"I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."

― Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

" Por favor…"

A moan, pervading with pleasure rings through his mind. A voice begging him for more, enriched with an accent foreign to his own. The heat of their bodies colliding, the feeling of the other mans hips in his hands. It was a moment Lovino would treasure for the rest of his days.


" HUH!?" Lovino jumps to sit up right in his bed with a sharp gasp. Panting, he takes in his surroundings quickly. This wasn't his house. He was prepared to panic and potentially call the police- but then in the same instant of panic he remembered everything when he took a glance to his left side only to see a pair of perfect lips, slightly messy brown hair and flawless tan skin laying right beside him. Antonio, laid right beside the Italian, his cheeks slightly damp and one of his arms loosely wrapped around Lovino's.

Lovino looked down to him, shifting his arm to free it from the handsome man's grasp, but as if it were a reflex he only hugged onto him tighter, smacking his lips in his sleep. He let out a quiet groan of frustration, taking a glance around the room. The room was pretty clean, much cleaner then his at least. Antonio didn't seem to have an alarm clock and his room had a window that would allow sunlight in if it wasn't protected by a curtain.

"Yes! Right there, Lovi! D-Don't sto-Ah!"

He couldn't believe he had sex with this total stranger, all he knew was that his ass was gorgeous and that his name was Antonio. Well, he also knew he owned a coffee shop and made really great coffee. What about this guy made him want him that bad? Worry over even being able to go to the coffee shop again without reflecting on this day nipped at him. He wanted to go home.

He looked to Antonio again, lips partly open in his sleep. With a sigh he bent over him and give him a light kiss on the cheek. Antonio hummed in his sleep, his grip on Lovino loosening slightly. He followed it up with a gentle peck on the lips, Antonio returned it gently with a little smile letting go of Lovino's arm.

This idiot was going to be the end of him.

Lovino stepped out of the bed, quickly realizing that he was buck naked, he found his underwear on the floor picking them up and putting them on. Antonio's eyes opened half-way watching the Italian leave his room.

It was like a scavenger hunt, various bits of his clothes were scattered on a path way to the room, along with Antonios. He found his pants with Antonio's underwear, his shoes at the entrance to the room and the remainder of what Antonio was wearing at the very spot where they began to…"talk".

The kiss quickly became heated, Antonio pressing his lips hard against Lovino's and Lovino licking at Antonio's lips begging for entrance. His hands wandering over the Spaniards perfect body, stripping him down as they were caught in the kiss. Antonio's hand started to wander to Lovino's crouch, but then hesitated. With a grateful breath on air, cheeks flushed pink he looked to Lovino.

" My Vargas…" he panted. " Does this mean our parks plans are canceled?" he asked in a teasing yet innocent manner.

" Shut up and Kiss me." He said pulling Antonio's shirt off of him and pressing a sweet kiss to his chest.

His cheeks turned bright red at the memories, picking up Antonio's shirt and pressing it to his face for a moment before letting it drop to the floor again. Finally redressed, he gave himself a firm pat on the chest and smirked. Was it bad for him to feel great about this? He wasn't sure if there should be guilt or absolutely joy expressed over this situation, but he was going to go home and treat himself to some left over spaghetti to celebrate.

He headed for the door.

" Lovino?" The so sweet voice beckoned to him from behind. Lovino whipped around quickly, looking to so Antonio leaning on his doorframe naked arms crossed. This guy didn't have much shame, did he?

"Are you leaving, so soon?" He asked, walking over to him with a slight sway in his hips. Stopping in front of him, he put his hands on Lovino's chest and pressed himself against him.
" So mean. I didn't even get to thank you for the park trip yesterday~" he pouted leaning in and giving Lovino a peck on the lips.

" We didn't-" he paused the retort. Oh. Oh. He understood that.

" I hope we can do this again, si?" he asked, with an innocent blink of his emerald green eyes.

"…Tch." Lovino grumbled in response. " Long as you have real food here next time-" Antonio gave him a firm kiss on the lips again, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

" Ok." Lovino said immediately.

" Yay!" Antonio cheered with a hearty chuckle. " And next time you should stay and have a shower with me. That would be fun~"

With any pride he had before turned into mush, Lovino turned away and quickly left out the door Antonio waving farewell to him with a wide smile. He didn't know what he just agreed to, but he knew one thing for sure.

He wouldn't mind seeing Antonio again.

And here we are again ladies and gentleman!
Did you miss me? Because I sure did miss you!
He is the long awaited Sixth Chapter!

Reviews and Favorites are appreciated! Thank you guys for reading this!
On to the next chapter!