Here is a Fanfic I thought I should do for Pirihon and I hope you will enjoy!


Philippines POV

I was angry at Japan. Whenever I would hear his name my blood would boil and hate fills me up with rapid speed. He attacks my people and my country not only that, he attacks my other family members of the east as well. Kuya China, Kuya Korea, Ate Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Ate Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Brunei, and everyone else are all under his clutches as well as more. How could he be so vile? If it wasn't for Kuya America, my country would have demolished completely I bet. I heard of the victories my people had with Kuya America's, and was full of joy. I wanted Japan to sink into the ocean for what he did to my people, my country, and his own family.

The only thing that I couldn't understand was why won't he surrender now? It was obvious he would be defeated, but he still kept on going as if his life depended on it. When I asked America this, he explained to me when he first met Japan.

"You see Piri, Japan isolated himself for two-hundred years to avoid being taken over. At first his people were scared of our big ships and you should have seen the look on their faces!" America laughed aloud.

"Get to it already!" I said impatiently.

"Alright well hm… I guess you could say he wanted to become stronger. He wanted to become a powerful modern country and he did. I, myself admired him as well as others. The only thing was, well, he wanted to still get stronger creating an empire in the East Pacific. He wanted to do more. The only reason why he won't surrender was he won't let go…"

"Won't let go?"

"He still won't let go of his culture."

I thought about this for a while before replying. I thought that culture is always a good thing no matter what. Kuya Spain nearly made me let go, but I still cling to my past. "Isn't culture good though? It helps people connect to their roots," I finally replied questioning.

"Right right. Let me rephrased this. Instead of saying culture, I meant their thinking. You see, to Japan and his country surrender is not an option. If you were Japanese, you would not give yourself to the enemy. You would not surrender, but commit suicide because it will bring shame upon your country, family, and yourself."

"S-suicide! Shame my ass!"

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"How are we supposed to make him surrender? If his people will kill themselves, then how is he suppose to surrender?"

"I've been thinking about a plan but-"

"Then do it now!" I was enraged. I couldn't believe his people would go so far to kill themselves. He would even have his people kill themselves as well as others, it makes me frustrated.

"Piri calm down, okay? The thing is… it will cause much destruction in Japan."


"I'm planning on use nuclear bombs."

"If that's the only way then sure." I didn't care for that monster. He definitely deserved it!

"Piri… Alright well I'll think about it more. Oh yeah! China has come here to visit you Piri. He will probably come this afternoon."

"Hm… fine I guess." Well at least Kuya China will come here to visit. I haven't seen him in a long time since the war started.

When Kuya China arrived, he was wearing a sling on his right arm. "K-kuya! Are you alright?" I raced towards him at the front door and hugged him. "Kuya…"

"P-Piri? It's alright I'm fine aru. How are you? I haven't seen any of the family in ages it seems," he chuckled taking a seat in the living room. Kuya and I talked about the past and finally went to the war. We both talked about our struggles and our thanks to Kuya America and the others for their support and thought about how the rest were doing. When I mention on how Kuya America was going to use nuclear bombs on Japan, he seemed a little concerned.

"Kuya? Is something wrong with the idea?" I asked.

"Well… it's just… I'm worried about Japan aru."

"Why are you worried? He did terrible things to you, me, and everybody! All of the things he did were unforgivable." I couldn't believe what Kuya was saying. Kuya has suffered a much longer time as well as Korea and he is still worried about him? Why?

"Piri. There is something I want to talk about aru." He thought for a moment and began to speak again. "Remember when everyone was being colonized and everyone was trying to resist?" I nodded. "And some thought of you as a traitor for being more westernized."

"Yes I remember those days." Remembering them was kind of painful at the time. Kuya Spain did some terrible things to my people. His boss was trying to let go of my people's culture. I didn't trust him but I'm starting to forget since now that my people are not in his hands and that happen many years ago.

"Even so we still thought of you as part of the whole family. Even the ones who doubted you at first started to not care about that anymore. No matter what we are still family. No matter what circumstance, we are still family Piri." I thought about it. Even back then, Kuya and everyone else still thought of me as family. Even Japan… I started to question my thoughts and opinions of Japan. 'He went through a lot' I thought. 'He as well… had as much pain as we did.'

Weeks later America bombed Japan twice. On both days I silently cried, with not the slightest anger towards him. I prayed that he wasn't in either Hiroshima or Nagasaki at that time. I prayed that he was still living and would surrender. Not because of hate, but because of not using any more bombs on him. "Please!" I cried. "Please surrender. I don't want you to suffer any longer!" Tears fell and I softly whispered, "Kuya Japan." Finally I found out that Japan finally surrendered. I heard also that Kuya America is helping Japan out again to rebuild the country. Before he went, he visited me for a while. Before he left, I called him.

"Kuya America!" He looked back wondering if something might be wrong.

"Is something wrong?"

"Um thank you Kuya for everything. You helped me out and everyone else. You worked so hard in supporting everyone and I."

"Ah don't mention it. That's what a hero does remember? They help everyone out!"



"Also thank you for helping Kuya."

"Which kuya? Do you mean-" I nodded.

"Hm. I'm glad you feel that way. Japan a great friend you know." He smiled. "Well off I go. Bye Piri!"

I waved good bye. I hope America could help Kuya Japan out. He needs it much more than I do.

Hetalia does not belong to me.

I hoped you enjoyed it. If you want please review.