Saki- Again! Sorry for the long wait! I'm finally writing. I got injured during practice too. O v O

Kiza- You should manage your time better. You're gonna get white hair faster if you're stressed out

Suki- She's really hopeless at that.

Kuma- Poor thing, She practices so much, and she's been so busy.

Saki- Oh shut up.

Zaki- Well, Saki's status update, her computer is being an ass, so she won't be able to post much, plus she's been a little bit frail due to an ankle injury in morning practices, but she'll be a lot quicker soon.

Class Update -

Mario - Fragile Speedster

New Characters -

Kaji - Nasod Warrior - Belongs to An0n Author

Kiryu - Rampaging Cross - Belongs to xXOmegaWolfXx

Lyre - Demonic Mime - Amnesic Antagonist (Don't want to use Rena and Chung yet)

Suki's PoV -

"DAMN IT!" I threw my skull on the ground. It shattered to pieces. I let my anger out. I took one of the IV bags connected to my back and grasped the bat, nearly squeezing it to death. I let it go and looked at the screen. I table flipped my table out a giant window.

"GRAH!" I gnawed on my handkerchief once again and nearly ripped it.

"Dear, shall I send him?"

I released my anger by tearing the piece of cloth to pieces. I took a deep breath and looked at Edan.


"Of course darling~." He left to send one of our people. I swear if he didn't do a good job, I'll punish him with my own hands.

Kaji's PoV -

"GAH!" I tripped over a mossy rock. "I hate the wilderness." I carried my rifle on my back as I kept running into low branches. "The fog here is thick too..." I sighed and continue walking before stepping on an animal's tail. It screeched and ran off. I heard groans. God damned zombies. I started running, tripping over a few things, running into trees and falling over stumps until I bumped into a larger tree trunk. The thunk was hollow. It didn't sound like a tree. I stepped back and examined it slowly. I heard distant gunshots. A figure suddenly fell in front of me. She looked like a hybrid. A very golden bear hybrid. She turned to face me.

"Please wait here, my friends will bring you in." She ran off into the misty forest. I heard something opening and a path led into the tree trunk. I walked in to meet several people. The opening closed behind me, as there were different people standing there not noticing me. They seemed to be bickering a bit too.

"You know, you're not as badass as I thought you were Mario." A blue haired male spoke teasingly to a male in a red traditional martial arts outfit. His bangs were covered by a black belt wrapped around his forehead as well as his waist.

"I'm badass, I'd rather not jump over a 100 foot piece of wood and risk breaking my ankle, I need my legs for kicking you know." He replied bluntly.

"Both of you need to shut up and follow Kuma, it's the boys' turn this week, but since Kat didn't do it last week with us, she'll be going with you as well." A red haired female had hit them both in the head with her rifle.

"You could have stayed you know Kat?" A cloaked female bent down to the girl's height.

"I need to pull my weight around here too! I'll be fine~!" The cat like girl smiled and ran right past me, followed by all the males in their group.

"Hello mister." A young girl looked up at me. "Did Kuma allow you to pass through?"

"Yes, she did." The young girl took hold of my hand and dragged me along.

"Everyone, we need to take care of our newcomer!" The little girl shouted quietly and caught the other females' attention.

"Righty O~!" The red haired one chanted happily and pushed me in the same direction the little girl pulled.


Kiyomaru's PoV -

We caught up with Kuma who seemed to be looking at something.

"Kuma, what's wrong?" Kat looked at her with curious eyes.

"It's a body. It doesn't seem to be infected or anything, I've scanned the body, seems like the corpses didn't sense him."

"When the body is in this position, it's heart rate goes down, and beats less enough for it to survive, probably why they didn't sense him." Kurona crossed his arms.

"Expected from Kat's little brainiac boyfriend." I snickered as the blushed in unison.

"I kinda want to see what the guy has on him." Kat smiled, resembling a cat smile very much. She went down on her knees and felt the uper area of the body looking for something.

"Curiousity kills the cat, or Curiosity kills Kat." Kurona bent his upper body down to have his face at her height level at the moment.

"Oh shaddap!" She pushed his face away as she continued to search the body, corpse, whatever. I noticed her faintly blushing.

"You okay Kat?" Ketsueki seemed to have noticed too.

"WHY IS SOMEONE SHIRTLESS AT THIS TIME?!" Kat freaked out for a moment.

"Maybe his shirt was ripped off?" Kuma tilted her head.

"He still has his jacket on smart one, I doubt it." Mario looked at her with half lidded eyes.

"Is your stomach well toned like his Kurona?" Kat looked at him smiling cutely.

Kurona blushed. "WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT?! IT'S OBVIOUS IT IS!" His voice lowed in volume. "If you look at me, I am good looking." We all looked at him holding in our laughs.

"I hate you guys so much."

"Aww, it's okay Kurona~!" Kat had kissed his cheek. "You'll be okay~!" Kurona's blush deepened. I guess we were being to loud, the figure woke up. I've come to realize his attire. His black hair was tinted with blue, he had a dark blue jacket with no shirt, and wore black pants. He was probably a bit over Kiza's height which was pretty tall. Kat's eyes widened.

"It's you!"


We had come back with a new member and earning one before, so two new members in a day.

"BIG SISTER!" Kat had shouted for Kiza. Everyone that stayed came down along with the new member. "Look who we found!" Kiza looked at her and her eyes widened as the new member came from behind her younger sister.

"Kiryu!" She ran up to him and hugged him.

"Kiza." He buried her face in her hair. I felt a pang of jealousy.

"So whose lover boy over there?" Ender walked up smirking and crossing her arms.

"That's Kiryu." Kat answered her. "He's our childhood friend as well as Kiza's boyfriend."

"WAIT WHAT?!" I shouted. "You never told us that."

"I thought it wasn't important? Why? Do you care?" Kat came up to me and smiled deviously.

"No." I turned my head away. (Author's Note: Tsundere Kiyomaru. *shot*)

"Well they are actually ex's but they really didn't want to remain awkward after they broke up so they became good friends again." Kat smiled and I felt really relieved. Wait, why would I feel relieved, all she does is slap me into walls. I sighed and looked up at Kiza and Kiryu talking happily with each other. Why am I so insecure about being with Kiza, it's true she doesn't like perverts. Wait, did I just admit to myself that I was a pervert?!

"Well, Kiryu, since you've met the guys and Kuma, these 3 girls are Ender, Neige, and Ember. Oh and also a newcomer like you, Kaji."

"Hello~!" The three girls waved in unison. I grumbled. I felt someone grab my neck.

"So, I see Kiyo is jealous~!" Blaze teased me.

"As if!" I elbowed him in the gut.

"Urgh!" He fell to his knees from sudden air loss. I may have elbowed him to hard. "I'll get you ba-" He coughed.

"Blaze!" Kuma suddenly ran to his side and helped him up.

"I'm fine Kuma." He got out of Kuma's arms and stood up.

"Hey! How about we go bashing some zombies. If we bash now, the less we have to worry about right?" Kat was fired up.

"That sounds like a good idea." Kiryu crossed his arms smiling.

"Then it set!" Mario smiled mischievously and threw a thumbs up. We started heading out for the city.

Suki's PoV -

"Grr! Where is he!? Edan! Call her in!" I called one of my top females, she was also one of my friends when I was "alive". I heard the door open and I flicked my head towards the sound. There she stood, a girl wearing a dark grey collared shirt that revealed her belly button area and used a white ribbon as a tie. It was topped with a white and light grey striped jacket with a vest-like bodice and long sleeves that puffed a bit at the shoulders and black dress cuffs. She wore a skirt matching her jacket with black layers underneath. Connected to her skirt was a black bow that ran down from her waist. She had matching socks, white and light grey striped that were in the mid thigh area of her legs, connected to her undergarments with a white garter with a small black ribbon. Her shoes were white low heels with black bow clips that had white roses. Her black hair was topped off with a white top hat with a black band with dark grey diamond patterned connected to each other. She held a black, grey, and purple juggling pins white light grey stars on each of them in her hands.

"You called?"

"You made me wait."

"Strict as ever~! Edan how do you deal with her?" He ignored her question, because he knows if he answered that questions, I would've brought hell upon him.

"I need you to go find our dispatch. If you don't find him, I'll be taking away your cake." I picked up another skull on my table.

"M-my cake?! You monster!"

"I want you to lead that group, to me, I'll..." I stopped my sentence and crushed the skull to dust.

"Don't talk, I understand. Now, I'll be on my way~" She walked out of the room.

?'s PoV -

I walked through the dead city. So much ruin, made me want to laugh. I sighed. I can't believe I'm doing a goose chase after that moron. I hope he hasn't done anything reckless. I heard groaning. I turned my head and noticed a few corpses walking my way. I also remembered something.

"Shit." I stepped away from them. I wasn't granted the ability to control corpses, like Aisha or Elsword. I was an errand runner, and I monitored the areas, I was practically and inside person. The groaned and stretched their arms out towards me. I followed my instinct and bashed one of them in the head with my juggling pin. Blood splattered over my clothes.

"Ugh... how gross." There were more coming out of nowhere and I fled. I was tripping over my heels. Even low heels were hard to run in. One of my shoes came off but I kept running. Suki gave me those shoes, she practically gave me these clothes. She saved me, from discrimination when she was alive. And I couldn't be more grateful. Being a raised from a mime and a ringmaster, I was always raised in carnivals. When I moved to a more distinguished area, more civil, I was discriminated for my actions. I was never raised with manners, all I did was entertain. And she, Suki, stood up for me. I shook my head. Now is not the time to be going down memory lane. I'm running for my life. I stopped quickly and took off my other shoe. I picked it up and dashed for it. I held the 3 juggling pins between my fingers, and it hurt so much, but those were my only weapon of defense.

"Damn it, where the hell are you!" I ran in frustration.

Ketsueki's PoV -

We reached the city. It seemed quiet. We started walking further into the city.

"Hey! Guys! I found something!"I turned my head towards Neige. She held something in her small hands. "It's a shoe." Kat rushed up behind her and took a look at it.

"A very pretty shoe~! It's low-heeled. I wonder why someone would wear these out? They're too pretty~!" Kat smiled. "Can we keep it? Maybe we can find the other pair~!" Kiza laughed. I looked at Kaji. He seemed to be thinking to himself.

"Can I see that shoe?" Kaji asked.

"Here." Neige handed it to him. Kaji studied it closely. Like, really close. I heard him mumble under his breath, "This is hers. Where could she be?"

"I know who this shoe belongs to." He looked up from his inspection. Everyone suddenly turned their head towards him.

"Who?" I cocked my head to the side.

"An old colleague. Let's go for-" Kaji's sentence was cut off by a scream. A very feminine scream.

"Let's go!" I looked at everyone and we all ran to the scream. And there it all was. A girl with one shoe off, being cornered by corpses.

"Lyre!" Kaji shouted her name. He was about to charge until Ender put her arm in front of him. She took out her throwing knives and hit them all in the head. That's Mario's girl for ya. Lyre, she collapsed to her knees. Kaji crouched down to her. I was about to approach her but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ketsueki." Ember looked at me sternly. "Let these two have their moment." I nodded and went by her side. I looked at them and noticed the girl holding her head, eyes widened and frightened.

"Why can't I remember anything, why all of a sudden?!"

"It's traumatic amnesia, you must have gotten traumatized by the corpses," I said looking at her. Neige went up to her and held up her shoe.

"I'm sure this is yours. Here~!" The girl looked like she was about to go down in tears. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just scared, but you giving me my shoe reminds of something, some memory I can't lay a finger on... All that pops up is a girl with black hair and red eyes, very small and petite, and she's giving me something, but, why would I cry to that?"

"Maybe it was something dear?" Ember smiled. "We'll help you until you can get it back."

"W-why would I accept help from strangers..." The girl mumbled, fear dripping from her tone.

"Please, just come with us, we aren't harmful, we protect each other from dying." I looked at softly, not wanting to scare her further.

"If you don't want to die, then come with us. Staying together is what is keeping us alive." Ender's voice was stern and Mario nodded.

"Don't worry we can all bond, how about we introduce ourselves~ And during that we'll take you to our hideout!" Kat chirped. I took a look at Lyre and noticed the fear in her eyes slowly fading. She smiled happily.


Saki- I am so sorry it took so long! I will be working on One and Only soon.

Zaki- Slow little bi- *mouth gets covered*

Saki- How badly do you want to die? *mood change* Anyways, sorry again for the long wait! I haven't been keeping up in class at all.

Saki and Zaki- Well, hope to see you in the next chapter!

[ Saki and Zaki the Duck and Goose Lords ] have signed out.