Hey guys, this is my first attempt at a story, I'm sorry if its really bad. But if you spot any problems/ spelling errors please leave a review just telling me. Any criticism is accepted and I'm sure that I can improve my writing with dome advice that you could give me. Please review/ favourite/ follow, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks, bye 33

Chapter 1

Katniss' POV

I cried. Even though I told my little Prim that I wouldn't, I couldn't stop myself. I'd cried for the fact that she had been taken from me.

I cried because I knew I was the only person to truly be effected. Sure we had the body of the person who we had once called our mother, but she had died that same night that my father had.

I remember the car crash that had happened all because of some wasted idiot who had decided to be stupid enough to drink and drive. He had gotten away with a small scratch on the side of his face but my father had much worse.

The shattered glass hit his head a large amount wedged itself in his skull, damaging his brain. He didn't suffer for long because he died straight after.

Of course I loved my father, we were too close to be separated. He taught me everything I knew to this day. But even though his passing had effected me enough to silently cry myself to sleep every single night for the past couple of years, I had to suck it in, I had to be strong for my Prim and my mother. I had to be their rock, I was the one that kept us fed, clothed and alive.

But I hadn't done enough to keep my Prim alive now. She got caught in a fire at her school and luckily got out safely. But her best friend, Rue, hadn't. And with Prim being the kindest soul on our planet, of course she went back in to save her friend. Rue got out fine, just a couple of burns, nothing too major to worry about, but Prim had a different ending.

The roof had caved in on her, she couldn't move. The ambulances and fire-fighters arrived soon though and she was immediately found and taken to the hospital. She just had to take one more step to be free.

By the time I had gotten to the hospital, they had already decided it was too late and that they could do nothing more to save her. They had decided her fate and left her to die while she was writhing in pain. I can still see her poor face scrunched up in agony as she breathed her final words to me, as I gripped her hand and asked her to stay with me. I can still hear the last thing she had said to me, just one word, but in that one word she had made her final tears stream down her charred cheeks. "Always." she had finally breathed to me, just before her heart monitor had stopped, and her beautiful skin became pale and ghostly.

And now I sit on the front steps of the hospital crying over my little sister's passing. And I can't help thinking that my beautiful Primrose will never bloom again. She will never feel the sun hit her skin and I will never see her radiant smile that is bright enough to put even a candle to shame.

I have no clue about what I will do with my life now. All I have learned from this experience is that whatever you love, you will eventually lose, so why even open up in the first place.