Hello! My name's Avaya and I'm here with a sequel to the Gears of War Fanfic that I made previously: Mind Games. I've thought about doing this for awhile and I'm glad to be doing it. I love this couple.

A few nuances before you read (for precautionary measures):

1) I don't own Marcus Fenix, Damon Baird, any of the other Gears characters or anything affiliated to the Gears of War franchise...except memorabilia, books, and games that I've bought.

2) There are explicit sex scenes throughout this Fanfiction. If it's something that you're not into and/or you're REALLY young, then the following fictional account is not for you.

3) There is inflammatory language used throughout. If you've played the games/read the books, you should know this by now. My favorite quote that sums this up perfectly is when Marcus Fenix tells Benjamin Carmine in GoW2 to "Cut the sir shit, kid. We're not that polite around here"...Love it.

That's all I have to say for now. Please enjoy! ^_^

~*~*~Prologue: Intense Passion~*~*~

Month of Bloom: 20 A. E., Island of Azura

For what seemed like the hundredth time, the eerily calm voice spoke to the Gears within the Alcanthus Hotel. The faux soothing female voice nearly whispered for them to be wary of the fact that they would be introduced to unexpected arrivals, but they should all resume duties. It edged on Damon Baird's nerves, but he was also glad to hear it. It made him don his ammo belt in a more hurried fashion.

He grabbed his Gnasher shotgun that he kept in his closet and headed out of his room, throwing it over his shoulder. He was nearly running down the hall among the mass of people going about their daily routines. They were occasionally glancing up at the intercom to listen to a new tidbit of information about the odd situation. It was almost as if the people had forgotten the seventeen year war that brought human civilization to its knees, evident by their careless faces.

Human arrogance could truly be disgusting. Baird knew this...since he was arrogant himself. But he had become less of that due to a number of factors. And he was heading towards one of them now.

He stopped before a large floor to ceiling window, peering down towards the direction of the beach. He could see a number of Gears already formed on the sands, awaiting the uninvited guests. He squinted his eyes. The visitors seemed to be a few klicks off shore.

Armed Stranded had been spotted heading towards Azura on large trawlers. Since most of the people residing on Azura now had little to no measures to protect themselves—idiotic, in Baird's opinion—Chairman Hoffman had to be alerted to the situation so that he could send out some troops to protect the island.

Baird continued on until he reached the front doors of the Hotel where a large group of people had amassed. It gave a perfect view of the beach and the possibly bloody confrontation that would ensue. He pushed himself through the crowd to reach the doors, a few heads turning and catching his Gnasher slung on his shoulder while others backed away.

That's right. Although they were all Gears, they knew that he had been in the thick of the Locust fight. He needed to be down there with his comrades.

"Baird!" He stopped, turning towards the voice. He saw that it belonged to Levi, a recruit to the COG that he had been forced to take under his wing. Baird had objected at first, making excuses to alert Chairman Hoffman that he didn't have time to teach a green recruit the ropes when he was focused on the Maelstrom. But, after finding out that Levi was adept at engineering, he realized that it would benefit Sera if someone wasn't stupid. He changed his mind and decided to teach the prodigy what he knew since, Baird thought grudgingly, he wasn't going to live forever.

And I won't have anyone to teach really. He had thought.

Now, he put a slight scowl on his face. "What is it, Rook?"

"Uh...Sir," Levi said approaching him as the crowd of people looked on, a bit embarrassed at his outburst. "We were told to stay within the building. What you're doing would be a direct violation of the Chairman's orders."

Baird smirked, looking down at the sun-tanned blonde in front of him, his green eyes seeming to fill with worry at his mentor. Obviously the recruit had no idea about his affiliation with Kilo Squad...or with former Colonel Hoffman.

"Listen, kid." he said, pushing open the door and heading out. "Being a Gear isn't always about following rules." The door slammed shut behind him before he could hear Levi's protest.

Levi struck Baird as a man that was in the same place that he had once been: fiercely loyal to the COG, following direct orders without a second thought, believing the sweet lies of propaganda that was pumped into him ever since his first day as a recruit.

Then Reality struck him in the cruelest of ways. Officers decided to believe in the Octus Canon, the constitution of the COG, when it benefited them. The COG was riddled with these hypocritical selfish uncaring bastards-especially at Halvo Bay-and a selfish uncaring bastard Baird became.

He just hoped that Levi-he had never bothered to remember his last name-wouldn't face the grim Reality that he had to. Sometimes, it was better if people lived in delusion.

A warm breeze greeted him as he began to make his way slowly down towards the beach, appreciating that every route on the island was scenic although the winding paths annoyed him further. He hoped that the trek would slow his beating heart.

It wasn't as if he was afraid of the excitement that gunmen usually brought or the fact that he could be reprimanded for disobeying orders. It was something else entirely...

Any sensible Chairman in a world crisis such as this would only send out their best troops to deal with unwanted and possibly—in truth, more likely—hostile visitors. The best at Hoffman's disposal would be Delta Squad. And within Delta Squad was his special person—

"Huh. I thought all of you were told to stay inside the Hotel and resume duties."

Baird stopped, his body filling with heat as he turned towards the voice. And there he was, a factor that made Baird less arrogant and a better man sometimes.

Marcus Fenix was leaning against a tree along the path Baird had just trodden, peering down at him. He was dressed down, in his dirty gray muscle-tee and camouflage fatigues. His muscles were well-defined by his wife-beater which always made Baird feel inadequate in his light brown one. The sight of the COG tag made Baird forget about it though. He had to restrain himself from touching the one he wore with his fingers like he did a thousand times a day. It was the only piece of Marcus that he had with him when the man wasn't beside him.

He noticed that there was a slight frown on Marcus' face, but his eyes were light. He was in a good mood.

"And work? No thanks. I'd rather not stay in that prison." He smirked.

His joke was greeted with an even deeper frown from Marcus. Baird realized that his metaphor linking Alcanthus to a prison was one that would, undoubtedly, not go over well with a former inmate of Sera's most notorious one.

"Sorry." Marcus grunted as Baird scolded himself for putting his foot in his mouth once again. He watched Marcus begin to take a keen interest in his Lancer as Baird made his way up the path towards him. "What are you doing here?"

His body froze as his head slowly lifted in order for his eyes to carefully study Baird. "Don't you already know?" he said quietly.

It took Baird a few moments to realize the true intent of his words. He held back a large smile although some of it slipped through.

"So, the dipshit actually has a sense of humor in uniform." Baird sneered, but lightly. "It could use a lot of work though." He added, rolling his head away from him in a conceited manner.

"And you would be the one that could help me." Marcus continued, in his slightly sarcastic deep tone that he knew Baird enjoyed. He didn't think that Marcus had much of a sense of humor until he had spent some time with him. He found that Marcus' humor was subtle and had plenty of different meanings if one knew where to look.

"If you wanted to be hated by plenty of people for being an annoying arrogant prick, then yes." He leaned against the tree next to Marcus, slightly touching him.

It warmed his heart to see, out of the corners of his eyes, a grin pulling at the edges of Marcus' lips. "You're not the prick, Baird." he whispered.

It took even longer for Baird to get it. He let out a small laugh. "Yeah. You're right. I'm not the prick...since I'm not doing the pricking. I guess that would be you."

His eyes then widened as he pushed himself off from the tree and stood to face Marcus, a scowl on his face. "Hey! So, what? You're just going to let me say that I'm annoying and arrogant?!"

"Isn't that a given?" His eyes shown with the pure love that Baird would always see from him when they were making-love.

Baird swallowed hard. There was nothing more he wanted to do than be engulfed in Marcus' arms, but he could see that the Sergeant was present. The man wouldn't be able to relax with Baird until his duty was done.

...But why was he looking at him like that? It made him damn near irresistible. Without having to do anything but look at Baird a certain way, Marcus could reduce him to mush and break through his defenses with no effort at all. And with weakened defenses, Baird became impulsive...

His drunken lustful thoughts were sobered by him remembering that they could easily be seen. He forced himself to settle down, pushing himself further away from the tree so that he wouldn't have to inhale anymore of Marcus' pheromones that were making him crazy...even if it was just sweat.

To hide the fact that he was blushing and slowly losing control, Baird jeered at the older man, slightly tilting his head up to give off an air of arrogance. It was unclear if Marcus saw through it though. "No, it's not." He tried to sound confident, but it seemed a bit weak to him. He rushed on before his lover could comment. "Anyway, everyone else is on the shore. But you're up here."

Marcus' eyes held his for a moment before he let out in a rough grunt, "I needed better visibility." He then turned his back on him, taking a few steps to focus on a flower that was growing near the root of the tree.

A sharp pain began to stab at Baird's heart. What a fucking dick. Baird thought angrily. His hairy ass is up here to do his fucking job. I bet if it was Anya, he'd go see her. At the thought of the woman, Baird's eyes narrowed into daggers as he glowered at Marcus, who had now knelt beside the flower.

He waited a few moments to see if Marcus was going to say anything else, and when he didn't, his head began to pound with fury. What was so interesting about that goddamn flower? Baird knew that Marcus' mom was a biologist and had taken him on unannounced trips to the Hollow, but he was damn sure that Marcus hadn't become immobilized due to a clear memory of his mother. The plant didn't even grow in the Mainland.

It has to be Anya. He thought. That son of a bitch is messing around with her!

Baird took a few steps towards him, prepared to "accidentally" step on the flower when he noticed Marcus' reddened ears. They only turned a rosy color when he blushed...and Marcus only blushed during emotional situations that he felt a bit uncomfortable in. He could also see how tense his body was which made a small smile drift across Baird's lips and cool his anger. The dissipating anger allowed Baird to realize what Marcus truly meant and to decipher the situation clearly.

The noble ever-so-moral Sergeant just lied to him, that much was clear. For him to be so close to Alcanthus, at a height on the island where visibility would certainly be disadvantageous (since the man held no binoculars to truly see from such a height) didn't make sense. It also wasn't rational for him to behave in such a manner when they were talking about a matter of simple business. Even if he had come to Alcanthus to see Anya, he wouldn't ever be come flustered by it.

No. It was clear that Marcus was there for only one reason and it made Baird's heart swell with love.

He said nothing as Marcus slowly stood up, eyes still on the flower. Waiting a few moments to ensure that Marcus' attention was solely on the orange-red fauna, Baird walked past him, purposely knocking his shoulder into him while stopping a few feet ahead.

"Yeah. Whatever." He scowled back at him, putting his hands on his hips. "I'm going down there just because I haven't seen any action in awhile. Or Cole." The last words slipped from his mouth as he watched Marcus catch up to him, having slung his gun over his shoulder.

"Cole's not here." Marcus growled softly. Baird opened his mouth to respond, but his words were immediately lost.

Staring into Marcus' eyes, Baird realized that it was moments like this that he wouldn't mind if anyone found out the truth about them. Raw emotion was evident in Marcus' ice blues, a rare moment that only seemed to happen with people he was very close to. Baird became lost in the depths of the extreme anguish and deep hurt that he saw in them...but also the hope and strength. What truly ensnared him was the heavily-laden amorous affection that was spilling from them.

And it was only reserved for Baird.

He could also see the resolve of the Sergeant slipping away and his lover was slowly overtaking the man in front of him. Baird breathed through his nose as Marcus neared him, closing any space the two had between them, their chests touching.

Baird realized, as he stared into the windows of his amour's soul, that he wouldn't be able to get away from his tantalizing scent this time. Already his hands were moving as if they had a mind of their own, grabbing either strap of Marcus' wife-beater and pulling him a bit closer to him. Marcus' hands rested on his hips.

Their faces neared. Their noses touched. Baird's eyes fluttered close for a few moments as his body seemed to heat up with desire. Marcus' hands had drifted beneath his shirt somehow and everywhere his fingertips touched singed Baird's body with pleasure. They finally found his nipples, squeezing and pulling them gently, as warm air breathed across Baird' exposed stomach. Baird let a soft moan escape from his lips.

It was like a lost person in the midst of a desert not having a drop of water to quench their thirst: he needed this. They both had been starved of each other for far too long. And, Baird thought as he slipped his arms around Marcus' shoulders while Marcus brought his face even closer to his. Nothing's going to stop me from having him...

A loud chorus of voices coming from down the beach made them both jolt, awakening them from what seemed like a druggy haze. Baird could see a slight confusion and a bit of unease in Marcus' eyes.

Baird pulled his arms from around Marcus, his skin paling and his paranoia hypersensitive. Had they just been seen?

Marcus' hands had withdrawn from his body by this time and he had resettled into the mode of the Sergeant again, but his face was sullen. He turned away from Baird who, after assuring himself that no one had noticed them (they were out of view of the Alcanthus and were a ways away from the beach) was once more flaming like a horny teenager.

"We...need to go." He whispered. His tone made it obvious that he was upset...but Baird didn't know why. He didn't press the issue though. It would only make Marcus retreat further into the shell that he hid his true emotions behind.

They both began to walk down to the beach together, close enough that they occasionally bumped into each other, but avoiding each other's eyes. It was awkward, the banter between them. They had to be careful of how they spoke to one another in uniform and the way that they touched, but it was worth it just to be together.

Yet what had just happened had never happened before...not even with Anya. Baird knew that he had momentary lapses of sanity when Marcus was around and his aura was a bit too strong that it overpowered him, but Marcus was always a stoic shell in these situations. He would recognize Baird's heated state and make him aware that they were not alone. And that the man should stop acting like a bitch in heat.

So what had changed?

"When are you going back?" Baird whispered as they neared the bottom of the path. He needed to break the monotony of silence, the thoughts plaguing him now weren't pleasant and he disliked when Marcus brooded to himself for long. He'd just lock-away whatever he was thinking into the deepest recesses of his memory and never speak of them again.

Marcus grunted, expressing to Baird that he had no desire to make idle chatter. It made him flinch a little. "There's more of us than them. I'd say we wouldn't stay the night."

A frown threatened to cover Baird's face. It was the first time Marcus had been to Azura since the end of the Locust War. He wanted to be able to have some time with him alone while he was here. And after four months, he felt that he was owed at least one night with his man. He shook his head slightly.

It was a selfish wish though. How could he ask his lover to make-love to him on the very island his father was killed?

Baird watched Marcus closely in his peripherals to see if he was showing any sign of distress about the close proximity of his Father's grave and him. It was a failed attempt: the man looked as if he was extremely livid. It didn't mean that Marcus didn't realize it though. He was an expert at hiding his thoughts and feelings from others.

"I wonder what they want." he muttered as they approached the group of Gears waiting for the trawlers on the beach. Baird knew that having Marcus focus on the task ahead of them would pull him from his unsavory mood.

It worked flawlessly. "Sure as hell isn't a friendly visit." Marcus answered him, pulling his Lancer from his shoulder and holding it with both hands once more, eyes on the approaching ships.

"Gee, thanks for stating the obvious." Baird sarcastically stated in a light tone as he settled his goggles onto his eyes. With some of the leftover technology on Azura, Baird was able to enhance his goggles to become binoculars as well as have night vision.

Shouldering his Gnasher off his shoulder and grabbing it by the strap, he sighted his goggles onto the trawler that would reach land first. His eyes slightly widened as he took a few steps forward to ensure that what he was seeing was correct.

"What." Marcus was next to him, closer than he usually was in public, especially for common inquiries. Baird lifted his goggles to his head, turning to face him, trying hard to settle his pacing heart at the fact that the two of them literally had no personal space. He was sure Marcus hadn't noticed, though, since his eyes were trained on the ships.

"It's...the Stranded that tried to cut a deal with Michaelson after Vectes. Remember? You talked to him when Dom and you found the abandoned ship? And he helped us defend Vectes?"

Baird watched a sad look pass fleetingly in Marcus' eyes at the mention of Dom as he stepped away from him, suddenly aware that they were too close. "Lyle Ollivar." he stated, remembering.

"Right. I was never good with names of people I didn't care about." He snorted. "But what is he doing here?"

"Michaelson never took the deal. Maybe the COG might be overrunning his territory. Maybe he wants to cut another deal or is looking for Imulsion. Again."

He caught his lover's eyes. "So you think that he's here to warn, ask politely, or to—what, try and take over?"

Marcus closed his eyes for a moment. "We'll see. But the Chairman needs to know." At that, he made his way into the group with no trouble. As always, people seemed to part a way for the Hero without him having to shoulder his way through. Baird watched him, waiting for him to disappear into the mass of Gears so that they could close the gap.

He wasn't even supposed to be here on the beach with them. He was supposed to be in the safety and comfort of the Hotel since his skills were necessary. It made him feel unworthy to be among the men and women that he now stood behind, and made them seem like expendable pawns. So staying behind while the Hero played his role again seemed like the perfect spot for him.

He felt good just being among them. He didn't need or want anymore than that since times had certainly changed. As much as he was aching to get back into the fight with his comrades, he felt that, somehow, the bond of camraderie had been lost between him and them. He needed to find it again...

Baird's eyes widened as he watched Marcus stop in the middle of the group as if he'd forgotten something, then turn and stare back at him. He held his gaze for a few seconds before he slightly tilted his head in the direction that he was heading.

Baird realized that Marcus wanted him to follow him...and that made his cheeks flame more fiercely.

It's hot...so no one will know the difference.

His heart was beating intensely as he made his way towards him. Every step felt as if his foot was made of lead, the trek seeming to take an eternity. Marcus' eyes held a type of softness as Baird neared him, only for a few fleeting seconds though, before the emotionless Sergeant took over.

It took all of Baird's strength to hold back and not plant a kiss on his firm lips.

Both made their way to the head of the group and to Chairman Hoffman, who was in deep conversation with someone on the communications network, Anya Stroud right beside him.

Why the fuck does she have to be here? Baird thought irritably, unconsciously sticking a bit closer to Marcus.

"Hoffman out." He said, catching sight of Marcus and Baird. "Fenix. Where the hell have you been? And Baird, why the hell are you here?"

Marcus responded, unblinking. "I needed a better vantage point to gauge the severity of the situation—"

"—And I'm not going to sit on my ass when there could be a possible situation." Baird snapped.

"They'll be here within the hour so we'll know if there's a situation." Hoffman said, turning to face the open waters. "I just wish I knew why they're here."

"Maybe we can help." Marcus responded. "Lyle Ollivar's on board the first trawler."

Hoffman turned to Marcus in surprise. "Lyle Ollivar? The one who helped defend Vectes? How do you know?"

"I can answer that." Baird tapped the goggles on his head. "I saw him through these."

"A new fancy gizmo?"

Baird scrunched up his nose. He hated how people seemed to downplay or show a severe disinterest in his new mechanical creations. It was a blow to the ego.

"No. It's not new. It's enhanced. Anyway, I'm one hundred percent sure Ollivar's the one leading them. But why would be anyone's guess."

"We'll know within the hour, won't we?" Hoffman said, walking past them and calling out to the men. "I'm sure this won't be solved by nightfall." Anya gave both of them warm smiles before following after him.

Baird tore his eyes from Hoffman to realize that Marcus was staring at him. Smirking, he quietly said, "Well, looks like you're spending the night."

Baird's heart was pounding, his palms were hot, and his blush hadn't gone away with the setting sun. If anyone saw him, it would be obvious that he was restraining his excitement. Luckily, there was no one to see this, except the man behind him. If Baird knew that they wouldn't be caught, he would have ripped off Marcus' clothes and allowed him to take him in the hallway.

Lyle Ollivar and his group of men hadn't landed at all. They had changed their course. Hoffman was skeptical and wanted a number of watches to be posted about the island just in case if the men decided to return for an unexpected nightly visit.

Marcus' watch—which had consisted of Baird, Clayton Carmine, and Anya—had just finished. Now the two were able to be alone.

Baird had barely gotten the door to his room open and entered when he was spun around to be greeted with a hard kiss. He opened his mouth to feel Marcus invade his. He realized that freedom hadn't ever tasted so good as the two of them hungrily fondled each other's tongues.

His daily cocky facade that he put up every day fell away and his true vulnerable self showed. He could see the same happening to Marcus, the emotionally-wrecked man being revealed instead of the cold golem that felt nothing. This turned Baird on even more as he pushed the bigger man against the door so that it would close.

"Don't forget to lock the door." Baird breathed out and Marcus bit his bottom lip in response, sending intense shock waves rippled through Baird's body. It was going to be a rough night.

They both fumbled with each other's ammo belts and zippers, letting their Lancers slide to the ground. Baird broke the kiss to take a few breaths, hastily stripping Marcus of his wife-beater as Marcus did the same to his shirt.

Marcus placed his mouth over Baird's again, then moved to his neck, gently biting and sucking. Baird tried to keep his moans quiet as he gently tugged on Marcus' hair, letting Marcus push his pants and boxers past his round ass as the older man led them both to the bed.

Baird reached into Marcus' pants, pulling out his hot cock and stroking it as he slowly lied down, pulling the pillows on his bed underneath him. He watched his lover hover over him, sliding Baird's trousers and underwear completely off as Marcus licked and teased his nipples. He then pulled himself off of Baird, stripping himself of his clothing as Baird spread his legs wide, pushing himself further upon the bed as an indicator for Marcus for follow him.

There was no time to converse, no time to wonder if they would be heard. The fact that Baird was finally going to be able to have Marcus in his bed was a fantasy that he had wanted to be fulfilled. It would only be for a few hours, true, but that's all they needed.

Baird watched as Marcus got onto the bed and laid just below him, eyes never leaving his. He slowly spread his cheeks apart, revealing Baird's hairy pink hole clenching and relaxing. Baird let his eyes drift close as he felt Marcus' tongue begin to caress it lovingly.

He loved how Marcus teased his ass.

His tongue licked over his entrance ever so tenderly. He dragged swiftly across his hole, spit wetting the entrance. He let the tip of his tongue circle Baird's pink ring a few times before he tickled the entranced with it again. And Baird would tremble slightly whenever Marcus would put his mouth against it, to give it an affectionate kiss.

Baird opened his eyes a bit when he felt Marcus spreading his hole with his fingertips. It was his favorite part when Marcus performed analingus: when Marcus would open his hairy rose and plunge his tongue deep inside of him. And it's exactly what Marcus did.

He could feel Marcus' tongue poking inside of him, digging in as far as he could to savor him. He slightly arched his back, pushing against Marcus' face. Quiet contented groans floated to Baird's ears and he realized that it was coming from his lover. It surprised him since he wondered if Marcus even liked eating him out. It had randomly happened during one of their lovemaking sessions and although Baird first objected to it, he became subdued by the titillating sensations he received when Marcus licked him there.

Baird put his arm beneath his head and began to stroke himself. Marcus slowly moved his tongue from Baird's hole to take in one of his balls. He sucked on it gingerly, watching Baird's pink body flushed with heat deepen it's rosy hue as he allowed himself to enjoy what Marcus was giving him.

He then dragged his tongue to the underside of Baird's shaft, having to crawl over Baird's body to do so. It was facing up due to Baird's hard cock lying on his stomach, baiting Marcus to fondle it with his spit, which he happily obliged. When he reached the head of his cock, he gave it a few licks along the slit before Baird pushed it into his mouth. He gently suckled the head, circling his tongue around it and lathering it with spit.

Baird's eyes flew open as he felt Marcus swallow his cock to the hilt swaddling it with spittle along the way. It'd been awhile since he felt himself inside that hot mouth... He curled his fingers into the pillow sheet as he let his others run through Marcus' hair, firmly guiding his head onto his cock. He gritted his teeth as he felt a finger circle his delicate opening before invading. Damn...this was almost too much to bear...He felt himself leak pre-cum into Marcus' mouth which the man greedily sucked up.

His ass was squeezing against Marcus' fingers as he slowly inserted a second digit inside of him, still deep-throating Baird and stroking his cock. He forced his fingers harder into Baird making him arch his back again, his eyes on him all the while. He slapped the uncircumcised dick against his tongue until Baird began slowly push himself in and out of Marcus' voluntarily. He let Baird piston his cock inside of him for a few strokes before it popped out of his mouth.

Baird watched as Marcus slowly took his fingers out of him and sucked them...all with a calm expression on his flushed face, but bestial craving in his eyes. He began to stroke his saliva-covered cock again as he allowed Marcus to push his legs wider, feeling him flick his tongue ever so furiously against his awaiting rosebud once more. He lifted his head to watch Marcus ravishing him and enjoying it.

"You don't have to do this." Baird breathed out after a few minutes. "I can take it."

Marcus looked at him, gave him a few quick licks, and then climbed atop of Baird again. He hesitated, staring into his eyes. "You sure?"

"Yes," He said in a raspy voice, throwing his arms around his neck."We don't have much time."

Marcus nodded and sighted his cock against Baird's ass, letting it rub against it. Heavy breaths were coming from Baird in anticipation of what he was about to feel. His lustful eyes pleaded with Marcus to be gentle entering untamed territory as he slowly pushed himself inside. Baird's muscles immediately suffocated his cock, enough to make Marcus nearly collapse on top of him due to sheer pleasure of it.

Baird curled his toes as Marcus pushed further inside of him, feeling Marcus' weight on him now as he slowly dug his nails in Marcus' shoulderblades, Marcus wincing slightly. He closed his eyes as he tried to relax in order for his ass to readjust to his blood-gorged thick muscle that hadn't been in him for months.

Marcus' cock was pulsing inside of him, hot and hard. It felt as if his ass was slowly being stretched and would rip open. He had to take deep slow breaths to allow Marcus to shove the rest of himself in him with a heavy grunt.

Marcus brought his head down towards Baird's awaiting lips and Baird's ass tensed a bit, knowing that he was about to have a powerful cock thrusting hard inside of him in a few moments. He breathed hard in anticipation as he reached between their bodies to stroke himself. His man ran his fingers through his golden locks as he brought an arm beneath Baird's left leg.


It was both expected yet unexpected, a mixture of pleasure and pain. Marcus had thrust hard into Baird seemingly without notice, causing Baird to release an earth-shattering scream in his ear and dig his fingers deeper into Marcus' skin. Another thrust made Marcus pull Baird's hair as he began to suck at his neck. Yet another caused a groan of ecstasy from Baird and an equally loving one from Marcus.

A fast pace was set from the beginning with Marcus ramming his thick veined dick harder and deeper into Baird's ill-prepared pink hole. Baird's body seemed to glide against Marcus as the older man covered his with kisses and loving bite marks.

Fuck. The pain was more intense than Baird's first anal session. And he knew it was because he had rushed Marcus instead of letting him take the time to properly prepare him. He wouldn't be able to sit down properly for a few days...He looked at the man that was giving him a severe pounding and found that Marcus was staring at him as well. Not being able to sit for a few days was worth it for this view.

Marcus' body glistened with sweat, giving him a shiny disposition. His hair was matted to his face as well as sticking to his flushed body. It gave him a dirty sultry look that forced Baird to pump his cock faster due to its allure. His eyes, though, are what truly entranced Baird. His cerulean eyes were brimming with complete infatuation and passion, nothing like he'd seen before. And he hadn't seen it because Baird truly didn't look into Marcus' eyes when they were intimate.

This was the man's true soul. He wasn't hiding behind a veil that he had to put up in society so that people could be confident and so that he, himself, wouldn't break down. He was human and had emotions that he didn't let other people see...

"Marcus..." he whispered, as a searing pain ripped through his chest. He could see Marcus' eyes slightly widen at his name being spoken with such affection. He brushed his lips against Baird's.

"Damon..." he murmured, bringing his arm from underneath Baird's leg to grasp his hand and raise it over Baird's head, interlacing fingers.

Baird moaned earnestly as Marcus shoved his tongue deeply inside of him, swirling and dancing with his. He ran his fingers in Marcus' hair as he felt Marcus' other fingers slowly close around his cock.

His nails scraped against Marcus' knuckles as he felt the man bury his face in the side of neck, breathing his warm breath onto him with every hard pelvic thrust that he gave. Baird grasped his hair as he closed his legs around his lover, enabling his cock to burrow into him deeper.

Marcus' hand slowly trailed up his body, Baird feeling the pace of Marcus' cock change from rapid short strokes to easy long ones. He could feel the throbbing cock aching for release inside of him..but only if Baird was okay with it. Which is why Marcus' thumb caressed the outline of Baird's jaw, making the younger man's face turn to him, his mind heavy with erotic pleasure.

Baird only answered the pleading eyes of his lover with a tender kiss, his fingers squeezing Marcus' hair as well as his hand, and immediately felt a final push of Marcus' cock, forcing itself deep before a flood of wet hot sticky fluid jetted inside of him. He shut his hole tight around the cock, forcing it to drain every last drop of its reserve before he let his legs fall, his body drenched and exhausted.

He grunted softly as he felt Marcus' full weight on top of him. He heard Marcus' quiet breaths as he pulled his fingers away from their clasped hands, bringing both arms around Marcus so he could hold his sweaty body closer to him. Their hearts thundered in sync within their chests as both slowly tried to regain their composure.

A small wince of pain crossed Baird's face as he felt Marcus soften inside of him and gently pull out. His eyes drifted close as he felt Marcus' creamy semen inside of him, slowly running from him.

Marcus moved from Baird's arms, shifting the bed slightly. Baird knew, without having to see, that Marcus was lying on his side next to him.

He felt gentle touches of soft lips on his neck and turned his face towards them with a quiet moan. The silky grazes of Marcus caresses moved from his neck to Baird's lips, his body responding to how Marcus seemed to be handling him delicately.

Marcus' hand touched his heated body, his skin colored with a beautiful pink He slowly rubbed Baird's stomach, an act that Baird hadn't known that he loved for him to do until then. He spread his legs wide, giving him access to his still hard cock.

Baird felt the other man's fingers make their way towards his cock, unhurriedly stroking it after they circled around it. Baird turned his body towards Marcus, feeling his lover entangle their legs so that Baird's left leg was resting comfortably on Marcus. There wasn't an inch of their bodies that wasn't touching, with Marcus arm holding Baird to his body and Baird's arms around his shoulders once more. Their bodies leisurely slid against one another, even as Marcus began pump Baird's cock a bit quicker.

Even with all of their movement, their ardent brushes against each other's tongues wasn't disturbed. The only time that they were interrupted was when Marcus succeeded at making Baird climax, the blonde shivering as he released all over Marcus' hand, letting out a moan of gratification that sent chills up Marcus' spine.

Both men stayed like that, locked in a sweaty cum-covered lover's embrace even as their eyes grew heavy with sleep and the first light of day was beginning to show.

...Aww. I think Marcus and Baird a perfect pairing, don't you? ^-^

*The months of the Sera calender are as follows: Storm, Rise, Frost, Thaw, Brume, Bloom, Gale, Bounty, Harvest, Heat. There is really little else to be known about it.

*For those who are unfamiliar with what the Alcanthus is (and who haven't read the prequel to this), it's the Hotel that housed the COG Elite. You see this in Gears of War 3.

*Lyle Ollivar was head of the Lesser Islands Free Trade Association, a group of Stranded that were organized against the COG. They fought with the COG on Vectes and agreed to a truce until the Locust were defeated. After he found out that the COG had dissolved, he approached Quentin Michaelson (the new Chairman) with a deal that he would trade his global Stranded connections for Imulsion (which Michaelson thought over but could not give an answer to since he was killed: GoW3).

This is all noted in Gears of War: Coalitions End as well as wiki/Lyle_Ollivar.

*Kilo Squad was the Squad that Baird had control over in Gears of War Judgment. Halvo Bay was where they were stationed at.

*The Octus Canon is the constitution of the COG, establishing the COG as a government. What kind of government (dictatorship, oligarchy, representative democracy) is up to you. =]