A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for the late updates. I had some health problems and to add to that I had a busy schedule, so I haven't written in a while. This is actually the last part of this story. I know some of you wanted some more drama into the story, but as I said before, it is supposed to be a short series. Hope you like this. One question, when reading through this story, what song would pop up as you finished reading? Just curious. I actually have five songs that actually seems to stand out to me after I heard the Austin and Ally: Turn It Up album: Upside Down, Chasin' the Beat of My Heart, Stuck on You, Parachute, and Me and You. It doesn't have to be from Austin and Ally. Any song will do. No judgments. Disclaimer: I do not own Austin and Ally or anything from the show. They belong to their rightful owners. I also do not own the songs listed above. Hope you enjoy.
Part 5 (END)
If they were to be called one thing, they would be known as star-crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet or the Butterfly Lovers. But of course, two people wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. Who are they? Obviously, it's their friends, Trish and Dez. Their plan? Lock them in a closet and leave them there for an hour. It would have been the perfect plan if there wasn't a teensy tiny problem. The problem? They forgot about Austin and Ally. In the closet. That they locked them in. Two and a half hours had already passed by then.
Now, Austin and Ally are sitting down on the dusty floor of a cleaning supply closet. Of course, Ally was so nervous that she started cleaning the supply closet and added more dust onto Austin. Coughing, he told her to stop.
"Sorry, Austin. It's just that I'm scared," Ally said, her voice shaking.
Austin turned to his ex-girlfriend but still his best friend and the love of his life, Ally. He noticed Ally was shaking in fear. He immediately held her in an embrace, a tight enough embrace as if telling her he would not let her go.
Ally froze for a while but she slowly eased into it and found out that this embrace is all she needed after his break-up with her. No one could ever take away his position in her life.
"Ally, I broke up with Kelly," Austin said suddenly. Ally stiffened under Austin's arms. He even hugged her tighter when he felt her tense.
"Wh- what?" Ally asked, her heart was beating wildly against her chest. She still couldn't grasp what he just said.
"I can't lie anymore. I missed you, Ally. I need you. I love you. I have always loved you. It just took me seeing you with someone else and almost losing you to realize that," Austin whispered. It wasn't until Ally sniffled that she realized she was full out crying.
"I can't lie anymore either, Austin. Sheldon, he's my cousin. I actually pretended to date him," Ally said. Austin's eyes widened and he pulled away from the hug.
"What?" Austin yelled. Ally winced, and it made Ally cry harder. He sounded so angry. Austin saw how she cringed, and he shook his head. He didn't cry out in anger. No, not at all. He was just surprised.
"Ally, I'm not angry. Just tell me why," Austin stated.
Ally sighed and looked up at him in his eyes.
"I didn't want to get between you and Kelly. Kelly seemed to notice I still have feelings for you, and you two seemed very much in love that I didn't want to be the one to ruin it. So, against my better judgment, I had to do something. I called Sheldon up since he was going to be here for the summer anyways, so I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend because you, Trish, and Dez never met him before."
Austin, somehow felt relieved and hugged her again. He felt like screaming out loud at how happy and relieved he is that Ally is still his. But then his face scrunched his face in disgust.
"Ew, then that means you kissed your cousin," Austin said in a child-like tone for a more playful effect.
Ally rolled her eyes as she sniffled before giggling.
"If you had notice, all the kissing was just Sheldon kissing the top of my head," Ally pointed out.
Austin grinned happily before kissing her deeply on her lips. Ally returned it with just as much affection. The closet suddenly opened and numerous apologies were made by Trish and Dez, mostly Trish blaming how idiotic Dez was and slapping his arm without any mercy and Dez apologizing and asking Trish to have mercy on him.
They didn't realize that Austin and Ally were hugging each other with bright smiles on their faces and laughing at their friends' usual banter.
"So, should we tell them?" Ally asked in a whisper.
Austin looked towards her with a confused look.
"Tell them what?" Austin questioned back. Ally rolled her eyes with a blush showing on her cheeks.
"If the kiss and the hug doesn't mean anything then I guess there's nothing to tell," Ally said with a dramatic sigh. Austin's eyes widened and shook his head.
"No! No, of course, there's something to tell. Dez! Trish! We're together again!" Austin said frantically, his arms flailing about almost hitting Ally on the face. Ally rolled her eyes but she couldn't help herself and giggled in the end.
Of course, if there is one part of a story, there is always another side of the same story. Here is Ally's side.
Ally saw the nervous look on Austin's face as if he was going to tell her the most terrible news. It was actually the same look when a boy wanted to break off a relationship he was with. She had seen so many break-ups in that way. And now, Ally knew it was her turn to go through the heart break like all the other girls had.
Before he could say a word though, Ally spoke up first. She wouldn't be able to handle it if he spoke those words to her, and so she asked first. And to her dismay, he confirmed that he, indeed, wanted to break up with her. Truthfully, it didn't hurt any less. It truly felt like a sword had penetrated her heart, and Austin allowed it to bleed it before him. He gave her an excuse that he didn't feel the same feelings he had for her. And she knew then that she had to ask him the most painful question she had to ever ask in her life.
"I just want to know. Have you found someone you like or fallen in love with?" Her voice sounded meek, but she was truly hiding the shaking of her voice. She had to be strong not only for him but for her too. She wasn't going to let herself cry in front of Austin because she still cares for him.
When she met his gaze, she knew then that he did in fact found someone else. The way he looked guilty said it all. She felt sick like she was ready to vomit and scream out at him, but she held it in. She didn't last though because her tears poured out her eyes. She said her congratulations and told him her goodbye before running away.
She tried her best to show everyone she was fine when she knew she wasn't after hearing how happy Austin was with his new girlfriend named Kelly. She could feel her heart breaking all over again, but she pretended she was fine. After all, Ally Dawson has decided to be independent from him. One day, she decided to walk around the park but froze when she saw Austin laying his back on the grass and watching the clouds. It was rather shocking because Austin always told her cloud watching was boring. And now, here he is, watching the clouds float by. She wondered if his girlfriend managed to make him interested in that hobby. It hurt Ally deeply but she wouldn't show it. Never. Never to Austin because she still cared.
And so, that is how their reunion became and how she tried to get back into his life as his best friend again. Unlike their first break-up, Ally found it hard to get close to him as she used to be because she still had feelings for him.
When she met Kelly, she thought she saw the female version of Austin. She acted somewhat like Austin being care-free and all as well as having the same interests like he did. She was the complete opposite of Ally. It hurt Ally the most when Kelly said some hurtful things, but she took it like an adult. Unlike Trish who tried to beat her up or Dez who tried to stare angrily at her, she smiled and let it go until one particular moment she couldn't take it anymore. She spoke her mind and that sent everyone to silence. Ally Dawson wasn't a meek and dependent individual. Austin showed her to become confident, and she did. Ally Dawson was no pushover. Not anymore.
After a while of spending time with Team Austin, Austin's girlfriend started to notice Ally's feelings for Austin. Not wanting for her to suspect any further. She had asked for help, and she had it in the form of her cousin who was like a brother to her. If anybody had ever noticed, Ally Dawson never once kissed Sheldon.
Austin and Ally. Their names suited each other very well. They were exact opposites though. One was a fun-loving and care-free while the other was serious and careful. But even then, they loved each other deeply. So deeply, in fact, that they hid their true feelings for the other to be happy. When one of them had doubts of their relationship and found false love in another, the other let it be and moved on with her life for him to be happy. But little did she know, the man found out his love for the other woman was false from the beginning and all he wanted was to be with the love of his life, Ally. Unfortunately, Ally was in relationship with another. And so, the man was stuck with being in a false love. As for the one known as Ally, she never forgot her love for Austin and so she made a play of her own. She pretended to move on. Unknown to Austin, the man she was with was scripted. Because the man she was with was not who he claimed he was to be. And so, the lovers played out their characters, not knowing their feelings for each other.
Now, everything is fine. Fear should never prevent you from taking a step forward. Who knows? There may be a bright side to your darkened road, you just need to let your fears go. It may be a tough road, but it doesn't mean that it can never be crossed. And somehow, you will be able to cross the road you needed.