A/N: I have been gone for an unacceptable period of time, and I'm sorry. I am very ill and I don't know why, my Dad has been in and out of the hospital, and my Mom has lost her job, had surgery, fallen over the stair railing, and gotten a new job. I have been stressed to the extreme. I am very sorry. The next chapters for my stories are in the works, except for 'Can You Save Me?'. That is on a temporary hiatus until my life becomes a little less chaotic. It WILL be finished. I promise.

This challenge is from Meriko-chan on deviantart.

First Impression

Mutou Yuugi was headed to the first day of high school. He glanced down at his uniform jacket for the third time. He was so small that none of the uniforms fit him right; he thought he probably looked ridiculous. His sleeves were rolled up slightly and the jacket was too long. He was so busy worrying about his appearance that he didn't notice the boy in front of him until he ran into his back.

"I-I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Yuugi asked while bowing and fiddling with the straps of his bag. He peeked up nervously and was shocked at what he saw. The boy in front of him was a little taller than himself, with similar porcupine-like hair that had a few more blond streaks than Yuugi's.

He was handsome.

Yuugi was snapped out of his shock when the boy said, "I'm fine. Ano, would you happen to know how to get to Domino High School? I can't seem to find it." Yuugi smiled brightly.

"I'm headed there too! Want to walk together?" he asked, before blushing slightly and adding, "By the way, my name is Mutou Yuugi. What's yours?"

"Atemu Yami. Yeah, let's walk together. I wouldn't want to get lost." He joked.

Yuugi glanced at his watch and gasped. "We are going to be late! Come on!" he said, grabbing Yami's wrist and running. Yami laughed at his eagerness.

Maybe freshman year wouldn't be so bad.