'm more than ready," I retort.

"What are some dance moves you know so far?"

"Um, I can do the Harlem shake," I lie.

Rocky giggles, "That's it? This will be tougher than I thought."

Logan, whatever you do, don't tell Rocky that you don't know how to dance. This can be you big chance with her.

"Yeah Rocky, I sort of can't dance," I whisper.

"Sorry, I didn't here that," she says.

"I can't dance, okay?"

"So why did you tell me you can," she asks confusedly.

Way the go Logan, you blew it big time.

"Well I really want to be on show and hang out with you more," I blush.

"Awww, Logan that is so sweet. However, I highly doubt you'll be able to get on the show without any dance experience."

I chuckle, "It was worth the try through."

"I guess it was," she blushes.

"Rocky I know you have a boyfriend but I was wondering if you want to hang out some time, just me and you?"

Rocky nods, "Sure, I would love that."

I grin, "Zam, that's a start."

Rocky smiles, "Yes it is. Thanks for being honest with me." She says, kissing me on the cheek. Suddenly I kiss her on the lips without thinking. She responds in return by wrapping her arms around my neck. I pull her closer to me, which made her only break away. "Oh my god," she murmurs.

"Well zam! That was actually a really good kiss," I smile.

Rocky glares at me, "I can't believe I let you do that!"

"It was an accident," I lie.

"An accident!I have a boyfriend! If you can't respect that, then why bother being friends," she asks.

"Alright geez," I exclaim. "I'm sorry, okay? It won't happen again."

"You got that right," she announces. "I don't think we should talk anymore."

I stare at her in disbelief, "Over one little kiss? You have to be joking Rocky."

"I think you should leave," she says, when pointing at the exit.

"Rocky please," I beg.

"Hey," Ty shouts, when walking on set. "What's going on in here?"

"Nothing Ty, Logan was just leaving," she retorts.

"Well you heard her! Dance lessons is over. Let's go," Ty says, pulling me out the exit. We arrive outside shortly after."You have a goodevening Logan," he says. "Gunther and Tinka, be here tomorrow at 4. Got it?"

"We got it Ty," Gunther responses.

"Thanks for the tour," Tinka smiles

"Anytime," Ty winks. Shortly after, he walks back inside the studio and closes the doors behind him.

I glaze over at Gunther and Tinka, "What's going on tomorrow at 4?"

"Tinka and I got audition tomorrow," Gunther replies.

My eyes widen, "How the heck did you two land an audition?"

"He's impress by our dance move," Tinka retorts.

I shake my head, "There is no way this is be happening."

"News flash, this is happening. Get over it," Tinka states.

"What's the matter Logan? Dance lessons didn't go well," Gunther asks.

I sigh, "I kissed her by mistake and now she doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

"Wow! You are terrible with the ladies," Gunther says.

"That doesn't matter anymore brother twin. Logan will meet someone new and move on from miss fancy pants. Right Logan," Tinka asks.

I shake my head, "I don't think so Tink. Truth is… I don't think I'll find another girl like that. She was special.

"But your Logan Hunter, females dig you." Gunther directs.

Tinka grins, "Brother twin, can't you see? Logan is in love with miss fancy pants."

I narrow my eyes at her in surprise, "Zam! I'm not in love with her. We barely know each other."

"Have you ever head the terms, Love at first sight," Tinka questions.

"Yes I have," I reply. "Whoever believes in that is a fool."

"In which you're the fool, baybee," Gunther announces.

"Can we go, please," I exclaim.

"Right away, lover boy." He says, making a kissy face.

"That's it!" I shout when chasing him.

"We'll you two please slow down? I can't run in these heels," Tinka complains.

A/N: That's it for this chapter, sorry for the long wait. By the way, thanks for the reviews and I will try to update when I can. See ya.