So here it is, the very last chapter of my very first story. I just want to make this time to say a big huge thank you to sasukesoneandonly. Without her I don't think finishing this story would have been possible. She has been an incredible source of support and ideas for me. So this one is for her, but it is also for those who stuck around and put up with my sketchiness. I know you all thought at one time I wouldn't finish it. So with great pride and pleasure I present to you for the first time a chapter without a summary. You all know it by know anyways. I'll just get straight to the disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the original characters. All craziness that has taken place in this story is mainly from me with a few ideas from sasukesoneandonly.

Chapter 16 The End

Hinata's P.O.V.

For the last week there had been a bit of an uproar. Apparently something had happened while Sasuke and Sakura were out on their month long honeymoon. They'd called last Friday saying they were coming home a week early and that they had some news.
Of course neither of them bothered to specify whether said news was good or bad. I recon judging by how ecstatic Sakura sounded in the background it had to be good news. Either way they're coming home today. Should be arriving anytime...
BANG! The door to mine and Naruto's bedroom was thrown open. A huge smile on his face. Suki stirred on the bed. Having been woken up from her nap. She opened her eyes and stared at the intruder before recognizing him.
"DADDY"! She said excitedly hoping off the bed and jumping over to where he stood in the doorway. Arms already extended as she launched herself into them.
"How's my little princess"? Naruto asked giving her a squeeze before setting her back on her feet. Sometimes its hard to believe she's only three. She's much more mature and graceful than any other three year old would be. But for vampires its normal.
"Are Aunty Sakura and Uncle Sasuke coming back today"? She asked eagerly. While they'd been away I'd taught Suki how to properly say Sasuke's name. As quite as it was I didn't want him to kill Naruto for it. Though I can't deny it wasn't funny while it lasted.
"Why don't you go downstairs and find out for yourself"? Naruto told her. She danced passed him and out the door before taking off down the hall.
"I swear she's just like you Naruto". He came over and kissed me before pulling me to my feet and out the door.

Sakura's P.O.V.

We'd just walked in when I heard a pair of small feet dashing down the stairs. Next thing I knew a small purple-blue and pink streak smacked into me. Suki had gotten a lot faster while we were gone. Not to mention bigger.
"Aunty Sakura, Aunty Sakura"! She said excitedly stretching her arms up so I would pick her up. Once I did she wrapped her small arms around my neck and held on tightly. Nuzzling her face against my throat. "I missed you and Uncle Sasuke". She said hugging me tighter for a second then letting go and reaching for Sasuke.
"She's saying your name correctly Sasuke. Someone must corrected her on it. Though Naruto's little joke was funny". I told him ignoring the halfhearted scowl he tossed my way.
"Is everyone here? We have some exciting news to share"! I asked Hinata as she and Naruto came in.
"Yeah they're all here somewhere. How was your trip"? She asked after giving me a quick hug. We talked for awhile about the trip while Naruto and Sasuke had everyone come down for our news
Twenty minutes later we were all gathered in the living room. I had been a bit surprised when Murasaki came in arguing with Fugaku. The man of few words. He was slightly red in the face from frustration and getting note irritated by the second. Saki had a wide grin on her face and a wicked gleam in her eyes. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. Too stunned of the fact that Fugaku the most reserved person I'd ever met arguing with someone and showing his irritation and frustration no less. Just wait till he hears the news we have to tell him...
"Sakura"! I shook my head and realized everyone was staring at me. A light pink coated my cheeks as I flushed and muttered sorry. I'd been staring off into space without even realizing it.
"So what's this exciting news I've been hearing so much about but yet to learn"? Mikoto asked with a smile. It was almost like she knew, but that was impossible. I didn't tell her. Unless... A quick glance at Sasuke told me everything I needed to know. He hasn't said a word. Maybe she guessed.
"Right well we won't keep you in suspense any longer". I grasped Sasuke's hand in mine and stood up pulling him with me. "I'm pregnant".
"..." Was my reaction. It was like everyone had frozen in place. Suki was the one to brake it. She'd had such an adorable look on her face as she tried to figure out what it meant. She tugged on Hinata's shirt trying to get her attention.
"Mommy what does pregnant mean"? Hinata finally looked down at her daughter and took her in her arms. Bringing her closer.
"It means Aunty Sakura is going to have a baby. You won't be the youngest anymore". A small frown crossed her face before a dazzling smile replaced it. She hopped down from Hinata's lap and danced over to me and hugged my leg looking up.
"Aunty Sakura will I get to play with the baby"? She asked her blue eyes sparkling with hope". I picked her up and kissed her cheek.
"Of course but you'll have to be very gentle with the baby". Suki clapped her small hands together and wiggled so I'd put her down.
As soon as I did Mikoto came over to me and put her hands on my shoulders studying me very carefully. Her dark eyes moved over me from head to toe, she missed nothing.
Finally after five minutes she hugged me. "Ooh I'm so happy. Finally I'll get a grandchild"! She looked at Naomi and Itachi pointedly. Both looked in opposite directions, refusing to meet her piercing gaze. Instead finding a much grater interest in the carpet, wall, and their hands.
The next day Sasuke took me and Mikoto to the doctors to find out how far along I was. Originally it was just supposed to be the two of us but Mikoto couldn't bare to wait. She wanted to see her grandchild as soon as possible.
We ended up waiting for a good twenty minutes. Apparently there was an emergency and it was bad. A nurse was sent out to apologize to us a few times. I just dismissed her and told her to do what needed to be done.
Finally my name was called and we went back. I sat down on the bed and waited for the doctor to come in. I guess you can imagine how much I wasn't surprised when Tsunade stepped through the doorway, smirk in place.
"Tsunade thank you for doing this". Mikoto said standing up to greet her. Tsunade just waved it off and turned to me.
"Alright Sakura lay down". I did as she instructed and she raised my shirt up exposing my still flat stomach. She pulled a bottle of a blue jelly looking substance from a little bin and squirted it on my stomach. It was warm and tickled a bit.
She grabbed one of the probes and pressed it to my stomach and rubbed it around spreading the jelly around. Then she pressed the button on the side and looked up at the monitor. Her eyes grew wide as she moved it around some more.
"Tsunade what's wrong"? I asked feeling fear grip my chest and squeeze. I waited for her to answer as she turned towards me. Not frowning or looking sad but smiling.
"Well Sakura you're about a month and a half along. There is something else though". She said but didn't elaborate.
"What is it"? I asked growing more anxious to hear the news. I really hoped for good news.
"You're going to have two babies"! She declared excitedly.
It was my turn to be frozen. I slowly turned my head to face Sasuke. His face as equally surprised as my own. I could vaguely hear Mikoto's excited chatter in the background as she called the others and told them the news.
I was glad she did because I don't think I would have been able to do it myself. I was to stunned to repeat it to myself much less someone else.
I lay awake in bed a long time that night. Getting used to the idea of having two kids instead of just one. I had always wanted to I have kids someday, but I figured we'd wait until we'd been married a year or two before having any.
Too bad Sasuke just couldn't keep his hands to himself. Much like he was doing now. Even in his sleep he was rubbing my arm slowly. Like he was trying to coax me to sleep.
I was tucked into his side with my head on his chest and his right arm under me. His fingers almost lazily traced my skin. I glanced at his face once in awhile to see if he was still asleep. He was. His breathing was light and even. It helped calm my thoughts and lulled me to sleep.

Sasuke's P.O.V.

I hadn't been awake very long when Sakura suddenly jolted up from the bed and dashed into the bathroom with her hand clamped over her mouth. I got up when I heard her throw up. Tsunade had said she could get morning sickness anytime soon, I just hadn't expected it to be this soon.
I went into the bathroom and held her hair back and rubbed her back as she continued to throw up. Finally she flushed the toilet and sat back. Her skin was a little pale and a light sheen or sweat covered her face.
"God this is one of the things I'd hoped to avoid. No such luck". She muttered lowly before standing and brushing her teeth. "I'm going to take a shower". She said turning her attention to me. I kissed her cheek and left the room.
Twenty minutes later she came back in yawning hugely. She dressed in another tank top and shorts before climbing into bed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep again. I stayed with her awhile longer making sure she was really asleep before getting up.
Almost automatically she rolled to my side of the bed and swiped one of my pillows and hugged it to her chest. I thought it was cute how she always stole my pillow as soon as I got up. Almost like she was telling me not to leave.
I smoothed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead before getting dressed and leaving.
In the two months that followed when Sakura and I found out she was carrying twins she gained a lot of weight. At least according to her she did. I thought she'd never looked more beautiful. She on the other hand thought I was insane.
Sakura had also been craving some strange things. She'd even picked up my love of tomatoes when before she never really cared for them. In fact she usually wanted something tomatoe based in the middle of the night. As well as the odd concoction or two. Such as ice cream with pickles and olives and a tomatoe on the side.
It was disgusting to say the least but I wasn't eating it. Though I did get a kick out of watching Naruto turn green when he walked into the kitchen in the middle of the night while I was fixing whatever Sakura thought up that sounded good. He'd turned right around and exited the kitchen mumbling something about not being entirely recovered from Hinata and now he had to put up with Sakura too.
I had to wake Sakura up from her mid afternoon nap. She had another doctors appointment today. I just hope she wakes up in a good mood. She's been having a lot of mood swings lately. It doesn't usually last very long but one time she was just highly irritated with everything. Even to the point where she got snippy with my mother whom didn't even bat an eyelash. She just told me to take Sakura upstairs and put her to bed.
I opened the door and saw her sleeping. I hated to wake her but we had to get going soon otherwise she'd miss her appointment. I walked over to my slide of the bed where once again she was snuggling with my pillows. She'd kicked the blankets off in her sleep so now they just covered her lower legs.
I gently rubbed her shoulder and she stirred. "Sakura you have to wake up now". She shoved my hand away and rolled lover showing me her back. I rolled her back over and listened to her low groan. She squinted her eyes before blinking them open slowly. Then turned her head towards me.
"Ugh, what time is it"? She sat up slowly resting a hand on her stomach. A small smile came to her face as she rubbed her stomach. Today we might found out the babies genders. I knew Sakura wanted at least one of them to be a girl. I was fine either way. So long as we got two healthy babies in the end.
"Its almost time to go see Tsunade". I told her before helping her stand up. She's went over to the bathroom and went in. A few minutes later she came out with her hair in a messy ponytail and a pair of flip flops on her feet. She'd chosen to wear her pajamas again. Too tired to do much of anything else.

Sakura's P.O.V.

This time when we got to Tsunade's office we didn't have to wait. She was calling us back the moment we stepped through the door. A small smirk on her face. Maybe we were just late this time. That or she did this on purpose.
We walked back to the examination room and I sat on the bed before laying down. The pressure eased off my back and I was able to relax. Tsunade came to stand beside me as she slid on a pair of gloves.
"Are you ready to find out your babies genders"? She asked while grabbing a bottle of the blue jelly. I nodded and pulled my shirt up before Tsunade squirted the jelly on and spread it around with the probe.
I angled my head to look at the screen and watched her move it around to get a clear view of the babies. They were much bigger than last time. You could tell they were children now.
A fee more minutes passed and a frown crossed her face. Tsunade voice ever thoughts before I could ask. "Well it seems like one of the twins doesn't want to share what their gender is. The baby is on their side hiding from us". Sasuke's quiet chuckle had me looking at him. I rolled my eyes when I noticed his smirk.
"Seems like your other baby isn't so shy. This one is a girl"! Tsunade announced triumphantly as she turned to us, a big smile on her face.
After that was finally done Sasuke took me home and I went straight to bed dragging him with me. He seemed to gather what it was that I wanted as he lay down on the bed and held out his arm for me. I snuggled into his side and fell asleep quickly.
The next few months were absolute torture. I was gaining weight practically everyday and my ankles were swelling up and everything just hurt. Sasuke was doing his best to make me comfortable. I could tell, but sometimes it just got down right frustrating. I would turn over on my side to get more comfortable so I could sleep and almost automatically he'd flip me back on my back again. He would even do it in his sleep.
Sometimes I wonder how Hinata did it. Carried her daughter for nine months. But then an unforgettable moment would occur like the first time Sasuke and I felt them kick.
I'd been having another sleepless night so I decided to try walking. Sasuke of course accompanied me and we ended up in the garden just lying down looking at the stars.
I was rubbing my stomach again, it had become a habit. When I felt a soft thump. I jerked my head down and my hand froze. Sasuke startled by my abrupt freeze sat up and looked around searching for trouble. Another soft thump. I turned to look at him and looks pointedly down.
He slowly brought his hand over to where mine rest and lay it down and waited. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. Finally just as he was about to retract his hand it happened again. Another soft thump. He looked at me eyes wide, silently asking a question. I nodded my head and he smiled at me. One of his rare genuine smiles. He only ever gave them to me and that made each one special to me.
That happened a little over five months ago. Now I'm living here in bed again and I still can't sleep. Though I have no desire to get up. I'm too comfortable at the moment. Sasuke is still sound asleep. His ever present hand resting on my enormous stomach. Seriously, I lay down and have no hope of seeing my feet. I've gained a lot of weight but Sasuke still tells me I'm beautiful, to which I say he's deranged.
Great now I have to use the bathroom again. Just perfect. I get up after slipping out of Sasuke's arms and waddle to the bathroom. I'm almost there when a bunch of liquid starts running down my legs. Glancing down I see a puddle of it on the floor. Did my water just..."? A sharp pain rips through me and I turn my head back to the bed to see Sasuke already awake and pulling a shirt on a phone pressed to his ear.
"Yeah mom its time. Her water broke". A squeal can be heard before he disconnects the line and shoves the phone into his pocket before quickly coming over to me. He scoops me up easily and carries me down the stairs and out the door to the car.
We get to the hospital in five minutes because Sasuke drives like a maniac through the streets which are thankfully mostly deserted being only three in the morning.
We get to the hospital and I insist on walking, not wanting to be carried. That would be embarrassing to say the least. I'm not completely helpless you know.
The nurse at the desk takes one look at me and picks the phone up. I hear her calling Tsunade. I guess I've been here so much recently that I've become familiar with the nurses. Fine by me.
She calls for a wheelchair and has me wheeled up to the maternity ward and I get hooked up to the necessary machines. Not long after more pain waves hit me and I see Sasuke looking at me worriedly.
I'm about to speak when the doors burst open and Tsunade enters with three nurses behind her. "Alright then let's get my grandchildren born and into his world healthy"! She cheeks my contractions and sees that I'm fully dilated now.
"Come on Sakura keep pushing. I see the head. Just a few more and you'll be done"! Tsunade Sasu encouraging me. I've been at this now for a long time and I'm tired and in lots of pain. I'm almost done. This is the last part.
I give on more push and loud crying fills the air a second time. That is my baby girl. My first baby is a beautiful boy. Dark hair covers his head already taking on Sasuke's style. I can see him holding our son in the corner of my eyes as a nurse approaches me with a pink blanket wrapped bundle.
She settles her in my arms and I look down at her. Her eyes at closed and she's not crying anymore. That's good. She's sleeping now. I push back the blanket and see equally dark hair covering her head as well. The color matching her brothers and Sasuke's. A minute later her eyes flutter open and familiar green eyes stare back at me. She has my eyes.
"What are you going to name her"? Tsunade asks standing by me and running a gentle hand down her face.
I think for a moment. Sasuke and I never really thought about names. I wanted to see my babies first. Knowing that I would have the perfect names when the time came.
Finally I had it. "Her name is Yuki". I said finally. I turn my head to see Sasuke and he nods approvingly. "I think Sora is a good name for him". I tell them after watching Sasuke and Yuki's brother together for a few minutes.
He nods again and Tsunade writes it down on his birth certificate. She leaves and let's us spend a few minutes alone with our babies before I need to be moved to an in patient room. I can't stay here.
I must have fallen asleep because the next time I opened my eyes the room was dark and there was a warm weight on my arm an surrounding my hand. Looking to my left I notice familiar spiky hair. Sasuke was asleep on my arm and holding my hand. He must have waited for me to wake up for awhile now.
I pulls day other hand free of the blankets and smoothed his hair back. He stirred but didn't wake up. He must be really tired. Normally he would have woken up the second I touched him.
I was too busy playing with his hair to notice his eyes open or his hand move. I started when his warm hand took mine and pulled it lower before placing a kiss on my knuckles and then looking up at me.
He sits up and runs a hand through his sleep mused hair and yawns. "You haven't sleeping well have you"? I ask him. He waves it off and stands before sitting on the edge of my bed. I run my hand across my stomach absentmindedly and look down in surprise. My stomach isn't rounded anymore, its flat.
I look up at Sasuke when I feel his eyes on me. "Tsunade said you would feel odd for awhile now that you're not carrying the twins anymore but it will pass with time". I nod and he leans in and kisses me on the forehead just as a knock sound on the door.
A nurse comes in and flicks on a dim light. "Good morning Sakura-San. How are you doing? Any pain"? I shake my head as she walks over to check the monitors I'm hooked to. "Tsunade-Sama says we're going to discharge you tomorrow evening. Your babies are awake. Would you like to see them"?
I feel a smile slip across my face and I nod again. She let's out a light chuckle at my eagerness and goes to retrieve the twins.
A few minutes later she comes back in pulling a bassinet through the door. She rolls it to a stop in front of my bed and leans down to pick up a blue wrapped bundle. She walks over to my side and settles him into my arms.
He blinks up at me with green eyes just like his sister. One of his hands has pushed through the blanket and he's waving it around. I put my finger right by his closed fist and he opens it and holds on. He's got a strong grip for a newborn. I place a kiss on his forehead and look up.
Sasuke is holding Yuumi. He's making silly faces at her trying to get her to grin. She's just watching him fascinated eyes. I look back down at Sora and nuzzle his cheek. "Daddy is just silly. Yes he is, yes he is". I say to Sora in a baby voice not really speaking to anyone else. Sora makes a cooing noise and Yuki looks over and coos back. They do this a few times and Sasuke looks up at me surprised.
A small laugh has me looking up. The nurse is still here. She's watching us with an awed expression. "Most twins do that. Though its usually identical twins that do it. Twin brothers and sisters have been know to do that. They really do have their own language".
Another nock has us all looking at the door. A dark head peeks in and I see its Mikoto. She zeros in on Yuki and practically teleports to Sasuke's side. He relinquishes Yuki without a word. Not wanting to put up with her puppy pout. She immediately coos over the child spoiling her with kisses and talking in a baby voice. She gets a smile out of her and Sasuke scowls.
I pass Sora over to him and the nurse helps me out of bed and to the bathroom. She's pulling the heart monitor I'm hooked to behind us and helping me walk. I'm still pretty sore so walking is hard right now.
When I come out of the bathroom more people are here and I roll my eyes as my babies get passed around. Mikoto gives Yuki to Fugaku and he looks a little awkward until he looks into her green eyes and I can see she's captivated his heart. He relaxes and rocks her back and forth. Much to her pleasure.
After awhile Sora is getting fussy so Hinata brings him over to me and I see Suki right behind her. As soon as I have Sora Hinata picks Suki up and places her on the edge of the bed. Her face brakes out into a big happy grin. "Can I hold him Aunty Sakura"? She asks hopefully.
"Yes you can, but not right now. Wait till he's a little older okay"? She frowns a pour starts to cross her face before its gone. I didn't say no just later.
The rest of the day passes with quite talking and everyone holding and spoiling my babies. Its not too much later that Tsunade comes by after everyone is gone home and Sasuke stepped out for a minute.
"Sakura I think we might release you tomorrow morning. Both Yuki and Sora are perfectly healthy and you're just about done with recovery. So depending on how you feel tomorrow does that sound good"? I nodded my head and she filled out a few forms before leaving.
I did leave the next morning. After spending three days in the hospital it was good to go home. The others Mikoto, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Naomi, and Murasaki especially. They apparently had a surprise for me. Sasuke was in on it as well. I could tell from the smug look on his face.
Instead of going into our room they lead us right past it to the door next to it. Sasuke had always said the room was empty so I wasn't sure why we would go in there. Ino took Yuki from me and handed her to Hinata before coming to stand behind me and covering my eyes with her hands.
She positioned me in front of the open door and the scent or fresh paint, wood, and flowers washed over me. "Okay you can look now"! She removed her hands from my eyes and I walked in taking in the sight of the beautiful room. A shade of green like my eyes coated the walls. On the right side written in swirling cursive lavender purple and pearl was Yuki. I recognized that writing. It was Hinata's script. She smiled at me as I reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.
On the left side written in a bold script using blue and silver was Sora. This one was done in Sasuke's handwriting. I'd been right. He was in on this. I turned around to find him smirking with a smug loom on his face and walked over to him. "Thank you". I said before giving him a chaste kiss.
The rest of the room was furnished with two dressers, cribs, and an assortment of toys and books.
Life for me would be perfect from now on. I had two beautiful children given to me by the love of my life. I had a family again and it was growing. Who knows maybe Tenten and Neji will be the next to have kids. Maybe Ino will surprise us by having one. Though she tells me Shikamaru is to damn lazy.
My second chance at life may not have started off so well with the attempts on my life but that's long past me. That's apart of the dark past we've forever closed the door on. Mikoto and Fugaku will step down from the throne someday but for now they're still going strong. It won't be for awhile yet.
I will continue to live this extended life. I know I'll day someday but not yet. I've still a ways to go so I'm not concerned. I'll take whatever challenges thrown my way head on safe in the knowledge that I'm not alone. For those people who say life is short and don't waste time, I dare them to come up with something you can do longer. I got a second chance to live and the words I whispered to Sasuke that day a long time ago came true. After all Goodbye Isn't Forever.

Okay people this is it. The End. This is the conclusion to the story that took me the longest to write. Thank you so much for all of your patience, love, support via reviews and PMs, and ideas! You guys made this story a success so I persevered to finish it for you. To those silent ones out there who never said a word its not to late. I will always respond to your reviews if I can. Even if its just to say thanks. So what are you waiting for? An invitation? Well there ya go. *points up*.
Now on yo some pressing matters. What is up with the latest manga chapter, huh? If you know what I'm talking about and want to rave and rant go for it. I'll lend an ear. I've done plenty of ranting myself, but j won't do it here. So as not to spoil anything for you. Love you all but its time to say good by. Check my other stories and my profile for future stories. Located under the bolded title FUTURE STORIES! Ja na!
-SasuSaku993 Out-