A/N: WARNING: Okay, so before I go into the disclaimer, I should warn my readers that this chapter marks the point in the story where it is going to link up with another series of mine and, while it will contain the same elements that I intended from the beginning (i.e. LydiaXBeetlejuice), it will also reference this series heavily as it is essential to this plot and the plot of that series. This story and the other series will essentially be different points of view of the same idea. However, it may make more sense to you guys if you were to read the series that I'm referencing. You can find the series on my profile, of course. It is called You've Got Fanmail. I am currently working on the third one. The third one is the point where I'm tying this story into that series, but everything will make so much more sense if you were to read them due to the extensive backstory. I hope that none of you think that this is coming right out of the blue because I have made a point of hinting throughout this story by mentioning the existence of other canons and such. That being said, it is not exactly necessary for one to do so because this can stand alone. Thanks for reading this little note!

I own nothing!

"We should do something." Lydia was lying with her face buried in her pillows. "I'm dangerously close to being bored." Suddenly she was levitating slowly farther and farther up until her back hit the ceiling. At this point, she was not entirely perturbed at being manipulated by his juice. In fact, she was starting to get used to and perhaps even like the feeling.

Beetlejuice appeared under her with his feet planted firmly on nothing but air. "Ya know what I do when I'm almost bored?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, which she pointedly ignored. "Naw, in all seriousness babes, I know what ye'll like. Let's take a tour." He guided her back to the ground. "There are loads o' places besides this one."

"You can take me around the world?" She said in awe. "Like India or China or-"

"Psh, I thought you'd think up better places than those," He made a face and rolled his eyes in a bored manner. "We could go around the world, I guess, if you aren't up to visiting other worlds."

"You mean the Neitherworld? I've already been there." He rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "Wait, are you implying that there are other worlds besides this one and the Neitherworld?"

"Well, of course there are, babes! The universe would be so much more borin' if this was the only world in it. I mean, come on, this place has its highlights, but let's face facts; this world is pretty fuckin' bland." He smirked knowingly and polished his fingernails on his jacket. "I've been to loads of places, ya know. I used to work for that ol' bird Juno for awhile and she sent me all over th' damn place. I only stuck around as long as I did 'cause it was a sweet deal bein' able to mess around in other worlds. That's why I left, ya see, Juno put me on paperwork duty after I made a bit of a mess in King Incarnadine's Castle Perilous-"

She put up her hands. "Hold on, I'm confused. How can you still travel between worlds now that you're no longer working under Juno?" Why did the name Castle Perilous sound so familiar?

Beetlejuice cackled, his ghastly face lit up with a mischievous fervor. "Well, everybody dies, babes, but there are worlds out there where people die and yet can technically still exist in their world. It's sort of like being a ghost, but not entirely. There's more to it, but I'm not going to go into detail because I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. Anyway, these people still need to visit the Neitherworld just like any other dead people and they manage to do this through portals that connect all of the worlds in the universe."


"Yes, and those same portals are used to transport mail between worlds. Castle Perilous is where the main post office for all of the worlds is located and I sometimes slip in there and mess around a little to have a bit of fun." He said all of that so naturally as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

"What kind of mail?" She couldn't fathom how any of it could be possible and she kind of suspected that he was pulling her leg.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "You honestly have no idea? Haven't you ever gotten fanmail before? Haven't you ever had a weird letter written to you from someone you don't know that seemed to appear out of thin air?"

She thought hard about it and realized that she had. She'd received several 'letters' of an odd (and sometimes creepy) nature in the mail. None of the letters had any return address except for...except for the words..."Castle Perilous! Yes, I have..what does that mean, though? I thought that it was just some sort of sick joke by a local asshole or something."

He grinned widely. "Babes, have you ever heard of the term 'fanfiction'?"

Juno rubbed her eyes tiredly. She looked up at the magnificent figure in front of her who held the crystal that she'd just finished staring into. "Thank you, King Jareth." She leaned back in her chair and sighed. "I didn't realize that the girl was unaware of the circumstances of the collective worlds." She couldn't help enjoying the irony of the idea that Beetlejuice would be the one to nudge Lydia into knowledge of these things. "Well, this certainly puts a lot more stress on me because now I have to deal with Beetlejuice's upcoming reincarnation as well as this mess. God, I never get a damn break."

The Goblin King smiled patiently. "Madame, King Incarnadine has always been aware of Beetlejuice's 'messing around' with the portals between canons. He chose to look the other way because he understands the nature of canon characters; that we can only ever be what our world has chosen to make us into." He made the crystal vanish with a complicated juggling motion. "It is a sad truth, is it not? However, I think the young lady will take the news much better from him than if she'd learned any other way."

She contemplated this statement for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I think you are quite right."

"King Incarnadine has also made sure to have two of his employees meet with the self-proclaimed Ghost With The Most when the two of them arrive at Castle Perilous. In fact, the employees he's chosen are my personal friends and I have known the pair of them for several years. We saved the canon-verse together multiple times."

Juno chuckled a bit to herself. "I think I know who you're talking about. After all, who hasn't heard about the problem that started in Middle-Earth a few years back. And I remember that episode with the demons that you and your bunch of friends took care of." She tapped her lips with a pen. "Hmm, aren't you all in the middle of something else now, too?"

Jareth nodded. "The Fanfiction Hall of Fame and Infamy is nearly completed with the exception of the rooms which will hold the Fame and Infamy Lists, however King Incarnadine entrusted one of his employees with the Infamy List and, through a series of unfortunate events and at no fault of any one person in particular, the List has been lost to the internet. " Her eyes widened with alarm as she understood the implications of such a thing. He sighed gravely. "I must return now to search the internet with my comrades, but I will do you a small kindness before I leave."

He reached into his cloak and retrieved a blue envelope. "King Incarnadine has sent this petition to your superiors which will prevent the reincarnation from happening until the Infamy List has been found. I'm sorry that this did not come sooner, but we attempted to conceal the List's disappearance from King Incarnadine, which was a futile effort. "

"Thank you, my friend. I wish you and the others good luck." She took the order gratefully. There were very few people who could overrule her superiors and the deadline for Beetlejuice's reincarnation paperwork had been set too close for comfort. This had come as a pleasant surprise for her. "Goodbye, your majesty."

"Goodbye." He bowed and stepped back into the swirling portal that he'd entered through.